Collection number: MC 92
Size: 84 boxes(24 cu.ft.)
About Ralph Page (1903-1985)
A lifelong resident of New Hampshire, Ralph George Page was born in Munsonville on January 28, 1903 and died on February 21, 1985 in Keene, where he had been living for many years. He married Ada Novak in 1945, and the following year they produced a daughter, Laura Susan. Two grandchildren, Seth and Erica, to whom Page was deeply devoted, were born in 1970 and 1974 respectively. Page is buried in the family plot in the Munsonville Cemetery.
Ralph Page’s career as a dance caller began quite accidentally. After leaving school, he held a number of full and part-time jobs and played guitar at local dances. On December 6, 1930 he was supposed to play at the Stoddard, N.H. dance when the scheduled caller, Harry Frazier, who had driven Ralph to the dance that night, developed laryngitis and informed him that he would have take over the calling duties. Though that night has been described as a “disaster,” Ralph continued to call for the next 54 years, pursuing his chosen occupation with such single-mindedness and application, as well as evident pleasure, that he became one of the leading callers of his time and an important figure in the history of traditional dance in America.
Page first gained recognition beyond his Keene, New Hampshire home area when, in 1943, he began leading a weekly square and contra dance at the YWCA in Boston, MA., a series which continued for 25 years. During the early days of the YWA dances, he befriended Michael Herman, and this friendship eventually led to a number of recordings for which Page furnished the music and calling, first on the Disc label in 1946 and then on Herman’s own Folk Dancer label in 1951. The squares and contras on the latter are among the most popular recordings of their kind. Page was one of three founders of the New England Folk Festival Association (NEFFA) in 1945 and served as its president for several years. The ongoing success of the annual NEFFA Festival, which takes place in April in the Boston area, and is the largest dance festival of its kind, can be attributed to Page’s early contributions. The festival’s blend of contra, square, and folk dancing with music, song, crafts, and food are an embodiment of Page’s own philosophy.
In April, 1949, Page began publication of his Northern Junket magazine, which he continued to publish single-handedly for 35 years, producing a total of 165 issues. Far-reaching in scope, each issue contained directions and tunes for squares, contras and folk dances as well as folk songs, recipes, riddles, tongue-twisters, old wives’ tales, and other folklife traditions, and there was always a forthright editorial. The magazine was a labor of love for Page: he did everything from editing the copy to affixing the stamps and carrying the finished, mimeographed copies to the post office.
Page was on the staff of the first Maine Folk Dance Camp in 1949, and the following year he and his wife established the first of a series of New Hampshire Folk Dance Camps. In 1950, Page began teaching at dance camps in Georgia, California, Canada, and in other parts of New England. This led, in the spring of 1956, to his being chosen by the State Department as one of five dance teachers to be included during a U.S. sponsored seven-week tour of Japan. In 1966, Page spent two months in England teaching and calling contra dances in a series of 37 events. A by-product of this visit to England was the recording by the Southerners Orchestra (from Kent) of an album entitled Southerners Plus Two Play Ralph Page, which contained eleven of Ralph’s original tunes. This record, together with a companion book, The Ralph Page Book of Contras, was produced by the English Folk Dance and Song Society.
In 1977, Ralph Page received the Granite State Award given to outstanding citizens of New Hampshire. This award acknowledged not only his talents as a dance teacher, caller, and musician, but also his contributions to community life as a selectman for Nelson, NH from 1932-1938 and as president of the Cheshire County Historical Society for 15 years. In 1980, Callerlab, an international square dance organization, honored Page with their Milestone Award at a Miami Beach ceremony.
As an omnivorous reader and a bibliophile, Page had two great loves – history and mystery stories. His passion for the former led him to many libraries and historical societies, where he sought out old dance books and manuscripts as well as accounts of significant or interesting New England happenings; his love of the latter spurred him to write mystery stories of his own, including an unpublished novel.
Biographical information from: Roger Knox & Ted Sannella, “Ralph Page: A Short Biography,” and from Keene State College Honors Convocation Program, Sunday, October 16, 1977.
About the Ralph Page Manuscript Collection
The Ralph Page Manuscript Collection contains Ralph’s correspondence (from the early 1940s until his death), personal notebooks, daily calendars, scrapbooks, numerous manuscripts (including an unpublished novel), dance calls and instruction, programs from folk festivals, camps, and dances, typescripts of early books on dancing, dance camp syllabi, sheet music, printed musical arrangements, instructional notebooks, films, and subject files that contain information on folk song and dance, folk culture, and other subject areas in which Ralph was interested, as well as memorabilia and photographs.
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
This collection is open.
Copyright Notice
Contents of this collection are governed by U.S. copyright law. For questions about publication or reproduction rights, contact Special Collections staff.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], [Folder number], [Box number], Ralph Page Manuscript Collection, 1940-1985, MC 92, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.
Acquisitions Information
Purchased jointly with the New England Folk Festival Association (NEFFA) from Ada Page in 1986 (Accession number: 8686). Subsequent materials are mostly donations from multiple sources, usually associated with NEFFA (Accession numbers: multiple).
See also: Ralph Page’s library of approximately 600 books and periodicals (including a complete run of his own Northern Junket), pamphlets, and over 1,400 recordings.
Collection Contents
- Series 1: Correspondence
- Subseries A: From Ralph Page
- Subseries B: To Ralph Page
- Subseries C: Others to Others
- Series 2: Manuscripts
- Subseries A: Ralph Page's Manuscripts
- Subseries B: Northern Junket
- Subseries C: Manuscripts by Others
- Series 3: Personal Notebooks
- Series 4: Daily Calendars
- Series 5: Scrapbooks
- Series 6: Personal and Subject Files
- Series 7: Dance Calls, Instructions, and Music Manuscripts
- Series 8: Typescripts of Early American and British Dance Books and Manuscripts
- Series 9: Festival Programs
- Series 10: Dance Programs
- Subseries A: With Ralph Page
- Subseries B: Without Ralph Page
- Series 11: Folk Dance Camp Programs
- Series 12: Sheet Music
- Subseries A: Individual Songs
- Subseries B: Books and Collections
- Series 13: Printed Musical Arrangements
- Series 14: Dance Music and Instructions (Leslie Hunt Notebooks)
- Series 15: Dance Camp Syllabi
- Series 16: Photographs
- Subseries A: Including Ralph Page
- Subseries B: Others
- Series 17: Super 8mm Films
- Series 18: Miscellaneous Items
- Series 19: Oversize Items
Series 1: Correspondence
(15 Boxes)
Subseries A: From Ralph Page
Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | Letters from Ralph Page, 1938-1957: To Lillian Abbott; Dick Anderson; Walter Buckminster; Heber Dunkle; Gene Gowing; Roger Knox; Ed Moody; Mr. Scarlett 1938 (3); John Southland | |
Box 1, Folder 2 | Letters from Ralph Page, 1959-1975: To Don Armstrong; Charlie Baldwin; Rich Castner; Irvin Davis; Bill Freeman; Frank Kaltman; Rod Linnell; Verra Linnell; Michael McKernan 1983 (1); Lannie McQuaid; Gregoire Marcil; Don Messer; Ada Page; Laura Page; Ted Sannella; J. Howard Schultz; Marianne Taylor; Arthur Tufts | |
Box 1, Folder 3 | Letters from Ralph Page, 1976-1983: To Alan Corkett; John M. Forbes; Chip Hendrickson; Kem Hillyer; Mary and Bill Jennings; Roger Knox; Bob Krebs; Dudley Laufman; Lannie McQuaid; Elanor Seegers | |
Box 1, Folder 4 | Letters from Ralph Page, 1984: To Ed Butenhof [see correspondence from Butenhof, Box 2 f.19]; John M. Forbes; Chip Hendrickson; Ken and Fay Hillyer; Mary and Bill Jennings; Roger Knox; Lannie McQuaid; Ed Moody; David Sloane; W. Tracey; Bev and Ginny Wilder |
Subseries B: To Ralph Page
Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 5 | Fred and Linda Aalto; Lillian Abbott; Isidore Abramowitz; Joel Ackerman; Ann and Dave Adams; Leland Adams; Ralph Adams | |
Box 1, Folder 6 | Dorothy Agin; Jerr Agin; Julius Aginm; George Agoston; Bob and Jane Ailey; Alcazar Productions; Violet Alford; Alhambra (cigars); Bonnie Allen; Don Allen; Dorrie Allen; Elsie Allen; Peg Allmond; Katharine Alverson; Hollis Alpert | |
Box 1, Folder 7 | American Antiquarian Society; American Federation of Musicians; American Folklore Society; American Square Dance | |
Box 1, Folder 8 | American Squares, 1948 | |
Box 1, Folder 9 | American Squares, 1949-1950 | |
Box 1, Folder 10 | American Squares, 1951-1952 | |
Box 1, Folder 11 | American Squares, 1953-1965 | |
Box 1, Folder 12 | The American West; Bernice Anderson; Mrs. Cleo V. Anderson; Dick Anderson; Virginia Anderson; Pete and Hannah Andrews; Francisca Reyes Aquino, 1962(1) | |
Box 1, Folder 13 | Don Armstrong, 1954-1976 | |
Box 1, Folder 14 | Don Armstrong, 1978-1983 and undated | |
Box 1, Folder 15 | Marie Armstrong, 1960-1984; Dorth and Hank Arnold, Nov 3, 1955 (1); Fige and Rachel Arnold, 1974-1975 (2); Margery Arnold, n.d. (2); Bruno Aron, 1956-1960 (3); Andre Arsenault, 1959-1976 (7); Maude Ashman, Nov, 18 1955 (1) | |
Box 1, Folder 16 | Association Press; Don and Sally Atkinson; Dick Atlee; Ed Austion; Mrs. Earl Avery; Will Ayer; Rochman Ayers | |
Box 1, Folder 17 | Meg and Bob Alyward; Lori Azzartio | |
Box 1, Folder 18 | Jean Babbitt and Martin Barharach, 1961-1973 | |
Box 1, Folder 19 | Martin Barharach, 1974-1976 | |
Box 1, Folder 20 | Martin Barharach, 1977-1979 | |
Box 1, Folder 21 | Martin Barharach, 1980-1984 | |
Box 1, Folder 22 | Gary W. Bacon; Kate Badrick; Majorie Baechler; Dick Baer; Hillie Bailey; Charlie Baldwin, 1949-1958 (16) | |
Box 1, Folder 23 | Charlie Baldwin, 1959-1964 (17) | |
Box 1, Folder 24 | Charlie Baldwin, 1966-1968 (20) | |
Box 1, Folder 25 | Charlie Baldwin, 1969-1971 (13) | |
Box 1, Folder 26 | Charlie Baldwin, 1972-1974 (18) | |
Box 1, Folder 27 | Charlie Baldwin, 1975-1978 (15) | |
Box 1, Folder 28 | Charlie Baldwin, 1979-1984 and undated (12) | |
Box 1, Folder 29 | Glenn Bannerman, 1960-1966 | |
Box 1, Folder 30 | Glenn Bannerman, 1968-1981 | |
Box 1, Folder 31 | Glenn Bannerman, 1982 and undated | |
Box 2 | ||
Box 2, Folder 1 | J.B. Barbieri; E.T. Bardwell; Trevor Barker; F.W. Barrett; Beth Barrell (Yankee Magazine); Mary Barthelemy; Bill Barton; Beverly Bass; Perkins Bass | |
Box 2, Folder 2 | William Bauhan; Harold Bausch; Jeanne Bauvier; Roy Bay; John and Tina Beattie; Beaux n'Belles Square Dance Club; Ken Beck; Bob Beers; Frances Behan; Vyts F. Beliajus | |
Box 2, Folder 3 | G. Bell & Sons (1); Joesph and Beatrice Bell; Ruth Bell | |
Box 2, Folder 4 | Kelly Beller, 1980 (1); Claire Belya, 1959 (5); Jo Bemis, 1959-1975 (20) | |
Box 2, Folder 5 | John Bender; Nancy Bender; Bob Bennett; John Bennett; Mary and Dick Bennett; Dora Benton; Trina Benton | |
Box 2, Folder 6 | David Berkowitz; Leo Bernache; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bernard; Ben and April Bernstein; Al Berry; Marion Bertenshaw, 1963 (1); Linda Bethon; F. Furman Betts | |
Box 2, Folder 7 | L. Bickel; Tony Biconish; E.W. Bischoff; Bob Bish; Allison Bishop; Ralph Black; Robert Black; Betsy Blackwelder; John L. Blair; Judith Blank; Richard Blazej; Hildred and John Blewett; J. Earl Bley; Allan Block | |
Box 2, Folder 8 | Sunny Bloland; Howard Bloom; Florence Blume; Joe Blundon, 1947-1961 (5); Greg Boardman; Bud Boadsgaard; Olga Bogach, 1944; Jean Bollinger; Frank Bonner; Roland Booma; Rachel Boone; Harry and Elie Bortz; Paul Bossart; Boston Globe; Boston Herald | |
Box 2, Folder 9 | Boston YWCA (Mary Gillette, Robin Bowditch, others) | |
Box 2, Folder 10 | Harriet Botham; Pat Boucher; Jim Bowers; Lila and Frank Boyd; Eleanor Boyer; Joy Boykin; Linda Bradford; Edwin C. Brassington; W. Joseph Bray; Fred Breunig; Ewin Brewer; Carol, Joe, Jill and Terry Brick; Dave Bridgham | |
Box 2, Folder 11 | Dudley Briggs | |
Box 2, Folder 12 | Harry E. Brigham; Brigham Young University; Ben Brilliant; British Association of American Square Dance Clubs, 1966 (1); British Consulate-General, 1966 (1); Susan Broner (1); Earl Brooks (1); Camille Brochu (1); Jimmy Bronn; Johnny Brown; Maurice Brown; Vonnie Brown; Ed Brummer | |
Box 2, Folder 13 | Pat Brumquist; Al Brundage; Audrey Brundage; Bob Brundage; Gene Brundage; Mary Brundage; Darwin Bryan; Fred Bryant; Pauline Bubrick | |
Box 2, Folder 14 | Earl Buckley, 1951-1956 | |
Box 2, Folder 15 | Earl Buckley, 1957-1982 | |
Box 2, Folder 16 | Earl Buckley, undated | |
Box 2, Folder 17 | Hanny Budnick; Nancy Buckmaster; Merton Buckminster; Mildred Buhler; Mary Bumstead; Bill and Mary Bunning; Ivor Burge; Burgess Publishing Co.; Lee Burke; Curly Burnap; Haydon Burns, Governor of Florida; Lynn Burr; Merrill Burton; Thomas Burton | |
Box 2, Folder 18 | Leon Busby; Bu Bush; Elliott and Bunn Buskey | |
Box 2, Folder 19 | Ed and Barb Butenhof; Alan Butler; Ed Butler; Roberta Butler; Priscilla Butterfield | |
Box 2, Folder 20 | Irene Butts; Thad Byrne; Ray Buzzell | |
Box 2, Folder 21 | Joe Cada; Dorthoy Calkins; Wellington Caldwell; Callerlab, 1975-1980 (5); Canadian Folk Dance Society; Cantabrigia Book Shop; Ethel Capps; Jeannie Carmichael; Vern Carmichael; Barbara Carnes; George Carpenter; Ralph Carpenter; Joan Carr; Joe Carsten, undated (1); Michel Carier; Betty Casey; Joe Casey; Frank and Marie Cassady | |
Box 2, Folder 22 | Rich Castner, 1949-1982 (32) | |
Box 2, Folder 23 | Rich Castner, undated (22) | |
Box 2, Folder 24 | Steve Cates; Norman Cazden; Ceilia Cebe; Centrum; Hellen Chace | |
Box 2, Folder 25 | Donald Chambers, 1941-1968 | |
Box 2, Folder 26 | Donald Chambers, 1970-1976 and undated | |
Box 2, Folder 27 | Helen Chan; Howard Chase; Mic Chase; Judy Chasin; Jathleen Chedsey; Lois Chesebrough; Chicago Area Callers Association; Manny Choper; Alfred Chretien; Carroll Christopher; Jeanne Christopher | |
Box 2, Folder 28 | Thelma Cibel; Gwen Clancy; George Clapper; George Clark; Don Clausen; Don Clayton; Florence Clemens; James Cleveland; Patio Challis; David Cobb; George Coffin; Arthur Cole; Walt and Lousie Cole, Cole's Bookstore, 1981 (1); College of the Atlantic | |
Box 3 | ||
Box 3, Folder 1 | Fred and Mary Collette | |
Box 3, Folder 2 | Daniel Michael Collins; Harold Collins; Paul Collins; Colony House Museum; Columbia University; Columbus Folk Dancers; Dayton Colville | |
Box 3, Folder 3 | Bert Combs, Governor of Kentucky; The Connecticut Square Dance Callers and Teachers Association, Inc.; Joe Connelly; Margaret Conrad; Stella Conrad; Phil Cook; Muriel Cootie; Becky Cope; Copley Plaza; Father Ed Coppinger | |
Box 3, Folder 4 | Alan Corkett, 1967-1973 | |
Box 3, Folder 5 | Alan Corkett, 1974-1982 and undated | |
Box 3, Folder 6 | Monica Corneau; Cornell Folk Dancers; Susan Corse; John Cosgrove; The Cotillion Courier; Leonne Cottle; Norris Cotton; Country Dance Society, Boston Center | |
Box 3, Folder 7 | Country Dance Society of America, 1958-1965 | |
Box 3, Folder 8 | Country Dance and Song Society of America, 1968-1983 | |
Box 3, Folder 9 | Judith Cowen; Doug Cox; Matlack Crane; Bill Cranford; Hazel Crawley; Marian Crossman; The Cross-Trailer; Dick Crum 1968-1983 | |
Box 3, Folder 10 | Harry and Eillen Cullum; Cumberland County Recreation Council; William Cummin; Pauline Cunningham; E.C. Curtis; Helena Curtis; Mary Cusack; Susan Hillister Cushman; Robert Cutter; Jack Cutler; Andor and An Czompo | |
Box 3, Folder 11 | Alice Daley; Bob Dalsemer; Laura Kirkman Dalzell; S. Foster Damon; The Dance Away Library; Dance Magazine; Danceland Records; Gil and Kathe Daniels, 1949-1950 (3); Pricislla Holems Darling; Howard J. Darrington III; Mimi Davidson; Barbara Davis; Charlotte Thayer Davis; Elizabeth Davis; Howie Davison; Ruth Davidson; Mel and Helen Day | |
Box 3, Folder 12 | Alura Flores DeAngeles; Cookie Deeg; Arthur DeGraff; Dick Delery; Harry Del Rose; Helen Del Vecchio | |
Box 3, Folder 13 | Dora De Michele undated (2); Dorthoy Denniston, 1962 (1); DeLores DeRyke, 1963-1979 (7); Joyce Desmarais, 1975-1978 (5); Devin-Adair Company, 1948-1949 (3); Dexter (1) | |
Box 3, Folder 14 | Rachel Dhonau; Dottie Dicks; Sydney Dictor; Everett Dievendorf; Harry Dixon, 1966 (2) | |
Box 3, Folder 15 | Roy Dommett,; Double H Club, Jeffersonville, Indiana; Randall Doughty; Dee Downs; George Downs; Daphne Drewello; Lo Draper; Jerry Duke; Alice Dudley; Duell, Sloan & Pearce, Inc.; Carol Dunham; Bukk and Mary Dunn | |
Box 3, Folder 16 | Gretel Dunsing, 1951-1963 | |
Box 3, Folder 17 | Gretel and Paul Dunsing, 1964 | |
Box 3, Folder 18 | Gretel and Paul Dunsing, 1965-1971 | |
Box 3, Folder 19 | Gretel and Paul Dunsing, 1972-1976 | |
Box 3, Folder 20 | Gretel and Paul Dunsing, 1977-1982, and undated | |
Box 3, Folder 21 | Bernice Durkee; John Durkin | |
Box 3, Folder 22 | Ed Durlacher (Honor Your Partner), 1943-1947 (19) | |
Box 3, Folder 23 | Ed Durlacher, 1948 (18) | |
Box 3, Folder 24 | Ed Durlacher, 1949 (18) | |
Box 3, Folder 25 | Ed Durlacher, 1950-1954 (12) | |
Box 3, Folder 26 | Ed Durlacher, 1956-1963 (11) | |
Box 3, Folder 27 | Leigh Dyer, 1950-1954 (1); Ada Dziewanowska, 1963-1974 | |
Box 3, Folder 28 | Ada Dziewanowska, 1975-1984 | |
Box 3, Folder 29 | Ruth Eames; Harold Eastwood; Ferd Echelemeyer; Barbara Edler; Ralph Edwards; Ron Edwards; Phyllis Ehlert; Bettye and Michael Ehrlich; Larry Eisenberg; Susan Elberger; Sally Emmons; Lois Englehard; Will Englehard; Gordon Engler | |
Box 3, Folder 30 | English Folk Dance & Song Society, 1954-1974 | |
Box 3, Folder 31 | English Folk Dance & Song Society, 1975-1982, and undated | |
Box 3, Folder 32 | Frederick Enholm; The Eire Society of Boston; Jane Harris Ericson; John and Fran Essex; Judy Esty; Anna-Marie Ettel; Karl Ettinger; Walter Euston; Dennis Evans; Ross Ewen; Dick and Marie Eyres | |
Box 4 | ||
Box 4, Folder 1 | Gus Fabens; Joal Fagan; Family Service Assoication of Shildon; Edward Fairbanks; Fairlee School; Libertard Fajardo; Moritz Farbstein | |
Box 4, Folder 2 | Jane Farwell; Arnold Faugere; A.L. Faust | |
Box 4, Folder 3 | Beth Fawkes; Fred Feild; Grace Felker; Carolos Ferrer; John Filchich; Festival Records; Heidi Fiebig; Aaron Filler; Harry Finer; Barb Finlay; Mark Finlay; Tone Finlay | |
Box 4, Folder 4 | Robrt Fiore; Karl-Heinrich (Heiner) Fischle; Le Roy Fish; Lois Fish; Earl Fisher; Hank Fisher; Pricsilla Fisher; Howard Fitch; Audrey Fitzgerald; John Fitzgerald; John Fitzgerald; H.T. Fitzsimmons; Penn Fix | |
Box 4, Folder 5 | Rudy Fleck; Nan Felming-Williams; Susie Fleishman; Tom and Joan Flett; George Fogg; Ellie Foley; Folk Arts Center of New England, Inc | |
Box 4, Folder 6 | Folk Dance Camp, College of the Pacific, Stockton, California, 1949-1961 | |
Box 4, Folder 7 | Folk Dance Camp, College of the Pacific, Stockton, California, 1962-1982 | |
Box 4, Folder 8 | Folk Dance Camp, College of the Pacific, Sotckton, California (undated); Folk Dance Center of Philidelphia; Folk Dance Federation of California | |
Box 4, Folder 9 | Folk Dance Federation of Washington; Folk Dancer; Folk Dancers of George Williams College; Folk-Legacy Records; Folkraft Records; W. Gregory Forbes; John M. Forbes; Fort Walton Beach Square Dance Council; Louis Foruna; Harold Fowler; Marcia Fox | |
Box 4, Folder 10 | Mae Belt Fraley, 1959-1977 | |
Box 4, Folder 11 | Mae Belt Fraley, undated | |
Box 4, Folder 12 | Ginger and Bill Francis; Michael Frank; Miriam Frank; Molly Frankel; Lloyd Frazee; Bill Freeman (2) | |
Box 4, Folder 14 | Fenwick Fuller; Gene Fuller | |
Box 4, Folder 15 | William Gaber; Emily Gardner; Gerry Gardner; John Gardner; Henry Garfath, 1983 (2); Peter Garnick; Dale Garrett; Jean Gascon | |
Box 4, Folder 16 | Marian and Ned Gault; Larry Gautier; Charles Gerhardstien, 1958-1965 (2); Larry Getchell; Betty Gibbons; Carla Gilbert; Mary Gillette; Bobbi Gillotti | |
Box 4, Folder 17 | Hildegarde Glass; Marge Glass; Joe Gleaseon; Angela Gloria; Cal Golden; Maggi Goldenberg; Isabelle Goldstein; Ida Golomb; Patty Goodrich; Antonio Angeles Gonzales; Clarence Goodnow; John Goodnow; Cressy Goodwin | |
Box 4, Folder 18 | Sol Gordon; Dottie and Bill Gormbley; Claude Gottlehult; Karin Gottier | |
Box 4, Folder 19 | Gene Gowing, 1946-1947 | |
Box 4, Folder 20 | Gene Gowing, 1948 | |
Box 4, Folder 21 | Gene Gowing, 1949 | |
Box 4, Folder 22 | Gene Gowing, 1950-1968, and undated | |
Box 4, Folder 23 | J.M. Graetz ("Shag"); John Graham; Lester Grandine; Frieda Gratzon | |
Box 4, Folder 24 | Dick Gray; Cynthia Green; Wally Greeen; Green Mountain Folklore Society; Hank Greene; Madelynne Greene; Sarah Greenleaf; Alan Greenwood; Herb Greggerson (2); Renwick "Ren" Gregor, 1960-1972 (17) | |
Box 4, Folder 25 | June Griffin; David Grinster (?), 1978 (1); Walter and Miriam Grothe | |
Box 5 | ||
Box 5, Folder 1 | Dorothy Haar; Bob Hager; Father George Haggerty, undated (1); Bart Haigh; Hall Service; Lucile and Clarence Haller; Evelyn Halper; Leona Hamann | |
Box 5, Folder 2 | Jack Hamilton, 1967-1968 | |
Box 5, Folder 3 | Jack Hamilton, 1968-1984, and undated | |
Box 5, Folder 4 | Elaine Hampfler; Wilma Hampton; Jack and Betty Hanf; Betz Hanley; Bob and Margaret Hanson, July 23, 1983, and undated (2); Walt Hansoon; Ruben Harding; Harper & Brothers, (Harry Shaw, editor), Dec 31, 1951 (1); Lou Harrington; David and Patricia Harrison; Harriet Hartinger, 1972 (1); Henry Hartwell; Harold Harton | |
Box 5, Folder 5 | J. Waybe Haskell, Jan 31, 1950 (1); Fred Haskin, 1960-1980 (17); Dave Hass, 1980 (1); Danny Hathaway, Sheet Music Service of Portland, OR, n.d. (1); Walter Hawley, Sept 13, 1964; Sept 22, 1964 (2); Lorne and Betty Hay, Jan 15, 1965 (1); Blanche Jefferson Hayden (Mal's Mother), Feb 27, n.y.; Clarence Hayden, Nov 6, 1952 (1) | |
Box 5, Folder 6 | Mal Hayden, 1949-1958 (15) | |
Box 5, Folder 7 | Mal Hayden, 1959-1981, and undated (17) | |
Box 5, Folder 8 | J.J. Hayley, 1955 (2); Louise and Germain Hebert, 1965-1984 (9); Harold and Nan Heiner, 1952 (1); Eleanor Helm, n.d. (1); Edna Keim, 1949-1953 (2); Aaron Heimbach 1952 (1); Jerry Helt, 1960-1964 and undated (4); Jim Hencercoth, 1973 (1); Mrs. Robert V. Henderson, 1976 (2); Ruby Henderson, 1953 (1); T.S. Thyne Henderson, 1953-1954 (2) | |
Box 5, Folder 9 | Mrs. William Hendricks, 1953 (1); Chip Hendrickson, 1963-1984 (10); David Henry, 1971-1983, (13) | |
Box 5, Folder 10 | Michael and Mary Ann Herman, 1953 (30) | |
Box 5, Folder 11 | Michael and Mary Ann Herman, undated (23) | |
Box 5, Folder 12 | Michael and Mary Ann Herman, undated (16) | |
Box 5, Folder 13 | Lief Hetland, 1970-1980 (2); Donald Hicks, undated (2); Bob Hill, 1950-1958 (10); Martha Hill, 1948-1952 (2); Lou Hillson, 1961 (1) | |
Box 5, Folder 14 | Ken Hillyer, The Southerners Band 1970-1984 (19) | |
Box 5, Folder 15 | Donna Hinds, Alacazar Productions, Inc., 1978-1981 (4); Ray and Harriette Hinds, 1977 (1); Carmelita Hinton, 1950(1); R. Harold Hipps, 1960-1967 (3); Historical Society of Cheshire County, 1983-1984 | |
Box 5, Folder 16 | Anna Hocking, 1978 (2); George Hodgson, undated (11); Kathryn R. Hodgson 1953-1959 (2); Anne Hodgekins, 1970 (1); Elizabeth Hodson, 1941 (1); Mrs. J. Hoerner, 1953 (1); Frank Hoffman, 1969 (2); Fina and Huig Hofman, 1964-1696 (2); Howard Hogue, 1949-1961 (2); Bertha Holck, 1950-1962 (2) | |
Box 5, Folder 17 | Ricky Holden, 1948-1951 (6) | |
Box 5, Folder 18 | Rickey Holden, 1952-1954 (17) | |
Box 5, Folder 19 | Rickey Holden, 1955-1970 and undatated (14) | |
Box 5, Folder 20 | Harry Hollander, undated (1); Ade Hollis, 1948 (1); David Holmes, 1974 (1); William Holt, 1947 (1); Carrie Hoskins, 1962 (1); Charlotte Holzworth, 1965 (1); Herbert Hoover, 1947 (1); Myrtle Hoppe, 1978-1984 (8); Carrie Hoskins, 1962 (1); Charlotte Hornbeck, undated (1); Kim Horne, 1966-1968 (4); Cliff Horner, 1950 (1); Walter Horton, 1980 (2) | |
Box 5, Folder 21 | Virginia Houghton, 1952 (1); Susan Hovorka, 1981 (1); Cal Howard, 1968/1984 (2); Carole Howard, 1977-1980 (6); Alleyne Howell, 1963 (1); Bob Howell, 1977-1984 (7); Hildegarde and Harry Howell, 1984 (1); Richmond Hoyt, 1967 (1); Joe and Ginger Hritz, 1966-1968 (19) | |
Box 5, Folder 22 | Pat Huag; Keith Hunt, 1955-1983 and undatated (10); Leslie Hunt, 1950-1964 and undated (17); June Hunter, 1959-1989 and undated (5) | |
Box 5, Folder 23 | Marjorie and Jack Hunter, 1969-1978 (12); Gale Huntington, 1978 (1); Mary K. Hurd, 1960 (1); Mike Hurt, 1980 and undated (2); Dale Hyde, 1977-1981 and undated (3); Earl Hyde, 1950 (1); Nancy Hyll, 1974-1976 (3); Jack H. ?, 1966 (1); | |
Box 5, Folder 24 | John and Margaret Ide, 1961-1964 (2); Norman Ilse, 1979 (1); Indiana University Audio-Visual Center, 1951 (1); Art Ingraham, 1955 (1); International Association of Square Dance Callers, 1974-1975 (3); International Center of Worcester, 1969 (1); International Cultural Exchange Service, 1957 (1); International Encyclopedia of Dance, 1984 (2); International Folk Rhythms, Ltd., 1984 (1); International Recreational Service, 1956(1) | |
Box 5, Folder 25 | Carmen and Rosmarie Irminger, 1963-1982 and undated (11); Harry Irwin, undated (1); Pauline Irwin, undated (1); Stan Isaacs, undated (1); Myaki Ishida, undated (1); Edward Ives 1960 and undated (2) | |
Box 6 | ||
Box 6, Folder 1 | Marilyn Jackson, 1983-1984 (3); Kay Jacobs, The Scottish Country Dance Society of Boston, 1960 (3); Marcia Jacobs 1972-1973 (2); Yania Jakowsky, 1960 (1); Len Janka, 1953 (1) | |
Box 6, Folder 2 | Japan trip (State Department, Foreign Service of the United States, International Recreational Service, National Recreation Association, Folk Dance House, Mary Ann and Michael Herman, list of staff memebers of the Folk Dance Insitution of Japan, Apr 25, 1956 and other materials) | |
Box 6, Folder 3 | Correspondence from various Japanese correspondants as a result of the 1956 trip to Japan, 1956-1960 (24) | |
Box 6, Folder 4 | Correspondence from various Japanese correspondants as a result of the 1956 trip to Japan, 1961-1980 and undated (24) | |
Box 6, Folder 5 | Clarrence Jeffery Jr., 1965 and undated (2); Howard Jefferey, 1949 (1) | |
Box 6, Folder 6 | Mary and Bill Jenkins, 1965 (18) | |
Box 6, Folder 7 | Mary and Bill Jenkins, 1978-1979 (12) | |
Box 6, Folder 8 | Mary and Bill Jenkins, 1980-1984 (18) | |
Box 6, Folder 9 | W.J. Jenkins, Wilbraham Square Dance Club, 1953 (1); J.L. Jennewein, 1952 (1); Mary Bee Jensen, Brigham Young University, 1967-1977 (7); Larry Jennings, 1981 and undated (5); John Edwards Memorial Foundation, 1967-1975 (4) | |
Box 6, Folder 10 | Allen Johnson, 1942 (1); Al Johnson, 1971 (1); Arden Johnson, 1950 (1); Dale Johnson, undated (1); Everett Johnson, 1963 (1); Robert F. Johnson, 1984 (1); Sarah Jane Johnson, undated (1); | |
Box 6, Folder 11 | Bill Johnston, 1972-1984 (26); Ernie and Helen Johnston, 1967 (1) | |
Box 6, Folder 12 | Bob and Twink Jones, 1971 (1); Carole Jones, 1956 (1); Vera Jones, 1967 (1); Charles W. Jorgensen, 1949-1950 (2); Jone Jorgensen, 1952; Jerry Joris, 1951-1952 (2); Fred Joslin, undated (1) | |
Box 6, Folder 13 | Amy Kahn, 1976 (1); Bernarnd Kaiman, 1967 (1); Stuart Kaiser, 1976 (2); Judith Kalb, 1978 (1); Frank L. Kaltman, 1946-1964 (4); Paul Kanaly, 1968-1970 (3); Abe Kangenson, 1962-1964 (3); Cavit Kangöz | |
Box 6, Folder 14 | Joseph Kaplan, 1950 (2); Milo Karsner, 1969-1981 (15); William A. Katz, 1967-1968 (2); Dorothy Mary Kaurich, 1949-1951 (2) | |
Box 6, Folder 15 | Harold Kearney, 1953-1964 (12) | |
Box 6, Folder 16 | Harold Kearney, 1965-1981 (14) | |
Box 6, Folder 17 | Marie Kearney, 1981 (2); City of Keene, 1970-1974 (14) | |
Box 6, Folder 18 | City of Keene, 1975-1977 (19) | |
Box 6, Folder 19 | Keene Evening Sentinel, 1949 (2); Keene Public Library, 1962 (1); Keene Senior Citizens, 1971 (2); Keene Teacher's College, 1959-1964 (Ruth Keddy) (22) | |
Box 6, Folder 20 | Keene Teacher's College, later Keene State College 1965-1980 and undated (Ruthy Keddy and others) (31) | |
Box 6, Folder 21 | Keflavik Sqauares (Iceland), 1967 (1); Dick Keith, 1965-1967 (4); Kate Keller, 1974-1984 (7, 1 Fragment); Fred Kelley, 1955-1958 (3); Greg Kelley, 1961 (1) | |
Box 6, Folder 22 | Jack Kelley, 1956 (1); Nancy Kelley, 1982 (2); Phyllis Kelley, 1977 (1); Ethel Kennaugh, 1976 (1); Douglas Kennedy, 1961-1963 (7); Ray and Betty Kennedy, 1965 (2); Una Kennedy, n.y. (1); Ace Kenyon, 1947 (1); John T. Kenyon, 1949-1950 (3); Mary Lois Keplinger, 1971 (1) | |
Box 6, Folder 23 | Gordon Kershaw, 1977 (2); Emily Kessler (The Boston Post), 1949-1957 (11) | |
Box 6, Folder 24 | Adrienne and George Kiener, 1953-1961 (3); Francis Kies, 1960 (1); Frances Kiely, 1952 (1); Iris Kiesling, 1966 (1); Alleen B. Kimball, 1965 (1); Ed King, 1973 (1); George Kingsbury, 1941 (1); Kinney Nursing Home, 1979 (1); Dottie and Bob Kinraide, 1949-1975 (4); Ruth Kirk, 1971-1977 (2); Dave Klempner, 1953 (1); Lewis Kleinkopf, 1976 (1); Volker Klotzche, 1978-1981 (4); Joe Kluger, 1971 (1); Sarah Gerturde Knott (director, National Folk Festival), 1960 (4); Carl Knox, 1951 (1) | |
Box 6, Folder 25 | Roger Knox, 1950-1960 (14) | |
Box 6, Folder 26 | Roger Knox, 1965-1984 (18) | |
Box 6, Folder 27 | John P. Kobrock, 1955-1963 (2); Ed Koenig, 1968 (14); Ruth Kohler, 1959 (1); Ted Kohler, 1952-1954 (2); Walter W. Kolar, 1964-1967 (2) | |
Box 6, Folder 28 | Lilia Kollin, 1975-1981 (2); Bob Kolodny, 1961 (1); Frank W. Konopasek, 1954-1974 (2); Carol Kopp, 1981 (1); Ernie Krehm, 1963-1977 (5) | |
Box 6, Folder 29 | Pauline Krum, 1956 (1); Olga Kulbitsky, 1968-1981 (13); George Kullby, 1952 (1) | |
Box 7 | ||
Box 7, Folder 1 | Raymond La Barbera, 1971-1972 (4); Rod La Farge, 1958 (1); Ira Laby, 1958-1984 (12) | |
Box 7, Folder 2 | Bruce Lackey, 1961-1983 (7); Jill LaMarche, 1954 (1); Connie Lambert, undated (3); Irene Lambert, 1961-1984 (2); Evelyn Lamond, 1977 (1); Margo Lamp, 1951-1965 (2); Howard B. Lane, President, Reunion Committee (high school?), undated (1); Emerson Lang, 1953-1963 (4); Hilda Lang, undated (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 3 | Harriette Lapp, 1952-1963 (29) | |
Box 7, Folder 4 | Henry Lash, 1983 (2); René Latour, undated (1); Alice Lattimore, 1971 (1); Dudley Laufman, 1959 (14); Abe and Eveyln Lavalle, 1962 (1); Donna Lavoie, 1971 (1); Frankie Lawler, 1965 (2); R.A. Lawler, 1960 (1); Jane R. Lawrence, 1967 (1); Peter Lawrence, 1967 (1); Norm Lawson, undated (1); Rebecca Lawson, 1964 (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 5 | Christian Le Nendre, undated (1); Robert Leavitt, Currator, Lebanon Historical Society, 1969 (1); Harvey Lebrun, 1950-1966 (8); Doris Ledoux, 1959-1963 (2); Dudley Laufman, 1959 (14); Abe and Eveyln Lavalle, 1962 (1); Donna Lavoie, 1971 (1); Frankie Lawler, 1965 (2); R.A. Lawler, 1960 (1); Jane R. Lawrence, 1967 (1); Peter Lawrence, 1967 (1); Norm Lawson, undated (1); Rebecca Lawson, 1964 (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 6 | Dick Lee, 1949-1951 (10); Ellie Lee, undated (1); Jim Lee, 1958-1959 (2) | |
Box 7, Folder 7 | Dick Leger, 1969-1984 (17); Alan Jones and Alain Leroux, 1984 (1); Nancy Leslie, Ontario Folk Dancer Association, 1973 (2); Corinne Lester, 1979 (1); Let's Dance, 1951-1953 (3); Bea Lever, 1976 (1); The Dobkins and the Levines, 1979 (1); William M. Ley, 1956 (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 8 | Library of Congress (Joe Hickerson), 1963 (1); Mildred and Jacob Lichman, 1970 (1); Miriam Lidster, 1963-1968 (10); April Limber, undated (1); Norm Lindsay 1958 (2) | |
Box 7, Folder 9 | Rod Linnell, 1958-1967 (33); Verona Linnell, undated (7); Dean Linscott, 1971 (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 10 | Bill Litchman, 1973-1975 (22) | |
Box 7, Folder 11 | Bill Litchman, 1976-1979 (18) | |
Box 7, Folder 12 | Little Brown & Company, 1942-1944 (2); Linda Little, undated (1); Peggy Livingstone, 1983 (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 13 | Lloyd Shaw Foundation, 1968-1976 (23) | |
Box 7, Folder 14 | Lloyd Shaw Foundation, 1977-1978 (13) | |
Box 7, Folder 15 | Lloyd Shaw Foundation, 1979-1984 (17) | |
Box 7, Folder 16 | Local Square, 1954 (1); Newton Loken, undated (1); Ruth Löf, 1953 (1); Bill Logan, 1952 (1); Jane and George Long, 1966 (1); "Prof" Longley, 1979-1982 (2); Blair Lorette, 1959 (2); "Dean" Ben Lovett, 1950-1951 (2); Gene Lovitt, 1969 (1); B.O. Lowery, 1978 (2); George and Mary Lowrey, 1981-1984 (3); Lawrence Loy, 1950 (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 17 | Ramona Lucero, 1979 (1); Carl Ludwig, 1984 (1); Frank Lyman, 1948-1952 (8); J.J. L., undated (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 18 | Thomas MacBurnie, 1958 (1); Phyllis MacCulloch, 1979 (1); MacGregor Records (E.H. Lowry, General Manager), 1952-1963 (3); David Machill, 1971 (1); Allan McKinley, 1980 (1); Frances MacNaught, Director, Health Education Department, YWCA, Pittsburg, 1949 (1); Janie MacWilliams, 1951-1952 (3); Phyllis MacCarthy, 1960-1961 (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 19 | Bruce McClure, 1957 (1); Veronica McClure, 1974-1983 (5); Beth McCullough, undated (1), Diane McCullough, 1965 (1); Bob McCune, 1958 (2); Tom McCune, 1952 (1); Betty McDermid, Eastern Air Lines, 1956-1960 (2); Reg McDow, 1961 (2); Catherine McElroy, 1958 (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 20 | Elma McFarland (and many others from the Stockton(?) Dance Camp), undated (3); Leon McGuffin, 1957 (1); John and Patty McGuigan, 1956 (1); Stan McIntosh, 1960 (4); Nancy McIver, 1965 (2); John D. McIrvine, 1972 (2); Jane and Jack McKay, 1950-1969 (2); Alma McKenna, undated (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 21 | Mary McKenna, 1958-1984 (18) | |
Box 7, Folder 22 | Orvis McKenrick, 1952 (2); Michael Mckernan, 1981-1983 (2); James McKern, 1952 (1); R. Sidney McNutt, Boston YMCA, 1955 (1); Lannie McQuaide, 1973-1981 (6); Bob McQuillen, undated (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 23 | Frank Mack, 1966 (1); Christopher Madigan, 1976 (1); E. Maguire, 1958 (1); Raymond Magwire, 1962 (1); Joseph "Doc" Mahoney, Worcester Quadrille Club, 1962 (2); May Mahoney, 1967 (1); Henry W. Maier, Mayor of Milwaukee, 1968 (1); William Male, 1950 (1); Barbara Mandell, Assistant Prof., Physical Education for Women, University of Rhode Island, 1962 (2); Ellie Mandigo, 1967 (2); John Mansfield, 1952 (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 24 | Howard Mann, 1949 (1); Roy Marsden, 1961 (1); Gregory Marcil, Fédération Folklorique du Québec, 1962 (2); Frank and Mary Marcy, 1947 (1); Martin Markham, 1974 (1); Philip Maron, 1950 (1); Anthony Martin, 1962 (1); Harry Martin, 1952 (1); Meldinda Steuber Martin, 1965 (2); Dick Martin, 1963-1969 (2); Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, VA, (Margery E. Arnold), 1969-1973 (6) | |
Box 7, Folder 25 | Jean Matthews, 193-1966 (4); Joseph Matthews, 1961-1962 (3); Nibs Matthews, 1965-1967 (7) | |
Box 7, Folder 26 | Faith Mattison, 1965 (2); Harrold Mattson, 1951-1956 (2); Ted Mauntz, 1967-1974 (5); P.J. Mayes, 1983 (1); Nellie Maxwell, 1964 (3) | |
Box 7, Folder 27 | Jim Mayo, 1951-1980 (3); Margot Mayo, 1960-1961 (2); Morty Mayo, 1949 (1); Kay Mays, 1974 (3); Peter Mazik, 1966-1983 (6); Ralph Meakin, 1965-1968 (2); Art Mecham 1953-1962 (2) | |
Box 7, Folder 28 | Walter and Vera Meier, The Midwest Dancer, 1952-1974 (24) | |
Box 7, Folder 29 | Jerry Meisner, 1971-1972 (2); Lanie Melamed, 1960-1964 (2); Fannie Melcer, 1969 (1); Marion Melvin, 1980 (1); Basil and Simone Merchant, 1955-1958 (2); Capt. Robert Mellens, Regt., 1974 (2) | |
Box 7, Folder 30 | Reuban Merchant, 1949-1955 (16); Charlie Merrill, 1952-1955 (5); Martha Merrill, 1950 (1); Martina Mesmer, 1966 (1) | |
Box 7, Folder 31 | Don Messer, 1962-1965 (3); Clarence Metcalf, 1971-1983 (4); MS Method (Marillyn Schwalb-Brame, President), 1974 (1); Olga Meyer, 1969/1984 (7); Morty Meyrich, 1978-1979 (2) | |
Box 8 | ||
Box 8, Folder 1 | Middlebury College, Flanders Ballad Collection, undated (2); Alma Miller 1974-1978 (7); Bob Miller, Inc., Music Publisher, 1946 (1); Don Miller, 1976-1980 (2); Grace and Bruce Miller, 1974 (1) | |
Box 8, Folder 2 | Lawrence "Duke" Miller, 1949-1958 (18) | |
Box 8, Folder 3 | Lawrence "Duke" Miller, 1959 (12) | |
Box 8, Folder 4 | Lawrence "Duke" Miller, 1960 (10) | |
Box 8, Folder 5 | Lawrence "Duke" Miller, 1961 (11) | |
Box 8, Folder 6 | Lawrence "Duke" Miller, 1962-1963 (14) | |
Box 8, Folder 7 | Lawrence "Duke" Miller, 1964-1968 (14) | |
Box 8, Folder 8 | Lawrence "Duke" Miller, 1969-1970 (14) | |
Box 8, Folder 9 | Lawrence "Duke" Miller, 1971-1972 (21) | |
Box 8, Folder 10 | Lawrence "Duke" Miller, 1973-1975 (21) | |
Box 8, Folder 11 | Lawrence "Duke" Miller, 1976-1977 (14) | |
Box 8, Folder 12 | Lawrence "Duke" Miller, 1978-1980 and undated (21) | |
Box 8, Folder 13 | Muriel Miller, 1983-1984 (2); Randy Miller, 1978 (2); David Millstone, 1984 (1); Sylvia Miskoe, undated (12); Dorothy Misner, 1976 (1); Bruce Mitchell, 1968 (1); Mille and Lynn Mixer, 1955 (1); Monadnock Squares, 1980 (1); Harry Monier, 1949 (1); Ila and Bill Monroe, 1950 (1); Eveyln Montgomery, 1959 (1); Rickey Montross, 1963 (1) | |
Box 8, Folder 14 | Ed Moody, 1958-1959 (13) | |
Box 8, Folder 15 | Ed Moody, 1960 (12) | |
Box 8, Folder 16 | Ed Moody, 1961-1963 (19) | |
Box 8, Folder 17 | Ed Moody, 1964 (17) | |
Box 8, Folder 18 | Ed Moody, 1965 (11) | |
Box 8, Folder 19 | Ed Moody, 1966 (17) | |
Box 8, Folder 20 | Ed Moody, 1967 (13) | |
Box 8, Folder 21 | Ed Moody, 1968 (9). | |
Box 8, Folder 22 | Ed Moody, 1969 (17) | |
Box 9 | ||
Box 9, Folder 1 | Ed Moody, 1970-1971 (17) | |
Box 9, Folder 2 | Ed Moody, 1972-1976 (24) | |
Box 9, Folder 3 | Ed Moody, undated (18) | |
Box 9, Folder 4 | Ed Moody, undated (22) | |
Box 9, Folder 5 | Ed Moody, undated (14) | |
Box 9, Folder 6 | Ed Moody, undated (20) | |
Box 9, Folder 7 | Ed Moody, undated (10) | |
Box 9, Folder 8 | Ed Moody, undated (11) | |
Box 9, Folder 9 | Ed Moody, undated (9) | |
Box 10 | ||
Box 10, Folder 1 | Hope Moody, 1948-1949 (3); J.H. Moon, 1951-1955 (1); Henrietta Moon, 1951 (1); Cynthia Moore, 1951 (1); George Moore, 1962-1967 (4); Ed Moose, 1974-1977 (6) | |
Box 10, Folder 2 | Yves Moreau, 1972-1983 (10); Linda Morley, 1982-1984 (2); Esther Morris, 1947 (1); Natalie Morris, 1976 (5); Alva Morrison, undated (1) | |
Box 10, Folder 3 | Tom Morton, 1963 (1); Mosley Mail Order List Service, 1956-1965 (4); Paul and Mary Moss, 1965-1981 (1); Judy Moyer, 1967 (1); Laura Monroe, 1953 (1); Evelyn Murray-Lenthall, 1974 (1); Jack Murtha, 1980 (1); George and Adrienne Murton, 1954-1972 (3); Clem Myers, 1968 (1); Hazel Myers, undated (1); Jan Mylott, 1953 (1) | |
Box 10, Folder 4 | Eddy Nadel, 1950-1958 (4); Shigeo Nakamura, Tokyo, Japan, Christmas card, 1956 (1); National Dance Association, 1976-1977 (3) | |
Box 10, Folder 5 | National Folk Festival (Sarah Gertrude Knott, director), 1939-1959 (22) | |
Box 10, Folder 6 | National Folk Festival (Sarah Gertrude Knott, director), 1960 (19) | |
Box 10, Folder 7 | National Folk Festival (Sarah Gertrude Knott, director), 1961-1975 (18) | |
Box 10, Folder 8 | National Folk Festival (Sarah Gertrude Knott, director), undated (12) | |
Box 10, Folder 9 | National Observer, 1967 (1); National Square Dance Association, 1956 (1); National Square Dance Convention, 1953-1964 (18) | |
Box 10, Folder 10 | National Square Dance Convention, 1965-1984 (20) | |
Box 10, Folder 11 | Janet Nelson, 1983 (1); Jim Nelson, 1964-1980 (15); Richard Nevell, 1977 (4); NECCA (New England Caller's Association, Lloyd Platt), 1963 (1) | |
Box 10, Folder 12 | NEFFA (New England Folk Festival Association), 1947-1961 (20) | |
Box 10, Folder 13 | NEFFA (New England Folk Festival Association), 1962-1968 (21) | |
Box 10, Folder 14 | NEFFA (New England Folk Festival Association), 1969-1973 (18) | |
Box 10, Folder 15 | NEFFA (New England Folk Festival Association), 1974-1980 (21) | |
Box 10, Folder 16 | NEFFA (New England Folk Festival Association), 1981-1984 and undated (26) | |
Box 10, Folder 17 | New England Square and Round Dance Co-opertion Committee, 1983 (2); New England Square Dance Caller, 1983 (1); New Hampshire Commission on the Arts, 1984 (2); New Hampshire Folk Federation, 1948-1956 (13) | |
Box 10, Folder 18 | New Hampshire Folk Federation, 1958-1963 and undated (20) | |
Box 10, Folder 19 | New Hampshire Historical Society, 1956-1974 (7); New Hampshire Notables, 1955 (1); New Hampshire Profiles, 1963 (1); New Hampshire Recreation and Park Society, 1973 (1); New Hampshire State Planning and Development Commission, 1947 (1); The New Square Dance, 1970 (2); New York University, 1963-1964 (10) | |
Box 10, Folder 20 | Ralph Newell, 1975-1976 (2); Bill Newhall, 1951-1966 (4); Harold and Grace Newman, 1957 (1); Pat Newman, 1962 (2); Newport Folk Foundation/Newport Folk Festival (Ralph Rinzler), 1965-1967 (4); Elise Nichols, 1970 (1); Terry Nichols, 1964 (5); Bill Nickerson, 1958 (1) | |
Box 10, Folder 21 | Glen and Flo Nickerson, 1974-1978 (12) | |
Box 10, Folder 22 | Glen and Flo Nickerson, 1979-1984 (9) | |
Box 10, Folder 23 | Carleton Nims, 1961 (1); James Norris, undated and Sketch of Ralph (1); North of Boston Callers Association, 1958-1977 (5); Northeast Folklore Society, 1958 (1); Northeast Old-Time Fiddler's Convention, 1965 (3); Northwest Folk Dancers, Inc., 1984 (1); Nova Scotia Dance Federation, 1964 (3) | |
Box 10, Folder 24 | Nova Scotia Dept. of Education, 1957-1961 (28) | |
Box 10, Folder 25 | Nova Scotia Dept. of Education, 1962-1969 (17) | |
Box 10, Folder 26 | Rudolph ("Rudi") Nunnemacher, 1960-1971 (5); Carol Ann Nuttall, undated (1) | |
Box 11 | ||
Box 11, Folder 1 | Ruth O'Brien, 1964 (1); Jack and Gertrude O'Donnell, 1952-1954 (5); Manus O'Donnell, 1973-1976 (2); Una O'Farrell, 1952 (1); Hitoshi Okano, Tokyo, Japan, Christmas card, 1956 (1); Mary O'Keefe, 1948 (1); Sheila O'Keefe, 1964 (1); Beth Okun, 1954-1972 (3); Clem Myers, 1968 (1); Old Joe Clark, Incorporated, 1961-1962 (2); Bill Olson, undated (1); Ray Olson, 1958 (5) | |
Box 11, Folder 2 | Ontario Dept. of Education, 1959 (11); Ontario Folk Dance Association, 1975-1976 (5); Michael Oren, 1952-1953 (2); Ray Orme, 1981 (1); Violet Orr, 1980 (1) | |
Box 11, Folder 3 | Lincoln Osborne, 1964 (1); Bob Osgood, 1979 (1); George Osgood, 1961 (2); Richard Osgood, 1963 (1); Lee Otterholt, 1982 (1); Ottawa Square Dance Association, 1959 (1); Lee Owens, 1950 (3); Nicholas Ozegovich, 1972 (1) | |
Box 11, Folder 4 | Pacific Books, 1951 (1); Ada Page, undated (3); Patricia Paice, 1960 (1); Smith Paine, 1938 (1); Grace M. Palmer, 1944 (1); Hugh Palmer, undated (2); Libby Palmer, 1963 (1); Ralph Palmer, 1973 (2); Hewitt Pantaleoni, 1977 (1); John and Paula Pappas, 1963-1970 (5); John Parker, 1952-1963 (4); Kenneth Parker, 1950 (2); Mal Parker, undated (1); Tony Parkes, 1966-1981 (7) | |
Box 11, Folder 5 | Allen and Joyce Paterson, 1967 (1); Anne Patterson, 1980 (1); Neil Patterson, 1959-1961 (7); Bob Paul, 1970-1971 (3); Mrs. Martin W.Pautsch, 1955 (2) | |
Box 11, Folder 6 | Dan Pearl, 1981 (1); Claire Pearmain, 1958 (4); Agnes and Ridley Pearson, 1957-1958 (2); Theda (Mrs. Glenn) Pease, 1984 (2); Marie Pecarelli, 1951 (1); Lawrence Peeler, 1948 (1); Joan Pelton, 1976-1981 (7); George Penniman, 1966 (1); Pensacola Callers Association, 1967 (1) | |
Box 11, Folder 7 | Ellen and George Pedo, 1973 (1); Pennsylvania State University, 1971-1977 (4); People to People Program, 1962 (1); The People’s Folk Dance Directory, 1981 (2); Ann Pepper, 1965 (1); Chuck Perdue, undated (1); Jack Perron, 1978 (4); John C. Perry, 1978 (1); Frank Peters, 1965 (1); Paul Peters, 1954 (1); Ed Peterson, 1959 (1); Tom Petrone, 1978 (2); Mabel Pharis, 1952 (1); Patricia Phillips, 1969-1973 (2); Philo Records, 1977 (2) | |
Box 11, Folder 8 | S. Pierre-Marie, 1961 (1); Phil Pierce, 1968 (1); Roger Pinard, 1956 (2); Pine Manor Junior College, 1950 (1); Ralph Piper, 1946-1961 (10); Dwight C. Pitcher, undated (4) | |
Box 11, Folder 9 | Ronald Pitkin, 1953 (3); Anne Pittman, 1949-1950 (2); Bonnie Plumeri, 1971 (1); Lillian Politella, undated (1); Helen Pomerance, 1958-1975 (2); Alison Hastings Porritt, 1937 (1); Bonita Porter, 1984 (1); Jim Porter, 1959 (1); Miss S. V. Porter, 1967 (2); Frank Portillo, 1953 (1); Muriel Portnow, 1969-1971 (2) | |
Box 11, Folder 10 | Doris Possi, 1964-1975 (4); Mark Post, undated (1); Julia H. Post, 1949 (1); Llewellyn Powers, 1950 (1); Rosalie A. Pratt, 1962 (1); Edward C. Preble, 1953 (1); Midge Priddle, 1977 (1); Edna Priest, 1961 (3); Mrs. Clifford Preston, 1956 (1); Ted Price (1) | |
Box 11, Folder 11 | David Proper, 1977-1984 (11); Michael Protenic, 1976 (2); Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal, 1957 (1); N.N. Puckett (Ohio Superstition Project), 1958 (1); J. Pullen, 1955 (1); Fred Pulsifer, 1959 (1); David E. Putnam, 1968; Olive Putnam, 1949 (1); Peggy Quinn, 1947 (1) | |
Box 11, Folder 12 | Tom Race (31 Squares Magazine), 1979 (1); Radio City Music Hall, 1950 (1); The Railroad Young Men’s Christian Association (formerly the Boston-Maine Railroad YMCA), Concord NH, 1948 (4); George Raine, 1959-1962 (3); Virginia Ramm, 1966 (4) | |
Box 11, Folder 13 | Dorothy Rand, 1953 (1); C.E. “Ed” Randall, 1969 (1); Iva Randall, 1959-1978 (8); Tony Randall, 1967 (1); Will Rapport, 1963 (1); Bernie Rappaport, 1967-1968 (2); Cecille Ratney, 1977 (2); Rosemarie Rath, 1964 (2); Steve Rauch, 1979-1980 (2) | |
Box 11, Folder 14 | Reader’s Digest, 1978-1979 (6); Joe and Anne Rechter, 1949-1951 (7); Red Cloud Indian School, undated (2); Jone Reed, 1963-1968 (3); Nancy Reed, 1965 (2); Sherman Reed, 1953 (1) | |
Box 11, Folder 15 | Greta Reid, 1962 (3); Nelda Reid, 1968 (1); Clare Reiniger, 1978 (1); Geoff Rendell, 1980 (2); Lillian Reynolds, 1962 (2); Frederick P. Reuter, 1980-1983 (4); Don Rice, 1964 (1); Louise Rice, 1952 (1); Wayne Rich, 1960 (1); Robert R. Richards, 1974-1977 (2); Freddy Richardson, 1949-1968 (3); Mildred Riley, 1958 (2); Rindge Historical Society, 1971-1973 (4); Gloria Rios, 1963 (1) | |
Box 11, Folder 16 | Betty Ritter, undated (1); Marianne Ritter, 1978 (1); W. S. Ritchie, Dept. of Education, New Brunswick Canada, 1958 (3); Charlie Robbins, 1980 (2); Elvira and Kathleen Roberts, 1957-1960 (9); Miss B. Robertson, 1937 (1); Edgar Robillard, 1943 (1); Hallie Robinson, 1981-1982 (2); Rock Candy Mountaineers, 1950 (1); Donna Rodgers, 1980 (1); Sister M. Rodriguez, 1960 (1); Hilda M. Rogers, 1976 (1); Lynn Rohrbough, 1958-1963 (3); Jackie Root, undated (1); Cecil Rose, 1959 (1) | |
Box 11, Folder 17 | David Rosenberg, 1950-1968 (12); Melissa Rosenberg, 1979 (1); Melvin Rosensaft, 1962 (1); Dan Ross, 1982 (1); Dave Ross, 1980 (2); Lilian Ross, 1959 (2) | |
Box 11, Folder 18 | Bill Rotch, undated (1); Chuck Roth, 1963-1972 (2); Herman Rottenberg, 1963-1967 (4); The Roundup, 1950-1952 (2); Stanley Rough, 1940; Marieli and Jack Rowe, 1949 (1); Charles Rowell, 1972 (1); Al Ruggero, 1956 (1); Ruth Ruling, 1963-1975 (2); Violet Ruparcich, 1962 (1); Charles Rusnacko, 1979-1983 (4); Matthew Rutter, 1977; Gale Ryan, 1969; Harold and Lois Ryan, undated (1) | |
Box 11, Folder 19 | Bob Sacks, 1961 (1); Margheritta Sacks, undated (1); Marvin Sacks, 1975 (1); Gwendolyn Saftien, 1981 (2); Saint Olaf College, 1979 (1); Tony Saletan, 1959-1977 (7); Lorraine Sampson, 1956 (2); Larry Sandberg, 1974 (1); Emily Sanders, 1964 (1); Dick Sanders, 1949-1966 (7); Stewart “Sandy” Sanders, 1957 (1); Mrs. W. G. Sanford, 1953 (1); Dot and Jack Sankey, 1951-1955 (2) | |
Box 11, Folder 20 | Ted Sannella, 1951-1970 (24) | |
Box 11, Folder 21 | Ted Sannella, 1972-1984 (21) | |
Box 11, Folder 22 | Masaharu Sano, undated (1); Ted Santarelli, 1964 (2), Walt and Barb Sappington, 1971 (1); George Sargent, 1950 (1); Jeanne Saunders, 1969 (2); Lawrence Saunders, 1973 (1); Bill Savage, 1956 (1); Germaine Sawyer, 1949 (1); Windy Sayer, 1963-1984 (3); Andrew Scarlett, 1938 (1) | |
Box 11, Folder 23 | Jim Schaal, 1966; June Schaal, 1961-1968 (4); Ina Schechter, 1983-1984; Al Scheer, 1980-1981 (2); Edward Schillemat, Jr., 1975 (1); Steve Schnur, 1979 (3); Mrs. Robert Schmeling, 1956 (1); Warren E. Schmidt, 1949 (1); Ann Schmitz, undated (1); Harry C. Schoeneman, 1952 (1); Arthur Schrader, 1962-1975 (9); Penn Elizabeth Schrader, 1965-1970 (4); Judith Schrier, 1975 (1); Wendell Schuck, undated (1) | |
Box 11, Folder 24 | Gene Schultz, 1949 (2); Howard Schultz, 1949-1953 (11); Ed Schwartz, 1965-1973 (2) | |
Box 11, Folder 25 | Bernice Scott, 1948 (4); John Howe Scott, 1952-1954 (2); Libby Hunter Scott, 1953 (1); Mrs. M.F. Scott, undated (1); Stanton Sears, 1973 (1); Miriam Secord, 1962 (1); Jean Sedlock, 1973 (1); Gladys Segar, undated (1); Eleanor Seegers, 1960-1978 (10); Will Seegers, 1972-1984 (3) | |
Box 11, Folder 26 | Art Seele, 1983 (1); Jan Sedje, 1967 (1); Bill Sellers, 1960 (1); Fenton Sellers, 1974-1981 (3); Norma Selvi, 1976-1977 (4); Claude Basso Senhausen, Jr., 1970 (1); Tom Senier, 1949 (1); Onie and George Senyk, 1982 (1); Ginny Sessa, 1964 (3) | |
Box 11, Folder 27 | Sets in Order (Bob Osgood, Marvin Franzen, Helen Orem), 1950-1968 (39) | |
Box 11, Folder 28 | Sets in Order (Bob Osgood, June Berlin, Don Armstrong), 1969-1976 (34) | |
Box 11, Folder 29 | Sets in Order (Bob Osgood, Becky Osgood, Dawn Draper), 1977-1983 (28) | |
Box 11, Folder 30 | Sets in Order (7 addressed to "Dear Traveling Caller"), undated (20) | |
Box 12 | ||
Box 12, Folder 1 | Dick and Judy Severance, 1978-1983 (4); Ella Sexton, 1959 (1); Miriam Sharin, 1980 (1); Lenore Shapiro, 1970; Louis Shapiro, undated (1); Philip Sharples, President, Belmont Country Dance Club, 1949-1958 (2); Betty and John Shaw, 1982 (1); Dorothy Shaw (Lloyd Shaw’s wife), 1969 (3); Ed Shaw, 1981 (1); John Shaw, Columbus Folk Dancers, 1960 (1) | |
Box 12, Folder 2 | Lloyd Shaw, 1947-1956 (10); Pat Shaw, undated (1) | |
Box 12, Folder 3 | Father Shea, 1949 (1); Bob Schenkman, 1966 (1); Allen Sher, 1984 (1); Elva Sherman, 1942 (1); Jerry and Billie Sherman, 1975 (1); Murray Sherman, 1954-1979 (4); Ruth Sherman, 1969 (1); Ana Shewchuk, 1959 (1) | |
Box 12, Folder 4 | Rose Shiel, 1956 (1); Tim Shipe, 1975 (1); Harry G. Shippee, 1938 (2); Tom A. Shirley, 1952-1958 (3); The Shoe String Press, Inc., 1974 (1); Charlie Shoemaker, 1970 (1); Yang Chang Shong, 1978 (1); Ann L. Shook, 1953 (1); George Shortlidge, 1951; John Shortlidge, 1970 (1); Dorothy Showell, 1950 (2); George Shumway, 1974 (1) | |
Box 12, Folder 5 | Miriam Silver, 1951-1967 (22); George Simpson, 1969 (1); Phyllis Sinclaire, 1972 (1); Louise Sindler, 1976 (1); Ralph Sizer, 1968-1969 (6) | |
Box 12, Folder 6 | Jack Sloanaker, 1971-1972 (2); David Sloan, editor, Country Dance and Song, 1983-1984 (7); William Slattery, 1973 (2); Bobbie Slaven, 1980 (1); Dorothy Sl–(?), 1974 (1); Ace and Marge Smith, 1962-1974 (7); Alan Smith, undated (2); Ed Ross Smith, 1963 (1) | |
Box 12, Folder 7 | Howard M. Smith, 1954-1967 (27) | |
Box 12, Folder 8 | Jerry Smith, 1981 (1); Ken Smith, 1949-1981 (3); Norman H. Smith, 1959 (1); Orville “Pop” Smith, 1948-1949 (13) | |
Box 12, Folder 9 | Orville “Pop” Smith, 1950-1951 (11) | |
Box 12, Folder 10 | Orville “Pop” Smith, 1952-1971 (14) | |
Box 12, Folder 11 | Ralph Smith, 1949 (3); Ray Smith, undated (1); Robert T. Smith, 1972 (1); Vic Smith, 1963 (1); Smithsonian Institution, 1967 (1); Helen Foster Snow, 1966 (5); Robert Snow, undated (1); Lou and Dick Snowman, undated (1); Divinna Snyder, 1975 (1); George Snyder, undated (1); Jessie Pennoyer Snyder, 1973 (1; Michael Solomon, 1953-1956 (2); Joan Sommers, undated (2); Ella Sonkin, 1980 (2); Allan M. Spencer, 1961 (1); Sylvia Spidell, 1961 (1); Joanne Sprenger, 1969 (1) | |
Box 12, Folder 12 | Mary and Rafael Spring, 1958-1959 (13) | |
Box 12, Folder 13 | Mary and Rafael Spring, 1960-1961 (13) | |
Box 12, Folder 14 | Mary and Rafael Spring, 1962-1963 (13) | |
Box 12, Folder 15 | Mary and Rafael Spring, 1964-1966 (17) | |
Box 12, Folder 16 | Mary and Rafael Spring, 1967-1977 (22) | |
Box 12, Folder 17 | F.A. Sprunger, 1955 (1); Springfield, Massachusetts Public Schools, 1958 (1); Square Dance Magazine, undated (1); The Square Dance Callers’ Association of Greater Kansas City, Inc., 1967 (1); (10th Annual National) Square Dance Convention, 1961 (4); The Square Dance Society of New South Wales, 1965-1969 (3); Square Dance Square, 1953 (1); J. Duane Squires, 1977 (1); Carrie Stahl, 1958-1968 (11); Valerie Staigh, 1963 (1) | |
Box 12, Folder 18 | Michel St. Louis, 1967 (1); St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 1977 (1); James Stamper, 1970-1977 (3); Eline Staples, 1960 (1); Sandy Starkman, 1982 (1); Ken Steady, undated (1); John Steele, 1981 (1); Vernin Steensland, 1957-1960 (8); Louis Stefany, 1938 (1); Sally Steinmetz, 1967 (1) | |
Box 12, Folder 19 | Stephen Greene Press, 1975 (9) | |
Box 12, Folder 20 | Stephen Greene Press, 1976-1983 (23) | |
Box 12, Folder 21 | Ann Stephens, 1966-1982 (12); O. W. Stephenson, 1964 (1); Slim Sterling (1); Ed Stern, 1972 (1); Ardis Stevens, 1959-1966 (3); Jean and pearson Stewart, 1950-1953 (3); Marjorie and Aubery Stewart, 1963 (1) | |
Box 12, Folder 22 | Florence Stickelmyer, 1949-1950 (3); Aggie Stillman, 1970 (2); Harold and Ann Stoetzer, 1976 (1); Bill and Gloria Stone, 1971 (1); Norma Stone, 1972 (1); Rose Strasser, 1958-1981 (9); Lilly Strasser, 1962 (1); Desmond Strobel, undated (1); Edward Struckes, 1960 (1); Gladys Warren Struse, 1966 (1); Tish Stubbs, 1978 (1); Ray Stutz, 1959 (1); Geena Sundin, 1952 (1); Edna Sudall, 1970 (1); Jack Sudall, 1965-1968 (2); Carol Summar, 1980 (1); Esther Sumpter, 1965 (2); Henry Supka, 1953 (1); Peter Sussman, 1980 (1) | |
Box 12, Folder 23 | Phil and Ruth Sweet, 1969-1975 (8) | |
Box 12, Folder 24 | Ralph Sweet, 1950-1970 (13) | |
Box 12, Folder 25 | Ralph Sweet, 1973-1981 (18) | |
Box 13 | ||
Box 13, Folder 1 | Marlys Swenson, 1948 (1); M. Sylvia, 1958 (1); John C. Tacoma, 1960-1966 (3); Ian Taggart, 1949 (1); John A. Taggart, 1938 (2); Patricia Talbot, 1958 (2); Richard Talbot, Ellis Institute, Keene, NH, 1972 (1); T.Y. (“Ty”) Tanabe, 1958-1972 (7) | |
Box 13, Folder 2 | Richard “Wink” Tapply, 1959-1972 (7); Nick Tawa, 1975 (1); Angela Taylor, 1964-1971 (11 to Ralph and Ada); Bruce Taylor, 1972 (1); Ed Taylor, 1950 (2); L. David Taylor, 1973 (1) | |
Box 13, Folder 3 | Marianne Taylor, 1962-1984 (18); Stanley R. Tebbetts, 1952 (1); J. N. Teesdale, 1948 (1); Ralph Tefferteller, 1951 (1); Maria Terres, 1982 (1); Terri Thaler, 1983 (1); Richard J. Thayer, 1952 (1) | |
Box 13, Folder 4 | Charley Thomas, 1948-1961 (18) | |
Box 13, Folder 5 | Dale Thomas, 1974 (1); Thompson Cigar Company (Tom Timmins), 1970-1979 (3); Brownlow “Brownie” Thompson, 1949-1984 (21) | |
Box 13, Folder 6 | Dorothea Thompson, 1973-1984 (6); Edith Thompson, 1958 (2); Homer V. “Tommy” Thompson, 1953-1954 (3); John A. Thompson, 1976 (1); K. Thorson, 1980 (1) | |
Box 13, Folder 7 | Hugh Thurston (editor of The Folk Dancer), 1956-1963 (20) | |
Box 13, Folder 8 | Hugh Thurston, 1964-1972 (10) | |
Box 13, Folder 9 | Hugh Thurston, undated (16) | |
Box 13, Folder 10 | Hugh Thurston, undated (12) | |
Box 13, Folder 11 | Hugh Thurston, undated (14) | |
Box 13, Folder 12 | Hugh Thurston, undated (15) | |
Box 13, Folder 13 | Nina Thurston (Northwest Folk Dancers, Inc.), 1966 (1); Joan Tibbetts, 1973 (1); Gail and Leland (Lee) Ticknor, 1974-1984 (11); Robert Tiews, 1974 (2); Win Tilley, 1981-1984 (2); Ellen Tillinghast, 1950-1967 (3); Elaine Todd, 1984 (1) | |
Box 13, Folder 14 | Kirby Todd, 1954-1978 (22) | |
Box 13, Folder 15 | Kirby Todd, 1979-1984 (32) | |
Box 13, Folder 16 | Tokyo YMCA Folk Dance Club, Christmas card, 1956 (1); Beth Tolman, 1945 (1); Newton F. Tolman, 1973 (3); Mary Topolski, 1971 (1); Gordon Tracie, 1962-1981 (20) | |
Box 13, Folder 17 | Carolyn Tracy, New Hampshire Parks and Recreation Society, 1973 (1); Helen and Dick Tracy, 1952-1983 (3); Martin Tracy, 1972 (1); W.E. Tracy, 1984 (1); Bob Treyz, 1953-1960 (4); Les and Vi Tripp, 1973 (1); Jean Trudel, 1978 (1) | |
Box 13, Folder 18 | Norman Tubiash, 1950 (1); Ada Savage Tucker, undated (1); Ian Tucker, undated (1); Jean and Arthur Tufts, 1975 (4); Annette Tunnell, 1954 (2); Bert Tunnell, 1954 (1); Evan Twomey, 1962-1964 (2); Marie Twomey, 1973 (1); Martha Tygiel, Education Director, Carl Fischer, Inc., 1981 (1); Mary T. Tymkowych, 1961-1976 (6) | |
Box 13, Folder 19 | Margaret Uebelacker, 1969 (1); Helen Ullrich, 1954 (2); Charlotte Underwood (Rock Candy Mountain Recordings), 1952-1953 (4); USO (United Service Organizations), 1943 (5); U.S. Department of State, 1947 (1); University of Missouri Press, 1973 (1) | |
Box 13, Folder 20 | William M. Van Deren, 1950 (1); Bep Van Leeuwen, 1969 (1); Burr Vail, 1960 (2); Helen Vail, undated (2); Vassar College Outing Club, 1968 (1); Vermont Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 1949-1953 (4); Vermont Transit Company, 1964-1970 (2); Joe Vessels, undated (1); John Vezina, 1980 (1); Lillian Vinski, 1960 (1); Ted and Eleanor Vogt, 1971 (1); Zoe Vrakatitsis (Keene Time Capsule Committee), 1983 (2) | |
Box 13, Folder 21 | WLS, The Prairie Farmer Station, 1952 (2); WMUR, Manchester, N.H., 1941 (1); Julia Wagner, 1949 (1); Roy Wagner, 1982 (1); John P. Wojtowicz, 1961 (1); Eleanor Wakefield, 1965 (1); Sarah Nell Walkley, 1950 (1); Emmette Wallace, 1949 (1); John Wallace, undated (1); Kristi Waller, undated (1) | |
Box 13, Folder 22 | Marlys Waller, 1963-1981 (14); Joe Wallin, 1978-1984 (5); Gus Walsh, 1954 (1); Wilma Walter, undated (1); Fran Walter, undated (1); Harriet Warner, 1963 (1) | |
Box 13, Folder 23 | Herb Warren, 1949-1950 (34) | |
Box 13, Folder 24 | Herb Warren, 1951 (20) | |
Box 13, Folder 25 | Herb Warren, 1952 (21) | |
Box 13, Folder 26 | Herb Warren, 1953 (14) | |
Box 13, Folder 27 | Herb Warren, 1954 (30) | |
Box 13, Folder 28 | Herb Warren, 1955 (20) | |
Box 13, Folder 29 | Herb Warren, 1956 (15) | |
Box 13, Folder 30 | Herb Warren, 1957-1958 (25) | |
Box 14 | ||
Box 14, Folder 1 | Herb Warren, 1959 (26) | |
Box 14, Folder 2 | Herb Warren, 1960 (16) | |
Box 14, Folder 3 | Herb Warren, 1961 (21) | |
Box 14, Folder 4 | Herb Warren, 1962 (21) | |
Box 14, Folder 5 | Herb Warren, 1963-1964 (33) | |
Box 14, Folder 6 | Herb Warren, 1965 (15) | |
Box 14, Folder 7 | Herb Warren, 1966 and undated (25, including a note from Rachel Titus informing Page of Herb Warren’s sudden death from a heart attack and an obituary article about him from Gladys Warren Struse) | |
Box 14, Folder 8 | Kitty Warren, 1975-1977 (3); Samuel Warren, 1951 (1); William “Bill” Warren, 1977-1979 (2); Douglas Warschauer, 1981 (1); Bobby Watson, undated (1); Leonard Watson, 1969 (1); Priscilla Watson, 1955 (1); Howard Hicks Way, Jr., 1977 (2); Charlie and Holly Webster, 1964-1983 (2); Edgar N. Weber, 1949 (1); Diane Weinroth, 1975 (1); Lynn Weinheimer, 1974 (2) | |
Box 14, Folder 9 | Erma Weir, 1951-1964 (9); Bill Welch, 1951-1952 (2); Doris Weller, 1954-1971 (10); Bill Wellington, 1984 (1); Evelyn K. Wells, 1960 (1); George and Ada Wells, 1958 (1) | |
Box 14, Folder 10 | Herbert Wening, 1955 (1); Jacques and Dorothy Wesson, 1972 (3); Eleanor West, 1966; Jim and Eloise West, 1960-1965 (3); John Foster West, 1971 (1); Rae West, 1969 (4); Western Kentucky University; Ruth Westheimer, 1959 (1); Dick Whealey, 1967; Alice Wheeler, 1976 (1); Harry Wheeler, 1949 (2); William Wheeler, 1950 (1) | |
Box 14, Folder 11 | Parker Whitcomb, 1973-1975 (2); Betty White, 1948 (2); Christine White, 1953 (1); Hal White, 1970 (1); Jim White, 1964 (1); Jeanie Whitehead, 1973 (2); Barbara Whitman, 1958 (1); Roland Whitney, 1971 (6) | |
Box 14, Folder 12 | Tod Whittemore, 1974-1984 (12); Olive Whitworth, 1949-1954 (13) | |
Box 14, Folder 13 | Olive Whitworth, 1956-1961 (13) | |
Box 14, Folder 14 | Roger Whynot, 1958-1960 (13) | |
Box 14, Folder 15 | Roger Whynot, 1961-1963 (17) | |
Box 14, Folder 16 | Roger Whynot, 1964-1969 (11) | |
Box 14, Folder 17 | Roger Whynot, 1970-1976 (17) | |
Box 14, Folder 18 | Roger Whynot, 1977-1981 (14) | |
Box 14, Folder 19 | Roger Whynot, 1982-1984 and undated (20) | |
Box 14, Folder 20 | Viola Wilby, 1964 (2) | |
Box 14, Folder 21 | Ginny and Bev Wilder, 1957-1963 (27) | |
Box 14, Folder 22 | Ginny and Bev Wilder, 1964-1967 (18) | |
Box 14, Folder 23 | Ginny and Bev Wilder, 1968-1973 (22) | |
Box 14, Folder 24 | Ginny and Bev Wilder, 1974-1976 (14) | |
Box 14, Folder 25 | Ginny and Bev Wilder, 1977-1982 (17) | |
Box 14, Folder 26 | Ginny and Bev Wilder, 1983-1984 and undated (20) | |
Box 14, Folder 27 | Ginny and Bev Wilder, undated (24) | |
Box 15 | ||
Box 15, Folder 1 | Ed Wilfert, 1970-1982 (14); Aubrey Wilkins, 1968 (1); Wilbur Wilkinson, 1963 (1); Ray Willard, 1953-1955 (2); Edna Willby, 1956 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 2 | Betty Williams, undated (1); Dan Williams, 1977 (1); Dave Williams, 1977-1978 (5); Hilleka Williams, 1963 (1); John Williams, 1954-1956 (3); Reed Williams, undated (4); Violet Williams, 1975 (1); Byron Williamson, undated (1); Windsor Records, 1952-1955 (3); Dave Winslow, 1970 (1); Ken Wilson, undated (1); Jack Wilson, 1950 (1); Jim and Alice Wilson, 1976 (1); Elisabeth Wineberg, 1975 (1); Bill Winey, 1955 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 3 | Louise Winston, 1953-1974 (21) | |
Box 15, Folder 4 | Louise Winston, 1975-1980 (13) | |
Box 15, Folder 5 | Bert Wittenberg, 1983 (1); David Winslow, 1970 (2); Ed Wojniak, 1949 (1); Mary Jane Wolbers, 1972 (1); Grace Wolff, 1957-1981 (17) | |
Box 15, Folder 6 | Mary (“Woodie”) Wood, 1967 (2); C. Lasseter (“Las”) Woodard, 1968 (2); Ruth Woodard, 1978-1983 (2); Floyd “Woody” Woodhull, 1967 (2); J. Woodman, 1955 (1); Adele Woods, 1971 (1); Bea Woodworth, 1952-1971 (4); Sara Joe Wooten, 1969 (1); Clifford Wormell, 1958 (1); Jerry Worrell, 1967 (1); Harvey Worthington, 1959; Kathryn and David Wright, 1983-1984 (4); Pauline Wu, 1960 (1); Don Wyckoff, 1966 (1); Bess Wyrick, undated (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 7 | Derek Yarwood, 1984 (1); Bill Young, 1971-1979 (10); Israel “Izzy” Young, 1979-1984 (17) | |
Box 15, Folder 8 | Ruth Young, 1974; YMCA, 1948-1960 (4); YWCA, 1947-1969 (5); Pat Youtz, 1967-1972 (3); June and John Yule, 1978 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 9 | Evelyn Zelman, undated (1); Lucyan Ziemba, 1952 (1); Jerry Zukor, 1979 (2); Rudy J. Zulkiewicz, undated (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 10 | Unidentified correspondents A: Alice, undated (2); Anne, 1948 (2); Anne, 1975-1981 (4); April, 1972 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 11 | Unidentified correspondents B: Bart, undated (1); Beth, 1948 (2); Bobbi, 1968 (1); Brigit, 1967 (1); Bill, 1973 (1); Bonnie, undated; Brownie and Dorothea, undated (2) B-, undated (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 12 | Unidentified correspondents C: Carrie, undated (1); Cathy, 1972 (1); Cele, 1972 (1); Carol, undated (1); Chester, 1960 (1); Claire, undated (1); Clara, undated (1); Clarence, 1967 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 13 | Unidentified correspondents D: Father Dave, 1974 (1); David, undated (1); Diana, 1984 (1); Don, 1980 (1); Dot, 1968-1969 (4) | |
Box 15, Folder 14 | Unidentified correspondents E-F: Edna, 1958 (1); Elsie, 1965 (1); Emily and Gardner, 1973 (1); Evelyn, 1974 (1); Faith, 1958 (1); Fran W., undated (1); Frank, 1948 (1); Frank, undated (1); Fred, undated (1); Frida, 1979 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 15 | Unidentified correspondents G-H: George, undated (1); George and Edna, 1960-1961 (2); Gloria, 1950-1969 (5); Greg, 1976 (1); Guy and Don, 1962 (1); Harry, 1964 (1); Honora, 1971 (1); Howard, 1967-1974 (2); Hugh, 1964 (1); Hugh O.?, 1952 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 16 | Unidentified correspondents I-J: Ian and Gale, 1980 (1); Irene, 1974 (1); Janice, undated (1); “Jake,” undated (2); Jay and Annabelle, undated (1); Jean, 1965 (1); Jill, undated (2); Jim and Finn, 1977-1979 (2); Jim, 1983 (1); Joan, undated (1); Jodie, undated (2); Joe, 1947 (1); Joel, 1976; John and Paula, 1973 (2); John, undated (1); John, 1964 (2); Julia, undated (1); June, 1971 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 17 | Unidentified correspondents K-P: Kathy, undated (1); Ken, 1981 (1); Kirby, 1980 (1); Larry, undated (1); Las, 1951 (1); Lee, 1953 (1); Leland, undated (1); Len, 1950 (1); Mad, undated (1); Marlys, 1975 (1); Mildred, 1951 (1); Miriam, undated (1); Murray, 1951 (2); Myrtle, 1981 (1); Morry and Nancy, 1952 (1); Natalie, undated (1); Nora, 1978 (1); Noreen, undated (1); Norman, 1949 (1); Pat, 1963-1973 (2) | |
Box 15, Folder 18 | Unidentified correspondents R-V: Ray, 1958 (1); Rich and Bonnie, 1972 (2); Robbie, 1950-1952 (2); Robin, undated (1); Ruth and Harry, undated (1); Sally, 1949 (1); Scotty, 1959 (3); Seth, 1973 (1); Sue and Toby, 1957-1959 (2); Ted, 1972 (1); Tom, 1982 (2); Tootie, 1949-1950 (3); Trench, 1982 (1); Virginia, 1966 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 19 | Unidentified correspondents – Unintelligible names (19 items) and a Hallmark picture notebook signed by thirty people |
Subseries C: Others to Others
Box 15, Folder 20 | To Ada Page: Jean Bacon, 1951 (1); Claire Belyea (?), undated (1); Fay Hillyer, 1980 (1); Peter Kilham, 1960 (1); Elizabeth Lourie, 1985 (1); Mary McKenna, 1974 (1); Nescafe Company, Inc., 1966 (1); New England Folk Festival (NEFFA Notes, Rich Castner, editor), undated (1); Pete and Sarah O’Hannah, 1974 (1); Bob Osgood, 1985 (1); Ralph Page, 1966 (2); Ingrid Paul, 1972 (1); Dwight Pitcher, 1965 (1); George Raine, 1962 (1); Ruth Sternback, 1974 (1); Angela Taylor, 1973 (1); Herbert Warren, 1952-1956 (5); Edna Wellby, 1956 (1); Louise Winston, 1966 (1); Pat, 1973 (1); “Windy,” undated (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 21 | Others to Others, A-C: Bob Aylward to Bill Freeman, 1962 (2); Ethyl Anderson, Joan Roe and Ken Clark (all EFDSS) to Nibs Matthews re Ralph Page’s visit to UK, 1966 (3); Charlie Baldwin to Richard Mastrianni, 1966 (1); Charlie Baldwin to Ed Moody, 1969 (2); Charlie Baldwin to Peter Mazik, 1970 (1); Mr. and Mrs. J. Beauchesne to Mal Hayden, New Hampshire Folk Festival, undated (1); Roscoe “Rocky” Bemis to Duke Miller, 1972 (1); Jeanne Bouvier to U.S. Senator Leverett Saltonstall, 1957 (1); Earle Buckley to Thomas Rivers and Robert Gamble, International Recreation Service, 1956 (1); Earle Buckley to Masanori Yuno, Kudan High School, Tokyo, 1956 (1); Earle Buckley to Takashi Tsunematsu, Sendai City, Japan, 1957 (1); Earle Buckley to Nancy Kane, 1959 (1); Charles Carpenter to Gene Gowing, 1949 (1); Don Chambers to Miss Boyd, 1972 (1); Elliott Duskey to Carl Geels, 1955 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 22 | Others to Others, D-G: Clementine DeRocco to Ted Sannella, 1953 (1); William DeMyer to Earle Buckley, 1956 (1); C. Everett Diefendorf to Clayton, 1967 (1); Ed Durlacher to Lloyd Shaw, 1948 (1); Michael Ehrlich to Mr. Gibson and Miss Hurley, Chicago Defender, 1959 (1); Dwight Eisenhower to Mrs.Jouett Shouse re National Folk Festival, 1960 (1); Leland Feitz to Mrs. John Bradford, 1975 (1); John Findlay to Ren Gregor, undated (1); Bill Freeman to Janet Alyward 1962 (1); Peter French to Nibs Matthews re visit of Ralph Page to UK, 1966 (1); Gene Fuller to Bob Osgood, 1973 (1); Cressy Goodwin to Sarah Gertrude Knott, National Folk Festival, 1970 (1); Gene Gowing to Don [Chambers?], 1945 (2); Gene Gowing to Maurice Blodgett, 1947 (1); Gene Gowing to Halton Richardson, 1949 (1); Gene Gowing to Louise Winston, 1968 (1); Richard Gray to Wes, 1950 (1); Ren Gregor, Pairs ‘N Squares to Fellow Square Dancers, 1955 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 23 | Others to Others, H-J: Elinor Hanscom to Beth Tolman, undated (1); William Hugh Hansen to NEFFA, 1968 (1); Lawton Harris to Maurice Hennigar, 1959 (1); Ian Hayden to Nibs Matthews, 1966 (1); Larry Jennings to Ken Hillyer, 1980 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 24 | Others to Others, L-Mc: Eloise Hubbard Linscott to Beth Johnson, Countryman Press, 1937 (1); Lloyd Shaw Foundation, Dorothy Shaw to Dudley Laufman, 1975 (2); Lloyd Shaw Foundation to Bill Spence, Front Hall Records, 1975 (1); Lloyd Shaw Foundation to Jack Sloanaker, 1975 (1); Lloyd Shaw Foundation to James Nelson, 1979 (1); A. Matthews to Ed Moody, 1953 (1); S.A. “Nibs” Matthews to Brian Seff, 1966 (1); Nibs Matthews to E. Curtis, 1966; Nibs Matthews to Ken Hillyer, 1985 (1); Veronica McClure to Chip Hendrickson, 1980 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 25 | Others to Others, Me-O: Walter and Vera Meier to Ed and Helen Moody, 1964-1975 (7); Ed Moody to Glenn Bannerman, 1964 (1); Arthur Moore to Beth Tolman, 1937 (1); George Moore to Herb Warren, 1962 (1); Jim Mosely, President, Mosely Mail Order List Service, Inc., to Paul and Gretel Dunsing, 1956 (1); Jim Mosely to John Heissenbuettel, 1956-1957 (2); Jim Mosely to Abe Kanegson, 1956 (1); Jim Mosely to Bob Osgood, 1965 (1); Jim Mosely to Parker Whitcomb, 1964 (1); National Folk Festival, Sarah Gertrude Knott, Director, to Louise Chapin, 1959 (1); National Folk Festival, Sarah Gertrude Knott to Ruth Keddy, 1960 (1); National Folk Festival, Sarah Gertrude Knott to Walter O’Reagan, 1960 (1); National Folk Festival, Sarah Gertrude Knott to Mrs. Lloyd Shaw, 1960 (1); National Folk Festival, Sarah Gertrude Knott to Alex Sponberg, 1960 (1); National Folk Festival, Sarah Gertrude Knott to Herb Warren, 1959 (1); Glen Nickerson to Roger Whynot, 1985 (1); Organization of American States to Mary Ann Herman, 1958 (1) | |
Box 15, Folder 26 | Others to Others, P-S: Ada Page to Frank, 1964 (1); Ada Page to Mrs. Henry Struse, 1966 (1); Ada Page to Ken and Fay Hillyer, 1982-1985 (2); Laura Page to Ken and Fay Hillyer, 1985 (1); Edward Reichert, Secretary to the NH Governor, to Llewellyn Powers, 1951 (1); Lynn Rohrbough to Ada Page, 1962 (1); Russell Sanjer to Roger Whynot, undated (1); Ted Sannella to George Fogg, 1969 (1); Andrew Scarlett to Beth Tolman, 1937 (1); Andrew Scarlett to Ada Page, 1939 (1); Al Scheer to Kirby Todd, 1982 (1); Lloyd Shaw to Ed Moody, 1948 (1); Ralph Smith to Ed Moody, 1969 (1); Brian Seff to Nibs Matthews, 1966 (1); Pap Sweet to Mr. Bushy, 1952 | |
Box 15, Folder 27 | Others to Others, T-W and unidentified: John Taggart to Beth Tolman, 1938 (1); Elichi Takahashi to Earl Buckley, undated (1); Richard Tapply to Daphne Drewello, 1967 (1); R.B. Tefferteller to Beth Tolman, 1937 (1); Kirby Todd to Bill Litchman, Lloyd Shaw Archives, 1979 (1); Tameo Tsubouchi to Earl Buckley, unadted (1); Lynn Waller, Shoreline Public Schools, Seattle to Kenneth Roberts, 1973 (1); Herb Warren to Mrs. Ralph Booth, 1961 (1); Herb Warren to Mr. Larkin, 1950 (1); Herb Warren to Ralph Newell, Keene Evening Sentinel, 1950 (1); Herb Warren to Harris W. Soule, 1950 (1); Peter Wilding, EFDSS to Nibs Matthews, 1966 (1); Dave Wischemann to Bob [Osgood?], undated (1); Bill -? to Herb [Warren?], 1950 (1); Bill to Gene Gowing, 1947 (1); De to Dot, undated (1); unidentified to Bill Litchman, 1979 (1); unidentified to RCA Manufacturing Co., 1942 (1); unidentified to Robert Johnson, 1984 (partial letter) |
Series 2: Manuscripts
(3 Boxes)
Subseries A: Ralph Page's Manuscripts
Box 16 | ||
Box 16, Folder 1 | “American Squares” (also see “Patter of Square-Dance Caller” in folder 12) | |
Box 16, Folder 2 | “Contra Dance” | |
Box 16, Folder 3 | “Cooper’s Dance” | |
Box 16, Folder 4 | “Dearest God and the Seven Saints Please Hear My Prayer” | |
Box 16, Folder 5 | “Difference Between Good Traditional Dancing and Madhouse Galloping to Non-directional Calls” | |
Box 16, Folder 6 | “From A Caller’s Scrapbook” | |
Box 16, Folder 7 | “The Lancers – Historical Notes” (Contra Dance Background) | |
Box 16, Folder 8 | Novel, unpublished (typescript and longhand) | |
Box 16, Folder 9 | Novel, unpublished, same as above (transcription) | |
Box 16, Folder 10 | Novel, unpublished, same as above (photocopy) | |
Box 16, Folder 11 | “Party Planning” | |
Box 16, Folder 12 | “Patter of Square-Dance Caller,” Folk Dance, 1978 (see also “American Squares”) | |
Box 16, Folder 13 | “Personals” (part of Northern Junket?) | |
Box 16, Folder 14 | “Quadrille” | |
Box 16, Folder 15 | “Research and Tradition” | |
Box 16, Folder 16 | “Square Dancing in the Monadnock Region” | |
Box 16, Folder 17 | “The Story of Square Dancing” | |
Box 16, Folder 18 | “Suggestions to Square Dance Callers” | |
Box 16, Folder 19 | "Swingin’ in the Hills" – calls and dance instructions (holograph manuscript) | |
Box 16, Folder 20 | Two copies of “Swingin’ in the Hills” (typescript), one with accompanying letter, dated Oct 1983, from The Stephen Greene Press rejecting it for publication and with cover letter from Roger Knox to Ted Sannella, dated Sept 9, 1988 | |
Box 16, Folder 21 | “Things Are Fine Over There” | |
Box 16, Folder 22 | “Tradition,” 1971 | |
Box 16, Folder 23 | Unidentified (Calls with explanations) | |
Box 16, Folder 24 | Miscellaneous |
Subseries B: Northern Junket
Box 16, Folder 25 | “The Advantages of Growing Old” | |
Box 16, Folder 26 | Cover illustration plates | |
Box 16, Folder 27 | “Dancing in the Virgin Islands” | |
Box 16, Folder 28 | “Folk Songs” | |
Box 16, Folder 29 | Index | |
Box 16, Folder 30 | Index notes | |
Box 16, Folder 31 | “Irish Dancing” | |
Box 16, Folder 32 | Meier, Walter, “Know Your Square Dance Music” | |
Box 16, Folder 33 | “North of Boston Callers Association – April 5, 1970” | |
Box 16, Folder 34 | “The Origin of the Appalachian Type of Square-Dance” | |
Box 16, Folder 35 | Page, Ralph: miscellaneous writings | |
Box 16, Folder 36 | Northern Junket cover illustration plates | |
Box 16, Folder 37 | Miscellaneous | |
Box 17 | ||
Box 17, Folder 1 | 25th anniversary: correspondence, 1974 | |
Box 17, Folder 2 | 25th anniversary: Bacharach, Martin, “Square Dancing in the Early 1950s” | |
Box 17, Folder 3 | 25th anniversary: Burdick, Stan, “The Three Faces of Contra Dancing” | |
Box 17, Folder 4 | 25th anniversary: “The Changing Scene in the Square Dance Field” | |
Box 17, Folder 5 | 25th anniversary: “Contra Contrast” | |
Box 17, Folder 6 | 25th anniversary: Czompo, Ann I., “Jazz Dance on the Folk Dance Scene” | |
Box 17, Folder 7 | 25th anniversary: Dunsing, Gretel (German Dances) | |
Box 17, Folder 8 | 25th anniversary: “Folk Dance with Exceptional Children” | |
Box 17, Folder 9 | 25th anniversary: Hritz, Joe and Ginger, “Old time Dancing in the Cleveland Area,” 1974 | |
Box 17, Folder 10 | 25th anniversary: Meier, Walter, “A Look into the Future of Square Dancing” | |
Box 17, Folder 11 | 25th anniversary: Miller, Duke | |
Box 17, Folder 12 | 25th anniversary: Osgood, Bob, “Today is the Greatest Time of All” | |
Box 17, Folder 13 | 25th anniversary: Thompson, Dorothea M., “Square Dancing in the Big Thompson Valley,” 1974 | |
Box 17, Folder 14 | 25th anniversary: Winston, Louise, “Greater Boston’s Dancing During the Past Quarter Century,” 1974 | |
Box 17, Folder 15 | 25th anniversary: miscellaneous | |
Box 17, Folder 16 | Typescript proofs, Volume 11 | |
Box 17, Folder 17 | Typescript proofs, Volume 12 | |
Box 17, Folder 18 | Typescript proofs, Volume 13 | |
Box 18 | ||
Box 18, Folder 1 | Typescript proofs, Volume 14 |
Subseries C: Manuscripts by Others
Box 18, Folder 2 | Christmas stories, various authors | |
Box 18, Folder 3 | “Contra-Dancing in the Pacific Northwest” | |
Box 18, Folder 4 | “A Fairy Fable” (probably written by Ed Moody), n.d. | |
Box 18, Folder 5 | “Our Ancestors Danced and Danced and Danced,” 1965 | |
Box 18, Folder 6 | “People were “Folks” in the Old Days, Too” | |
Box 18, Folder 7 | "The Landler in Tirol" | |
Box 18, Folder 8 | "Ralph Page: A Living National Treasure" | |
Box 18, Folder 9 | Untitled, n.d. |
Series 3: Personal Notebooks
(3 Boxes)
Box 19 | ||
Box 19, Folder 1 | Notebook, 1939-1950: includes records of income and expenses for dances held in the mid- to late nineteen forties | |
Box 19, Folder 2 | Notebook, 1955-1959: lists of dances called, most by date | |
Box 19, Folder 3 | Notebook, 1956-1958: includes notes for classes taught, lists of dances called at dance camps and in classes, and names of participants | |
Box 19, Folder 4 | Notebook, 1958-1960: lists of dances called at various events (including Maine Folk Dance Camp, NH Camp, Town Hall Squares, Advanced Contras, etc.) and in classes | |
Box 19, Folder 5 | Notebook, 1959-1965: lists of dances called at various venues | |
Box 19, Folder 6 | Notebook, 1959-1974: primarily lists of dances called for classes and other events (East Hill Farm, Keene Year End Camp, etc.), but also details of auction sales, registrants, books sold | |
Box 19, Folder 7 | Notebook, 1960-1961: lists of dances called for classes and at various events (Maine Folk Dance Camp (1960), California Folk Dance Camp, Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, NH Fall Camp, Stowe, Vt. Folk Festival, etc.) and registrants | |
Box 19, Folder 8 | Notebook, 1960-1964: lists of dances called, plus details auction sales at Year End Camp, East Lake Farm, East Hill Farm, as well as books and records sold at East Hill Farm | |
Box 19, Folder 9 | Notebook, 1962-1964: lists of dances called, auction sales, camp notes, some dance instructions | |
Box 19, Folder 10 | Notebook, 1962-1965: lists of dances called and registrants | |
Box 19, Folder 11 | Notebook, 1963-1965: lists of dances called and registrants | |
Box 19, Folder 12 | Notebook, 1964-1965: lists of dances called, details of auction sales, and notes concerning various camps | |
Box 19, Folder 13 | Notebook, Oct-Nov 1966: Page’s trip to England. Lists of dances called at the various locations he visited and notes about the circumstances Page encountered | |
Box 19, Folder 14 | Notebook, 1968: lists of dances called | |
Box 19, Folder 15 | Notebook, 1968-1971: lists of dances called and registrants at various camps | |
Box 19, Folder 16 | Notebook, 1968-1972: lists of dances called and registrants | |
Box 19, Folder 17 | Notebook, ca. 1977: lists of dances called | |
Box 19, Folder 18 | Notebook, 1972-1978: lists of dances called and registrants | |
Box 19, Folder 19 | Notebook, 1978-1984: lists of dances called | |
Box 19, Folder 20 | Notebook, 1981: lists of dances called | |
Box 19, Folder 21 | Notebook, 1981: lists of dances called and registrants; at end of book a list of aphorisms (by Page?) | |
Box 19, Folder 22 | Notebook: lists of Page’s own record albums and books | |
Box 20 | ||
Box 20, Folder 1 | Notebook: index of contra, square, and folk dances, and some folk songs, alphabetically arranged | |
Box 20, Folder 2 | Notebook: dance calls/instructions and notes on dancing | |
Box 20, Folder 3 | Notebook: dances from historical sources | |
Box 20, Folder 4 | Notebook: dances from historical sources | |
Box 20, Folder 5 | Notebook: dance calls | |
Box 20, Folder 6 | Notebook: dance calls | |
Box 20, Folder 7 | Notebook: dance calls | |
Box 20, Folder 8 | Notebook: dance calls and notes, 1976 | |
Box 20, Folder 9 | Notebook: dances from periodicals and elsewhere, 1977-1982 | |
Box 20, Folder 10 | Notebook: dances from periodicals and elsewhere, 1982 | |
Box 20, Folder 11 | Notes: dance calls, arranged alphabetically by name of dance, A-D | |
Box 20, Folder 12 | Notes: dance calls, E-K | |
Box 20, Folder 13 | Notes: dance calls, L-N | |
Box 20, Folder 14 | Notes: dance calls, O-P | |
Box 20, Folder 15 | Notes: dance calls, S | |
Box 20, Folder 16 | Notes: dance calls, T-Y, and unidentified | |
Box 20, Folder 17 | Notes: dances from various manuscript collections | |
Box 20, Folder 18 | Notebook: dance calls, notes on dance from historical sources, and a long list of pub names collected on Page’s trip to England in 1966 | |
Box 20, Folder 19 | Notebook: notes from “Music in New Hampshire 1623-1800″ by Louis Pichierri | |
Box 20, Folder 20 | Notebook: historical notes on dance from numerous New England town histories (particularly New Hampshire) and “A Guide to American Folklore” | |
Box 20, Folder 21 | Notebook: historical notes on dance from various sources, including town histories | |
Box 20, Folder 22 | Notebook: historical notes on dance from various sources | |
Box 20, Folder 23 | Notebook: historical notes on dance from various sources | |
Box 20, Folder 24 | Notebook: historical notes on dance from various sources | |
Box 20, Folder 25 | Notebook: historical notes on dance from various sources | |
Box 20, Folder 26 | Notebook: historical notes on dance from town histories | |
Box 21 | ||
Box 21, Folder 1 | Notebook: items on dance from NHS (New Hampshire Sentinel), 1870-1884, and Keene Evening Sentinel, 1893 | |
Box 21, Folder 2 | Notebook: items on dance from NHS, 1881-1888, and details of items sold at NEFFA 1958 and New Hampshire Camp 1959 | |
Box 21, Folder 3 | Notebook: items on dance from NHS, 1888-1891 | |
Box 21, Folder 4 | Notebook: items on dance from NHS, 1891-1892 | |
Box 21, Folder 5 | Notebook: items on dance from NHS, 1923 | |
Box 21, Folder 6 | Notebook: items on dance from The Cheshire Republican, 1875-1888 | |
Box 21, Folder 7 | Notebook: items on dance from The Cheshire Republican, 1888 | |
Box 21, Folder 8 | Notebook: items on dance from The Cheshire Republican, 1888-1895 | |
Box 21, Folder 9 | Notebook: items on dance from Cold River Journal, 1885-1899 | |
Box 21, Folder 10 | Notebook: items on dance from Cold River Journal, 1898-1902 | |
Box 21, Folder 11 | Notebook: items on dance from Cold River Journal, 1899-1904 | |
Box 21, Folder 12 | Notebook: notes on dance (by Page?) |
Series 4: Daily Calendars
(1 Box)
Box 22 | ||
Box 22, Folder 1 | Daily Calendar, 1938: includes dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 2 | Daily Calendar, 1939: includes dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 3 | Daily Calendar, 1940: includes dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 4 | Daily Calendar, 1941: includes dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 5 | Daily Calendar, 1942: includes dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 6 | Daily Calendar, 1943: includes dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 7 | Daily Calendar, 1944: includes dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 8 | Daily Calendar, 1945: includes dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 9 | Daily Calendar, 1946: includes dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 10 | Daily Calendar, 1947: dance dates only | |
Box 22, Folder 11 | Daily Calendar, 1947: includes dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 12 | Daily Calendar, 1947: includes dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances through May only | |
Box 22, Folder 13 | Daily Calendar, 1949: dance dates and addresses | |
Box 22, Folder 14 | Daily Calendar, 1950: dance dates and addresses | |
Box 22, Folder 15 | Daily Calendar, 1951: dance dates and addresses | |
Box 22, Folder 16 | Daily Calendar, 1952: dance dates, addresses, and itemized account of expenses and income from “Institute Tour” to the Midwest and West Coast | |
Box 22, Folder 17 | Daily Calendar, 1953: dance dates and addresses | |
Box 22, Folder 18 | Daily Calendar, 1954: dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 19 | Daily Calendar, 1955: dance dates and addresses | |
Box 22, Folder 20 | Daily Calendar, 1956: dance dates and addresses | |
Box 22, Folder 21 | Daily Calendar, 1957: dance dates and addresses | |
Box 22, Folder 22 | Daily Calendar, 1958: dance dates and addresses | |
Box 22, Folder 23 | Daily Calendar, 1959: dance dates and addresses | |
Box 22, Folder 24 | Daily Calendar, 1960: dance dates and addresses | |
Box 22, Folder 25 | Daily Calendar, 1961: dance dates and addresses | |
Box 22, Folder 26 | Daily Calendar, 1962: dance dates and addresses | |
Box 22, Folder 27 | Daily Calendar, 1963: dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 28 | Daily Calendar, 1964: dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 29 | Daily Calendar, 1965: dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 30 | Daily Calendar, 1966: dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 31 | Daily Calendar, 1967: dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 32 | Daily Calendar, 1968: dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 33 | Daily Calendar, 1969: dance dates, addresses, and itemized monthly personal income from dances | |
Box 22, Folder 34 | Daily Calendar, 1970: dance dates and personal income | |
Box 22, Folder 35 | Daily Calendar, 1971: sketchy account of dance dates and personal income | |
Box 22, Folder 36 | Daily Calendar, 1972: dance dates and personal income | |
Box 22, Folder 37 | Daily Calendar, 1973: dance dates and personal income | |
Box 22, Folder 38 | Daily Calendar, 1974: some dance dates and personal income | |
Box 22, Folder 39 | Daily Calendar, 1975: dance dates and personal income |
Series 5: Scrapbooks
(1 Box)
Box 23 | ||
Box 23, Item 1 | Contain letters, newspaper clippings, programs, photos, and mementos related to dance and music events | |
Box 23, Item 2 | Contain letters, newspaper clippings, programs, photos, and mementos related to dance and music events | |
Box 23, Item 3 | Contains newspaper clippings on subjects of general interest | |
Box 23, Item 4 | “Square Dance Memories: On the Road to Boston” contains photographs 1945-1952 of various groups of people at a number of different locations and was given to Page, not compiled by him |
Series 6: Personal and Subject Files
(3 Boxes)
Box 24 | ||
Box 24, Folder 1 | Agreements and contracts, 1941-1980 | |
Box 24, Folder 2 | American Revolution Bicentennial Commission (Keene, NH), 1974-1976 | |
Box 24, Folder 3 | Armstrong, Don and Marie: “Dances Presented by….” | |
Box 24, Folder 4 | Awards [*see also Oversize Box 2] | |
Box 24, Folder 5 | Ballet | |
Box 24, Folder 6 | “A Bibliography of Fiddling in North America, Part 1” | |
Box 24, Folder 7 | Biographical information on Ralph Page [*see also Oversize Box 2] | |
Box 24, Folder 8 | Biographical information on Ralph Page, newspaper clippings, with dates | |
Box 24, Folder 9 | Biographical information on Ralph Page, newspaper clippings, without dates | |
Box 24, Folder 10 | Bodnar, Anna, memorial, 1960 | |
Box 24, Folder 11 | Cigars | |
Box 24, Folder 12 | Conferences and conventions, misc. 1947-1974 | |
Box 24, Folder 13 | Constitutions and by-laws of various groups | |
Box 24, Folder 14 | Country Dance Book | |
Box 24, Folder 15 | Country Dance & Song Society (CDSS) | |
Box 24, Folder 16 | Dunsing, Gretel and Paul, “A Collection of the Descriptions of Folk Dances,” 1971 | |
Box 24, Folder 17 | Dunsing, Gretel and Paul, “A Collection of the Descriptions of Folk Dances Taught by…” 1972 | |
Box 24, Folder 18 | Dziewanowska, Ada: “Polish Dances” and “Serbian Dances” | |
Box 24, Folder 19 | Eastern District Square & Round Dance Association, 1957 | |
Box 24, Folder 20 | “An Elegant Collection,” 1981-1982 | |
Box 24, Folder 21 | Flamborough Sword Dance | |
Box 24, Folder 22 | Folk Dance House, New York (the Hermans) | |
Box 24, Folder 23 | Folk Dancers of George Williams College, 1965 | |
Box 24, Folder 24 | French-Canadian dance and song | |
Box 24, Folder 25 | German dance and song | |
Box 24, Folder 26 | Gowing, Gene | |
Box 24, Folder 27 | Historical Society of Cheshire County [*see also Oversize Box 2] | |
Box 24, Folder 28 | “Holland as Seen in the English Country Dance, 1713-1820” | |
Box 24, Folder 29 | Hurricane of 1938 | |
Box 24, Folder 30 | Interview, Ralph Page and Charlie Baldwin with Stan Isaacs (December 30, 1976) | |
Box 24, Folder 31 | Japan | |
Box 24, Folder 32 | Keene, New Hampshire | |
Box 25 | ||
Box 25, Folder 1 | Lamond, Evelyn, “A Dance a Week,” Dearborn (Michigan) Independent, 1926 | |
Box 25, Folder 2 | Lancers Quadrille | |
Box 25, Folder 3 | Larkin, Ed | |
Box 25, Folder 4 | Lists of books, serials, people, organizations, and dances | |
Box 25, Folder 5 | McLain Family Band, 1985 | |
Box 25, Folder 6 | Membership cards, 1943-1981 | |
Box 25, Folder 7 | Miscellaneous articles | |
Box 25, Folder 8 | Miscellaneous books (photocopied portions) | |
Box 25, Folder 9 | New England Council of Callers Association | |
Box 25, Folder 10 | New England Folk Festival Association, 1946-1984 | |
Box 25, Folder 11 | New Hampshire Folk Federation | |
Box 25, Folder 12 | Newspaper clippings: Folk dancing and songs, with dates | |
Box 25, Folder 13 | Newspaper clippings: Folk dancing and songs, without dates | |
Box 25, Folder 14 | Newspaper clippings: Folklore, culture, stories by Roy Johnson for the Boston Globe | |
Box 25, Folder 15 | Newspaper clippings: Folklore, culture, stories, with dates | |
Box 25, Folder 16 | Newspaper clippings: Folklore, culture, stories, without dates | |
Box 25, Folder 17 | 19th century dance cards and programs | |
Box 25, Folder 18 | North of Boston Square Dance Callers Association, 1958-1975 | |
Box 25, Folder 19 | Northern Junket | |
Box 25, Folder 20 | Notes, miscellaneous | |
Box 25, Folder 21 | Old Joe Clark, Inc. | |
Box 25, Folder 22 | Page family, genealogical information | |
Box 25, Folder 23 | Page, George S. | |
Box 25, Folder 24 | Page, Laura S. | |
Box 26 | ||
Box 26, Folder 1 | Picture cards of dance and dancing | |
Box 26, Folder 2 | Postcards of dancing, callers, etc. | |
Box 26, Folder 3 | Quadrilles and Cotillions (photocopies of books and music) | |
Box 26, Folder 4 | “Cash” Radford | |
Box 26, Folder 5 | Ralph Page Book of Contras | |
Box 26, Folder 6 | Recipes | |
Box 26, Folder 7 | Reviews: miscellaneous books and albums | |
Box 26, Folder 8 | “The Saco Savoyards present M.H.S. Pioneer or, The Lad Who Longed to Hambo” | |
Box 26, Folder 9 | Scottish Country Dance Society of Boston [*see also Oversize Box 2] | |
Box 26, Folder 10 | Square Dance Foundation of New England | |
Box 26, Folder 11 | Swedish music | |
Box 26, Folder 12 | “The Walloon Dances of Belgium” |
Series 7: Dance Calls, Instructions, and Music Manuscripts
(2 Boxes)
Box 27 | ||
Box 27, Folder 1 | A: Aba-Daba Honeymoon/Alabama Jubilee; After The Ball; After Brollopet (After The Wedding) (Schottis); Al Smith’s Polka; Alberta Jig; Alewander (Swiss folk dance); Alexandrovsky (Russian ballroom dance); Alley Cat (American novelty dance); And Are Ye Sure The News Is True? (1858); The Annen Polka Quadrille; Arden Folk Contra; Around Just One (Montreal Breakthrough/Star and Chain on reverse side);At The Inn “To The Crown” (German); At The Masquerade Quickstep (Ralph Page, 1982); Atlantic Hornpipe; Attack Galop (1874); The Auctioneer; Aunt May’s Canadian Jig/Behind The Old Briar Patch | |
Box 27, Folder 2 | B: Bashana Haba’ah; Banks of Champlain;The Banks of the Dee; The Barbaric Polka; Bare Necessities; Basulto; Beede Hill Reel; La Belle Catherine; Bermuda Galop; Bill Bailey; Billy Boy; Bittersweet; Black Earth Circle; Black Forest Mazurka; The Blue Stocking; Blue Tango; Bon Ton Gavotte; Bonny LEM of Aberedeen; Bossa Nova Mixer; Boston March; Boston Shuffle; Boston Two-Step; The Brown-Eyed Maid; Busybody; Butter-Milk and Pratees | |
Box 27, Folder 3 | C: Ça Ira; Cape Blomindon Reel/The Sage of Cheshire County (Tony Parkes); Captain Jinks; The Capture of Seringapatam; Careless Sally; Carrie Polka; Cosy Chair Square; Chambers Quadrille; Charming Betsy; Cheshire; Cheshire Swing; Chicago Glide; Christmas Hornpipe; Christmas Waltz; Clare de Kitchen; The Clover Leaf/When The Works All Done This Fall; Cocheco Hornpipe; Come Up The Backstairs;The Comet Waltz; The Commodore’s Return; Compliments to Freda Gratzon; Connecticut River; Contra Dance, 1,3, and 5 cross (Dudley Briggs); Contra Nova; Cool Breeze; Corporal Casey’s Fancy; Cotton Pickin’ Polka Square; Country Cousins Star; Cowboy Dream; Cowboy Jig (Vestar Bopolsk); Crumisms; Cynthia’s Hornpipe/The Wedding Reel (both Dudley Laufman); Cuadrilla de las Sillas; Cuckoo’s Nest; Culver Lodge | |
Box 27, Folder 4 | D: Dance, Dance, Dance; Dandies Hornpipe; Danish Dance; Darling Nellie Gray; The Day Has Gone; Deck The Halls and other carols; Deep Dish Apple Pie/Right Hand High, Left Gent Low; Dew-Drop Waltz; Dick’s Dilemma; Dip and Dive Six; Dirge For Three Corpses and A Gentleman; Do Paso (Square); Donegal Contra; The Double Pin-Wheel; Doudlebska Polka; Down By A Weeping Willow; Draw The Sword; Dream March; Dreams of Love; Drops of Drink/Capt. White’s Jig; Dud Briggs’s Hornpipe; Dud’s Contra; The Duke of Kent’s Waltz; Duke’s Quadrille | |
Box 27, Folder 5 | E: Earl Bly’s Waltz; Eight Hands Around; Elegance and Simplicity/The Witches’ Brew; Elise’s Jig; Empire State Chain; Ersko Kolo; L’Etoile Schottisch; Everybody Chain; Eyes Will Watch For Thee | |
Box 27, Folder 6 | F: Fairy Dell Waltz; The Fairy Ring; Fairy Schottisch; Fandango; The Farmer Girl’s Quadrille; Farmer’s Quadrille; Fatinitza March; Faust Galop; Feast of Flowers; Festival Contra; The Fiddler of Dooney; Figure 8 Contra; First Little Lady Promenade The Inside; Fisher’s Hornpipe (see also Ovsz Box 1); Flare The Star; Fly Away Galop; La Folie à la Mode; Forget-Me-Not Polka; 4 O’Clock in the Morning; Freeford Gardens; Fremont Jig (Dudley Laufman); Friendship Polka | |
Box 27, Folder 7 | G: The Gatsby; Gay Gordons; Genets Recall; George’s Special (George Hodgson); Germantown Waltz; Geestländer Walzer/Achttouriger Mit Walzer; The Girl I Left Behind Me; Give Me A Ring (Ralph Page, 1982); Glasgow/Granny; Gone-A-Rovin Improved; Goodnight Sweetheart/Steppin’ Out; “Gowing’s Favorite” Reel; The Graces/Miss Parker’s Fancy/Optic Rince; Elegance and Simplicity/The Orange Tree/Happy Lovers/Ship In Full Sail; Grand March; Grand March Victorious; Grand Square Waltz Quadrille; Grape Vine Twist; Guard’s Waltz; Gyund Bar (Armenian) | |
Box 27, Folder 8 | H: Haj! Haj! Boze Daj!; Hal Kearney’s Square; Hamilton House/All Round The Maypole; The Happy Frenchman; Hasa Piko; The Hard Cider Jig; Hay Maker’s Jig; The Haystack; Hazel’s Hurricane; Heart Bowed Down; Hebrew Wedding Dance; The Hessian Camp; Honest John; Honey Harbor Two-Step; Hoop-Pole Shanti (?); Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight; Hull’s Victory; Hully Gully Line Dance; A Hunting Song; Hurry Hurry Hurry | |
Box 27, Folder 9 | I: I.O.C.A. reel/Dandies Hornpipe/Big John McNeil; I Am Thinking Of The Lov’d Ones; I Left My Sweet Girl Behind Me; I Wonder; Indian Stick Game; Irish Reel; The Irish Waltz; Irma Waltz | |
Box 27, Folder 10 | J: Jack’s Life/Miss Parker’s Fancy; J’Ai Perdu Le “Do” De Ma Clarinette; Jämtpolska; Jan Pierewiete; Jano Waltz; Jefferson’s Waltz; Jenny Nettle; La Jesusita; Jiang Shang Chang Chwan Ge; Jig For Applejack (Ralph Page, 1981); Jim Brown; Jim Crow; Jingle Bells; Jolly Is The Miller; Joys of Quebec: The Judge’s Jig/Forest de Boudi/Sackett’s harbor/New century/Constitution/Bold Highlander; Just Because/Alabama Jubilee | |
Box 27, Folder 11 | K: Kalvelis; Karapet (Russian two-step); Kathleen Mavourneen; Kettengallop; Kohanochka; Koseder; Krakowiak; Kritikos (Greek Circle Dance, Crete); Kujawiak; Kuma Echa | |
Box 27, Folder 12 | L: The Lad With A White Cockade; Ladies Chain, With Right Hand Star; Lady Burditts; Lady of the Lake; Lady Walpole’s Reel; Lancashire Barn Dance; Lancashire Reel; Loomis College Lancers; Lancer Figures; Le Quadrille de Lancier; lancers; Birdcage Walk (Lancer); Les Lanciers; The Lancers; The Loomis Lancers; Miltary Lancers; Newfoundland Lancers; Abonnement (Lancers); The Lancers Historical Notes (see also Oversize Box 1) | |
Box 27, Folder 13 | L, cont.: Land of Sweet Erin; Lawn Tennis; Làndler; The Lass o’ Gowrie; Lead Out Sides; The Lehigh Polka; Leslie’s Hornpipe; Limbo Rock Mixer (Caribbean); Limerick Dance; Litchman’s Contra; Little Liza Jane; Little Man In A Fix;The Little Stacks of Barley; Lord of the dance; Lorenz; Love and Lager Beer; Lovin’ You; Lyceum March | |
Box 27, Folder 14 | M: Mabel Waltz; MacArthur Reel; Madame Bonaparte; Mach; Magazine Polka; Maid in the Pump Room; Major Bill; Malt Liquor; Mañana; Market Lass; Mandarine Schottsiche; Moon Stick Games; Marriott Polka; Martha Washington; Maryland Redowa; Master Tommy’s Married; Mazur; Mazurka; Mazurka Boholana; La Messine; Mie Katoen; Minute Man; Monadnock Reel; Miss Molly; Möckelmyrvalsen; Montreal Breakdown; Medley Barn Dance; Miller’s Reel/Ned Kendall’s Hornpipe; Miss Manning’s Reel; Mosaico Mexicano; Morrie Schottisch; Money Musk; Mountain Rose Schottische; My Little Girl; My Old Kentucky Home | |
Box 27, Folder 15 | N: Napoleon’s Quadrille; La Navarre; Nellie Bly; Neopolitan Tarantella; Next Wednesday is My Wedding Day; Nine Pin Reel; No Name!; No Name Reel; None So Pretty (Rondo); Norin Miego (Lithuanian); Nova Scotian; Numero Cinco | |
Box 27, Folder 16 | O: O Leave Her To Her Grief!; O Waly, Waly!; O.A.T.A. Reel (Roger Whynot); O’Donal Abhu; Oh Paddy Dear; Oklahoma Mixer; Old Fashioned Girl; Old Fashioned Two-Step; Old Men’s Jig;The Old Brown Mares Are Back in Town; Old Rosin, The Beau; Old Time Quadrille; Onaway!; Oslo Waltz | |
Box 27, Folder 17 | Pa-Pe: Pajama Jig; Page’s Polka (Dudley Briggs, for Ralph Page); Panzer Quadrille; Parson’s Quadrille; Pata Pata; The Patent Slipper; Patrick Sheehan or The Glen of Aherlow; Paul White’s Jig; Pea Straw; Pear Waltz; The Pearly Steam Polka; Perlacher Laendler No. 18; “The Pesky Sarpent, or Springfield Mountain”; Pete Colby’s Jig; Les Petites Allemandes | |
Box 27, Folder 18 | Pi-Pu: Pickering’s Remove; Pines Bridge; Plain Quadrille; Pioneer Polka Square; Pioneer Quadrille; Polka Sextur; Polonaise (Farewell To MY Country)/Bo’skany; Pop Goes The Weasel; Pretty Nancy Dowent; Pretty To Me; Pride of Dingle; Prince Alfred Waltz; Problems/Lilting Laura; Progressive Squares by Ed Gilmore; Proud Mary; Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet | |
Box 27, Folder 19 | “Prince Imperial Quadrille” (19th century original manuscript) | |
Box 27, Folder 20 | Q: Quadrille Bouchard; Le Quadrille de la Vie Parisienne;Quadrille Joyeux; Quadrilles | |
Box 27, Folder 21 | R: Race-Horse Galop; Raksi-Jaak; Ralph’s Treat Polka (Rich Blazej); Ramsgate Pier; Red River Valley; Red’s (British) Sorrow; Reel de Rimouski; Le Reel de Jeunes Mariés; Reel of Happiness; Regiment Quickstep; Reverie of an Old Fiddler; Rhine Hornpipe/Miss manning’s Reel; Ricardo or The Persian Dance; The Rigadoone; Road To The Isles; Rochester Schottisch; Roger’s Jig; Ronnie Jimmie and John; The Rose; Rose of the Prairie Waltz; The Rose Quadrille; Ross Reel #4; Le Rossignol; Royal Wedding Coach; Rumunsko Kolo; Russian Waltz; Rye Waltz | |
Box 27, Folder 22 | S: St. Patrick’s Breastplate; Sackett’s Harbor; Sailor’s Dream; Sally Good’in; Salutation Polka; Sardana/Casteltersol (Catalan dances); Sax Waltz; Scaley Polka; Schottische; Schottische or Canadian 4-Step; Schottische Mixer Scottish March; Scotty O’Neil (Bob McQuillen); Second Cahnce Reel/Roger’s Dance #2; The Self; Serenata Quadrille; Seven Jumps; The Seven Step Schottische; Seven Steps (German); Sich A Getin Up Stairs; Sicilian Circle; The Sign on the Highway; The Silvery Sparkling Polka; Sing’N'Swing; Sitno Shopsko Horo; Sittin On A Rail; The Sixth of May; The Sweets of May/King of the Fairies/Spanish Ladies; Sky Lark; Slumber Polka; Snow Bird Waltz; Sonderburg Double Quadrille; Song of Enoch Arden; Sotis (Slovenian Couple Dance); Souvenir A Pologne; Spanish Cavalier; Spanish Fandango; The Spanish Patriot; Split The Ring; Square Dance Boogie; Square Thru Polka; Star and a Wheel; Star and Chain; Stars & Stripes Proper; Stepney Chain; Stodola Polka/Shusti-Fidli (Czechoslovak); Ston(e)y Point; Strawberries & Raspberries; ‘S Trommt ‘Em Babeli; Successful Campaign/Gallonay Tom/From The Man Whom I Love; Sudmalinas (Latvian); Sultan’s Polka; Swedish Varsovienne; Sweet Evelena Waltz; Swing Your Opposites; Swingin’ In The Hills; Swinging On A Gate; Symmetrical Force; Symmetrical Reels of Three | |
Box 27, Folder 23 | T: Take A Peek; Tango Poquito; Tant’ Hessie; Tavern in the Town; Tchukarichka Kolo; The Tempest; Ten Pretty Girls; Tennessee Wig Walk; Tequila; Terry’s Birthday; Teton Mountain Stomp; Texas Star; Three Fishers Went Sailing; Timber Salvage Reel; Tina; To Ting; Totur; The Tourist; Tribute To Dr. Lloyd Shaw; A Trip To Canterbury; Tuesday’s Child; Tune From Brittany; Twin Traveler Hash; Tyrolienne Waltz | |
Box 27, Folder 24 | U: Uncle John’s Quadrille; Union March | |
Box 27, Folder 25 | V: Valle Gånglåt; Varsouvianna/Varsovienne; Virginia Reel; Virginia Reel Square | |
Box 27, Folder 26 | W: Walkin’ and Whistlin’; Walking My Baby Back Home; Walpole Cottage; Waltz Quadrille; Walz Mazurka; Wandering Waltz Contra; Wearin’ of the Green; Weaving Dance; Wedding Polka; Weggis Fance (Swiss); Were Yo There?; Westering Home; What A beau Yor Granny Was/The Doubtful Shepherd; When The Bloom Is On The Sage; When You Wore A Tulip; Whisper of Love Waltz; White Water Jig; Whiteclad Is Now…; Why Oh Why; Whynot’s Wonderful; Willkommen; Winona Polka; Winsted Quadrille; Wrteck of the No. 9/McNamara’s Band; The Wrecker’s Daughter | |
Box 27, Folder 27 | Y-Z: Year End (Ralph Page); Yankee Doodle; Yorkshire Square Eight (English country dance); You’d Be Surprised; Young Albion; The Young Widow; Zig, Zag, Zing; Zip Coon; Zizaj Nane (Horo); Zorba’s dance; Zulu Warriors; Zwodzony (Teasing dance, Silesian) | |
Box 28 | ||
Box 28, Folder 1 | Contras, printed collections | |
Box 28, Folder 2 | Contras, instruction and calls | |
Box 28, Folder 3 | Contras, unidentified | |
Box 28, Folder 4 | Contras, various | |
Box 28, Folder 5 | International music – various | |
Box 28, Folder 6 | Square dances, notes and calls | |
Box 28, Folder 7 | Square dances, printed collections | |
Box 28, Folder 8 | Calls and instruction – 2 or more songs per sheet of paper (more calls and instructions in Oversize Box 1) | |
Box 28, Folder 9 | Miscellaneous: instructions and and calls from various record companies | |
Box 28, Folder 10 | Notebook of various songs | |
Box 28, Folder 11 | Notebook of various tunes | |
Box 28, Folder 12 | Notebook of various tunes | |
Box 28, Folder 13 | Notebook of various tunes | |
Box 28, Folder 14 | Notebook of various tunes (other notebooks in Oversize Box 1) | |
Box 28, Folder 15 | Notebook of various tunes | |
Box 28, Folder 16 | Unidentified music |
Series 8: Typescripts of Early American and British Dance Books and Manuscripts
(2 Boxes)
Box 29 | ||
Box 29, Folder 1 | The American Ladies Pocketbook for 1797 | |
Box 29, Folder 2 | The American Ladies Pocketbook, 1820. And: New Country Dances & Waltzes, 1820 | |
Box 29, Folder 3 | The Ball Room Guide: A Description of the Most Popular Contra Dances of the Day | |
Box 29, Folder 4 | Blanchard, Willard. A Collection of the Most Celebrated Country Dances and Cotillions. | |
Box 29, Folder 5 | Burbank, John. A New Collection of Country Dances for the Year 1799. | |
Box 29, Folder 6 | “Cobb manuscript, 1849-1850” | |
Box 29, Folder 7 | “Cobb manuscript, Tunes from the Cobb mss.,” notebook | |
Box 29, Folder 8 | A Collection of Contra Dances of Late, Approved and Fashionable Figures | |
Box 29, Folder 9 | Collection of the Newest Cotillions and Country Dances: to which is added A Variety of Modern Songs… | |
Box 29, Folder 10 | The Dancer’s Instructor | |
Box 29, Folder 11 | The Echo or Federal Songster | |
Box 29, Folder 12 | An Elegant Collection of New Figures Lately Composed for the Use of Dancing Schools | |
Box 29, Folder 13 | “The Essex Institute manuscript” | |
Box 29, Folder 14 | Fishar, James. 16 Cotillions, 16 Minuets, 12 Allemands & 12 Hornpipes. | |
Box 29, Folder 15 | Fraisier, M.J.C. The Scholar’s Companion: Containing a Choice Collection of Cotillions and Country Dances. | |
Box 29, Folder 16 | Greenwood, John. “John Greenwood’s Fife Major Tunes” (1775-1776). | |
Box 29, Folder 17 | Griffith, John. Collection of the Newest and Most Fashionable Country Dances and Cotillions. | |
Box 29, Folder 18 | Hall, Samuel. “Samuel Hall’s Music Book” (Violino Primo) ca. early 19th century, Walpole, N.H. | |
Box 29, Folder 19 | Hill, Frederick. Frederick Hill’s Book of Quadrilles and Country Dances. | |
Box 29, Folder 20 | “The Holmain manuscript” | |
Box 29, Folder 21 | The Ladies and Gentleman’s Companion: Containing the Newest Cotillions and Country Dances. And: Malecot, George. “George Malecot’s Music Book” [see Special Oversize ML 96 .G45 1778]. | |
Box 29, Folder 22 | Merrill, Joseph. “Manuscript of New Country Dances.” | |
Box 29, Folder 23 | Mussey, Thomas. “Mussey Call Book.” | |
Box 29, Folder 24 | A New Collection of Country Dances for the Use of Dancing Assemblies, in the year 1799. | |
Box 29, Folder 25 | Nichols, Francis B. A Guide to Politeness, or A System of Directions for the Acquirement of Ease Propriety and Elegance of Manners. Together with a Variety of Approved Sets of Cotillions and Contra Dances. | |
Box 29, Folder 26 | Parker, Ruth. “Ruth Parker’s Notebook of 1802.” | |
Box 29, Folder 27 | “Register of Dances at Castle Menzies.” | |
Box 29, Folder 28 | Rice, P. A Choice Collection of Contra Dances, principally composed by P. Rice. | |
Box 29, Folder 29 | “Ridgely collection, folder 27.” | |
Box 29, Folder 30 | Saltator, ?. A Treatise on Dancing and Various Other Matters… | |
Box 29, Folder 31 | Schaffer, ?. A Collection of Cotillions and Contra Dances. | |
Box 29, Folder 32 | A Select Collection of the Newest and Most Favorite Country Dances, Waltzes, Reels, and Cotillions as Performed at Court and all Grand Assemblies Comprising Upwards of 350 Figures. | |
Box 29, Folder 33 | Shepley, Nancy. Dances (55 Cotillions and Contra Dances). | |
Box 29, Folder 34 | The Sky Lark or Gentlemen’s and Ladies Songster. | |
Box 29, Folder 35 | “Thompson manuscript,” 1773. | |
Box 30 | ||
Box 30, Folder 1 | Twenty Four Fashionable Country Dances for the Year 1799 with their Proper Figures as Performed at the Court, Bath and All Publc Assemblies… | |
Box 30, Folder 2 | Weeks, Clement. “A Collection of Dances Belonging to Clement Weeks, of Greenland [N.H.], Feb. 12th 1783.” | |
Box 30, Folder 3 | Wheatstone’s Selection of Elegant & Fashionable Country Dances, Reels, Waltzes, etc. for the Ensuing Season. | |
Box 30, Folder 4 | Wilcox, Asa. Asa Wilcox’s Book of Figures. | |
Box 30, Folder 5 | Wilson, T. An Analysis of Country Dancing…. | |
Box 30, Folder 6 | Ibid. | |
Box 30, Folder 7 | Young, D. A Collection of the Newest Country Dances Perform’d in Scotland. | |
Box 30, Folder 8 | Unidentified notebook | |
Box 30, Folder 9 | Miscellaneous |
Series 9: Festival Programs
Box 31 | ||
Box 31, Folder 1 | Folk Dance Federation of California, 1950-1955 | |
Box 31, Folder 2 | Monadnock Foliage Festival, 1947-1965 [*see also Oversize Box 2] | |
Box 31, Folder 3 | National Folk Festival, 1940-1949 [*see also Oversize Box 2] | |
Box 31, Folder 4 | National Folk Festival Association, 1972 | |
Box 31, Folder 5 | New England Folk Festival, 1944-1951 | |
Box 31, Folder 6 | New England Folk Festival, 1952-1957 [*see also Oversize Box 2] | |
Box 31, Folder 7 | New England Folk Festival, 1958-1963 [*see also Oversize Box 2] | |
Box 31, Folder 8 | New England Folk Festival, 1964-1970 | |
Box 31, Folder 9 | New England Folk Festival, 1971-1980 | |
Box 31, Folder 10 | New England Folk Festival, 1980-1986 | |
Box 31, Folder 11 | New Hampshire Folk Festival, 1946-1964 | |
Box 31, Folder 12 | Oktoberfest (Stowe, Vermont Folk Festival), 1964-1976 | |
Box 31, Folder 13 | Square & Folk Dance Leaders of the Delaware Valley, 1953-1957 | |
Box 31, Folder 14 | Miscellaneous programs, 1947-1976 |
Series 10: Dance Programs
Subseries A: With Ralph Page
Box 31, Folder 15 | Belmont (Mass.) Country Dances, 1947-1948 | |
Box 31, Folder 16 | Country Dance & Song Society (CDSS), 1944-1975 | |
Box 31, Folder 17 | English Folk Dance & Song Society (EFDSS), 1966 | |
Box 31, Folder 18 | Fitchburg (Mass.) Quadrille Club, 1947-1964 | |
Box 31, Folder 19 | Folk Dance House (the Hermans), Annual Ralph Page Day, 1958-1972 | |
Box 31, Folder 20 | Keene, New Hampshire, various dances | |
Box 31, Folder 21 | New England Folk Festival Association, 1960-1968 | |
Box 31, Folder 22 | New Hampshire Folk Dancers (the Priests) | |
Box 31, Folder 23 | New Hampshire Folk Federation, 1960-1961 | |
Box 31, Folder 24 | Worcester (Mass.) Quadrille Club | |
Box 31, Folder 25 | YMCAs | |
Box 31, Folder 26 | YWCA’s (primarily Boston) | |
Box 31, Folder 27 | Various, 1940-1959 | |
Box 31, Folder 28 | Various, 1960-1969 | |
Box 31, Folder 29 | Various, 1970-1979 | |
Box 31, Folder 30 | Various, n.d. |
Subseries B: Without Ralph Page
Box 32 | ||
Box 32, Folder 1 | Miscellaneous, 1940-1949 | |
Box 32, Folder 2 | Miscellaneous, 1950-1959 | |
Box 32, Folder 3 | Miscellaneous, 1960-1969 [*see also Oversize Box 2] | |
Box 32, Folder 4 | Miscellaneous, 1970-1979 | |
Box 32, Folder 5 | Miscellaneous, 1980-1985 | |
Box 32, Folder 6 | Miscellaneous, n.d. |
Series 11: Folk Dance Camp Programs
Box 32, Folder 7 | Fall Dance Weekend (Stoddard, N.H., East Hill Farm), 1959-1983 | |
Box 32, Folder 8 | Folk Dance Camp Reunion & Review Session, 1952-1953 | |
Box 32, Folder 9 | Maine Folk Dance Camp | |
Box 32, Folder 10 | Monadnock Folkways Summer School | |
Box 32, Folder 11 | New Hampshire Folk Dance Camp, Sept 1952-1981 | |
Box 32, Folder 12 | “Ralph Page Contra Institute,” 1954 | |
Box 32, Folder 13 | Spring Weekend of Folk & Square Dancing, 1961-1983 (East Hill Farm) | |
Box 32, Folder 14 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp | |
Box 32, Folder 15 | Year End Camp, 1957-1984 | |
Box 32, Folder 16 | Miscellaneous folk dance camp brochures, 1951-1964 |
Series 12: Sheet Music
(17 Boxes)
Subseries A: Individual Songs
Box 33 | ||
Box 33, Folder 1 | Abdul The Bulbul Ameer
| |
Box 33, Folder 2 | Abide With Me
| |
Box 33, Folder 3 | Across The Alley From The Alamo
| |
Box 33, Folder 4 | Africa Lancers for Piano
| |
Box 33, Folder 5 | After The Ball
| |
Box 33, Folder 6 | After The Ball Is Over
| |
Box 33, Folder 7 | After The Cakewalk
| |
Box 33, Folder 8 | Ain't Dat A Shame
| |
Box 33, Folder 9 | Alexander
| |
Box 33, Folder 10 | Alice Blue Gown
| |
Box 33, Folder 11 | Alice, Where Art Thou?
| |
Box 33, Folder 12 | All Aboard For Dixie Land
| |
Box 33, Folder 13 | All Ashore
| |
Box 33, Folder 14 | All By Myself
| |
Box 33, Folder 15 | Almeda March
| |
Box 33, Folder 16 | Aloha Oe (Hawaiian Farewell Song)
| |
Box 33, Folder 17 | Always
| |
Box 33, Folder 18 | Always In The Way
| |
Box 33, Folder 19 | America The Beautiful
| |
Box 33, Folder 20 | American Patrol
| |
Box 33, Folder 21 | Annie Laurie
| |
Box 33, Folder 22 | Any Rags
| |
Box 33, Folder 23 | April Smiles Waltz (Sourire D'Avril Valse)
| |
Box 33, Folder 24 | Arkansas Traveler
| |
Box 33, Folder 25 | Around The World in 80 Days
| |
Box 33, Folder 26 | Auld Lang Syne
| |
Box 33, Folder 27 | At The Balalaika
| |
Box 33, Folder 28 | Badinage Polka
| |
Box 33, Folder 29 | The Band Played On
| |
Box 33, Folder 30 | Barbara Allen
| |
Box 33, Folder 31 | Barbara Polka (Baruska)
| |
Box 33, Folder 32 | Barcarolle
| |
Box 33, Folder 33 | Barnacle Bill The Sailor
| |
Box 33, Folder 34 | Beautiful Blue Danube
| |
Box 33, Folder 35 | Beautiful Dreamer
| |
Box 33, Folder 36 | A Beautiful Lady In Blue
| |
Box 33, Folder 37 | Beautiful Lake Waltz
| |
Box 33, Folder 38 | Beautiful Ohio
| |
Box 33, Folder 39 | The Bee (L'Abeille)
| |
Box 33, Folder 40 | Beer Barrel Polka (Roll Out The Barrels)
| |
Box 33, Folder 41 | Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms
| |
Box 33, Folder 42 | Bell Bottom Trousers
| |
Box 33, Folder 43 | The Belle of the Village Ball, Around and Around She Goes
| |
Box 33, Folder 44 | Beseda, Bohemian National Dance
| |
Box 33, Folder 45 | Betty Co-Ed
| |
Box 33, Folder 46 | Billy Boy
| |
Box 33, Folder 47 | Birmingham Jail
| |
Box 33, Folder 48 | Black Hawk Waltz
| |
Box 33, Folder 49 | Black Hawk Waltz
| |
Box 33, Folder 50 | Blue Bell
| |
Box 33, Folder 51 | Blue Danube Waltz
| |
Box 33, Folder 52 | Blue Pacific Moonlight
| |
Box 33, Folder 53 | Blue shadows On The Trail
| |
Box 33, Folder 54 | Blue Skys
| |
Box 34 | ||
Box 34, Folder 1 | Blue Skirt Waltz
| |
Box 34, Folder 2 | The Blue Tail Fly (Jimmy Crack Corn)
| |
Box 34, Folder 3 | The Bowery
| |
Box 34, Folder 4 | Brahms Lullaby
| |
Box 34, Folder 5 | The Bright Mohawk Valley
| |
Box 34, Folder 6 | Bringing In The Sheaves
| |
Box 34, Folder 7 | The Broncho Buster
| |
Box 34, Folder 8 | The Bronk That Wouldn't Bust
| |
Box 34, Folder 9 | Brush Those Tears From Your Eyes
| |
Box 34, Folder 10 | Buffalo Gals
| |
Box 34, Folder 11 | "Bully" Song
| |
Box 34, Folder 12 | Bury Me Out On The Prairie
| |
Box 34, Folder 13 | A Bushel And A Peck
| |
Box 34, Folder 14 | Buttons And Bows
| |
Box 34, Folder 15 | By The River Of The Roses
| |
Box 34, Folder 16 | By The Silver Rio Grande
| |
Box 34, Folder 17 | The Caissons Go Rolling Along
| |
Box 34, Folder 18 | Call Me Back, Pal O'Mine
| |
Box 34, Folder 19 | Call Me Up Some Rainy Afternoon
| |
Box 34, Folder 20 | Captain Cupid
| |
Box 34, Folder 21 | Careless Hands
| |
Box 34, Folder 22 | Carnival of Venice
| |
Box 34, Folder 23 | Cecile Waltz
| |
Box 34, Folder 24 | Chickery Chick
| |
Box 34, Folder 25 | Childhood Dreams
| |
Box 34, Folder 26 | Children's Games
| |
Box 34, Folder 27 | Christmas Polka
| |
Box 34, Folder 28 | The Church In The Wildwood
| |
Box 34, Folder 29 | Cielito Lindo (Beautiful Heaven)
| |
Box 34, Folder 30 | Ciribribin (Neapolitan Love Song)
| |
Box 34, Folder 31 | Clarinet Polka
| |
Box 34, Folder 32 | Clayton's Grand March
| |
Box 34, Folder 33 | Clementine
| |
Box 34, Folder 34 | Climbing Up The Garden Stairs
| |
Box 34, Folder 35 | The Colonial Dance
| |
Box 34, Folder 36 | Collegiate
| |
Box 34, Folder 37 | Combination Polka Quadrille
| |
Box 34, Folder 38 | Come Back To Erin
| |
Box 34, Folder 39 | Come Back To Sorrento (Torna A Surriento)
| |
Box 34, Folder 40 | Come, Josephine In My Flying Machine
| |
Box 34, Folder 41 | Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
| |
Box 34, Folder 42 | Come With Me My Honey (The song of Calypso Joe)
| |
Box 34, Folder 43 | Comin' In On A Wing And A Prayer
| |
Box 34, Folder 44 | Comin' Thro' The Rye
| |
Box 34, Folder 45 | The Connecticut March
| |
Box 34, Folder 46 | Contrary Mary Waltz
| |
Box 34, Folder 47 | Country Club Barn Dance
| |
Box 34, Folder 48 | Cowboy Jack
| |
Box 34, Folder 49 | Cowboy's Heaven
| |
Box 34, Folder 50 | The Cowboy's Meditation
| |
Box 34, Folder 51 | Cruising Down The River (On A Sunday Afternoon)
| |
Box 34, Folder 52 | Cuckoo Waltz
| |
Box 34, Folder 53 | Cupid Mazurka
| |
Box 34, Folder 54 | Cyclone
| |
Box 35 | ||
Box 35, Folder 1 | Daisies Won't Tell
| |
Box 35, Folder 2 | Damask Rose Schottisch
| |
Box 35, Folder 3 | Dance of the Golden Rods
| |
Box 35, Folder 4 | Dance With A Dolly (With A Hole in her Stocking)
| |
Box 35, Folder 5 | Dark Eyes (Russian Ballad)
| |
Box 35, Folder 6 | De Camptown Races
| |
Box 35, Folder 7 | Dear Old Western Skies
| |
Box 35, Folder 8 | Deep River
| |
Box 35, Folder 9 | Did You Ever Get That Feeling In The Moonlight
| |
Box 35, Folder 10 | Did You Happen To Find A Heart?
| |
Box 35, Folder 11 | Dixie Girl
| |
Box 35, Folder 12 | Do They Think Of Me At Home
| |
Box 35, Folder 13 | Doin' What Comes Natur'lly
| |
Box 35, Folder 14 | Don't Believe Everything You Dream
| |
Box 35, Folder 15 | Don't Fence Me In
| |
Box 35, Folder 16 | Don't Sweetheart Me
| |
Box 35, Folder 17 | Don't You Love Me Anymore
| |
Box 35, Folder 18 | Down By The Station
| |
Box 35, Folder 19 | Down In A Coal Mine
| |
Box 35, Folder 20 | Down In The Valley (Hear That Train Blow)
| |
Box 35, Folder 21 | Down In Alabam'
| |
Box 35, Folder 22 | Down South
| |
Box 35, Folder 23 | Down The River Of Golden Dreams
| |
Box 35, Folder 24 | Down Went McGinty
| |
Box 35, Folder 25 | Dream Girl Waltz
| |
Box 35, Folder 26 | Dreaming and You Tell Me Your Dream (2 Songs)
| |
Box 35, Folder 27 | Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes
| |
Box 35, Folder 28 | The Eastbound Train
| |
Box 35, Folder 29 | Edelweiss Glide
| |
Box 35, Folder 30 | Emmet's Lullaby
| |
Box 35, Folder 31 | Engaged Waltzes
| |
Box 35, Folder 32 | Ephasafa Dill
| |
Box 35, Folder 33 | Ermine (Melodies from the Comic Opera)
| |
Box 35, Folder 34 | Esmeralda (Mazurka)
| |
Box 35, Folder 35 | Espanita (Spanish Waltzes)
| |
Box 35, Folder 36 | Ev'ry Day I Love You (Just A Little Bit More)
| |
Box 35, Folder 37 | A Face in a Golden Frame
| |
Box 35, Folder 38 | Far Away Places
| |
Box 35, Folder 39 | The Favorite
| |
Box 35, Folder 40 | Festivity Quadrille
| |
Box 35, Folder 41 | Finlandia
| |
Box 35, Folder 42 | The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring
| |
Box 35, Folder 43 | Fling Spray Boat Song
| |
Box 35, Folder 44 | For You
| |
Box 35, Folder 45 | Fortune Teller
| |
Box 35, Folder 46 | Four Little Blackberries (Schottische)
| |
Box 36 | ||
Box 36, Folder 1 | Four Little Butterflies
| |
Box 36, Folder 2 | Four Thousand Years Ago
| |
Box 36, Folder 3 | Frankie and Johnny
| |
Box 36, Folder 4 | Frat (March-Two-Step)
| |
Box 36, Folder 5 | Funiculi-Funicula
| |
Box 36, Folder 6 | The Gangster Warning
| |
Box 36, Folder 7 | Gavotte
| |
Box 36, Folder 8 | General Grant's March
| |
Box 36, Folder 9 | Geraldine
| |
Box 36, Folder 10 | The Girl That I Marry
| |
Box 36, Folder 11 | Give My Love To Nell
| |
Box 36, Folder 12 | God Bless America
| |
Box 36, Folder 13 | God Bless My Darling, He's Somewhere
| |
Box 36, Folder 14 | The Golden Crown Two-Step
| |
Box 36, Folder 15 | Golden Stars Waltz
| |
Box 36, Folder 16 | The Golden Wedding
| |
Box 36, Folder 17 | Gondoliers-Lancers
| |
Box 36, Folder 18 | Gonna Build A Big Fence Around Texas
| |
Box 36, Folder 19 | Good Bye
| |
Box 36, Folder 20 | Good Luck, Good Health, God Bless You
| |
Box 36, Folder 21 | Good Bye, My Lover, Good Bye
| |
Box 36, Folder 22 | Goodbye Sue
| |
Box 36, Folder 23 | Good Night
| |
Box 36, Folder 24 | Goodnight Soldier
| |
Box 36, Folder 25 | Goofus
| |
Box 36, Folder 26 | Grandfather's Clock
| |
Box 36, Folder 27 | The Great Divide
| |
Box 36, Folder 28 | Gypsy Girl (Bohemian Girl)
| |
Box 36, Folder 29 | Hair of Gold, Eyes of Blue
| |
Box 36, Folder 30 | Hallelujah, I'm A Bum
| |
Box 36, Folder 31 | Hand Me Down My Walkin' Cane
| |
Box 36, Folder 32 | Hayride Polka
| |
Box 36, Folder 33 | Heather Bells
| |
Box 36, Folder 34 | He Leadth Me
| |
Box 36, Folder 35 | Heel And Toe Polka
| |
Box 36, Folder 36 | Heidelberg (Stein Song)
| |
Box 36, Folder 37 | The Hell Bound Train
| |
Box 36, Folder 38 | Hello Central, Give Me Heaven
| |
Box 36, Folder 39 | Here Comes The Bride
| |
Box 36, Folder 40 | Highland Schottisch
| |
Box 36, Folder 41 | A Hill Billy Wedding In June
| |
Box 36, Folder 42 | Holy, Holy, Holy
| |
Box 36, Folder 43 | Home On The Range
| |
Box 36, Folder 44 | Homeland Waltzes
| |
Box 36, Folder 45 | The Honey Song (Honey I'm In Love With You)
| |
Box 36, Folder 46 | A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight
| |
Box 36, Folder 47 | How Are Things In Glocca Morra
| |
Box 36, Folder 48 | How Many Hearts Have You Broken?
| |
Box 36, Folder 49 | How'd You Like To Be The Iceman?
| |
Box 36, Folder 50 | Humoresque
| |
Box 36, Folder 51 | Hurry, Hurry, Hurry (Darling Come Home)
| |
Box 36, Folder 52 | Hush-A-Bye, Ma Baby
| |
Box 37 | ||
Box 37, Folder 1 | I Am the Captain of the Pinafore
| |
Box 37, Folder 2 | I Cannot Sing The Old Songs
| |
Box 37, Folder 3 | I Do, Do, Do Like You
| |
Box 37, Folder 4 | I Don't Want Anybody (If I Can't Have You)
| |
Box 37, Folder 5 | I Dreamt That I Dwelt In Marble Halls
| |
Box 37, Folder 6 | (I Got Spurs) Jingle Jangle Jingle
| |
Box 37, Folder 7 | I Had But Fifty Cents
| |
Box 37, Folder 8 | I Love Thee
| |
Box 37, Folder 9 | (I Met Her) On The Boulevard
| |
Box 37, Folder 10 | I Miss My Swiss
| |
Box 37, Folder 11 | I Never Thought I'd Miss You As I Do
| |
Box 37, Folder 12 | I Only Want A Buddy - Not A Sweetheart
| |
Box 37, Folder 13 | I Threw A Kiss In The Ocean
| |
Box 37, Folder 14 | I Wanna Go Back To West Virginia
| |
Box 37, Folder 15 | I Wanna Say Hello
| |
Box 37, Folder 16 | I Want To Go Back To Michigan (Down On The Farm)
| |
Box 37, Folder 17 | I Want To Thank Your Folks
| |
Box 37, Folder 18 | I Whistle And Wait For Katie
| |
Box 37, Folder 19 | I Wish I Was Single Again
| |
Box 37, Folder 20 | I'd Give A Million Tomorrows (For Just One Yesterday)
| |
Box 37, Folder 21 | I'd Like To Be In Texas When They Round Up In The Spring
| |
Box 37, Folder 22 | I'll Be Seeing You
| |
Box 37, Folder 23 | I'll Dance At Your Wedding
| |
Box 37, Folder 24 | I'll Sing Thee Songs Of Araby
| |
Box 37, Folder 25 | I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen
| |
Box 37, Folder 26 | I'm A-Comin' A-Courtin' Corabelle
| |
Box 37, Folder 27 | I'm Confessin' (That I Love You)
| |
Box 37, Folder 28 | I'm Getting A Moon's Eye View Of The World
| |
Box 37, Folder 29 | I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover
| |
Box 37, Folder 30 | I'm My Own Grandpaw
| |
Box 37, Folder 31 | I'm Not Jealous (But I Just Don't Like It)
| |
Box 37, Folder 32 | I'm Thinking Of My Blue Eyes
| |
Box 37, Folder 33 | I've Been Floating Down The Old Green River
| |
Box 37, Folder 34 | I've Got Rings On My Fingers
| |
Box 37, Folder 35 | I've Got Sixpence (As We Go Rolling Home)
| |
Box 37, Folder 36 | Idaho
| |
Box 37, Folder 37 | In A Little Swiss Chalet
| |
Box 37, Folder 38 | In My Arms
| |
Box 37, Folder 39 | In My Merry Oldsmobile
| |
Box 37, Folder 40 | In The Gloaming
| |
Box 37, Folder 41 | In The Moonlight With The Girl You Love
| |
Box 37, Folder 42 | In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree
| |
Box 37, Folder 43 | Irene
| |
Box 37, Folder 44 | Isabella Polka-Redowa
| |
Box 37, Folder 45 | It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo'
| |
Box 37, Folder 46 | It's Been A Long, Long Time
| |
Box 37, Folder 47 | It's Love, Love, Love
| |
Box 37, Folder 48 | It's A Long, Long Way To Tipperary
| |
Box 37, Folder 49 | It's Nice To Get Up In The Mornin'
| |
Box 37, Folder 50 | Jerusalem the Golden
| |
Box 37, Folder 51 | Jesus Loves Me
| |
Box 37, Folder 52 | Johnny Zero
| |
Box 37, Folder 53 | Juanita
| |
Box 37, Folder 54 | Just Because
| |
Box 37, Folder 55 | Just Because She Made Dem Goo-Goo Eyes
| |
Box 37, Folder 56 | Just A Chain Of Daisies
| |
Box 37, Folder 57 | Just Dreaming Till You Come Home
| |
Box 37, Folder 58 | Just Like You
| |
Box 37, Folder 59 | Just A Lonely Hobo
| |
Box 37, Folder 60 | Just Tell Them That You Saw Me
| |
Box 37, Folder 61 | Just You
| |
Box 38 | ||
Box 38, Folder 1 | Kaiser-Waltz
| |
Box 38, Folder 2 | Kate (Have I Come Too Early, Too Late)
| |
Box 38, Folder 3 | Kathleen Mavoureen
| |
Box 38, Folder 4 | Keep The Home-Fires Burning ('Till The Boys Come Home)
| |
Box 38, Folder 5 | Keep a Light In Your Window Tonight
| |
Box 38, Folder 6 | Keep Step March
| |
Box 38, Folder 7 | Kerry Dance
| |
Box 38, Folder 8 | The King's Horses (And The King's Men)
| |
Box 38, Folder 9 | Kiss Me Quick And Go
| |
Box 38, Folder 10 | Kisses Waltz
| |
Box 38, Folder 11 | La Golondrina (The Swallow)
| |
Box 38, Folder 12 | Lam', Lam', Lam'
| |
Box 38, Folder 13 | Lancers
| |
Box 38, Folder 14 | Laroo, Laroo, Lilli Bolero
| |
Box 38, Folder 15 | The Last Great Round Up
| |
Box 38, Folder 16 | Last Night On The Back Porch (I Loved Her Best Of All)
| |
Box 38, Folder 17 | Last Of The Hogans (Lanciers)
| |
Box 38, Folder 18 | The Last Rose Of Summer
| |
Box 38, Folder 19 | Lead, Kindly Light
| |
Box 38, Folder 20 | Les Patineurs (Skater's Waltz)
| |
Box 38, Folder 21 | Let The Lower Lights Be Burning
| |
Box 38, Folder 22 | Let The Rest Of The World Go By
| |
Box 38, Folder 23 | Let's Dream This One Out
| |
Box 38, Folder 24 | Let's Sing A Song About Suzie
| |
Box 38, Folder 25 | Let's Take The Long Way Home
| |
Box 38, Folder 26 | The Letter Edged In Black
| |
Box 38, Folder 27 | Liebestraum (Dream Of Love)
| |
Box 38, Folder 28 | Lights Out
| |
Box 38, Folder 29 | Linda
| |
Box 38, Folder 30 | Listen To The Mocking Bird (piano solo music)
| |
Box 38, Folder 31 | Little Brown Jug
| |
Box 38, Folder 32 | Little Dutch Mill
| |
Box 38, Folder 33 | The Little Girl Dressed In Blue
| |
Box 38, Folder 34 | Little Home Of Long Ago
| |
Box 38, Folder 35 | Little Old Log Cabin In The Lane
| |
Box 38, Folder 36 | Little Old Shanty On The Claim
| |
Box 38, Folder 37 | A Little On The Lonely Side
| |
Box 38, Folder 38 | The Little Rosewood Casket (A Package of Old Letters)
| |
Box 38, Folder 39 | Londonderry Air
| |
Box 38, Folder 40 | Long Ago (And Far Away)
| |
Box 38, Folder 41 | Lonesome and Blue
| |
Box 38, Folder 42 | Loomis College Lancers
| |
Box 38, Folder 43 | The Lost Chord
| |
Box 38, Folder 44 | Louise
| |
Box 38, Folder 45 | Love's Dreamland
| |
Box 38, Folder 46 | Love's Old Sweet Song
| |
Box 38, Folder 47 | Madelon (I'll Be True to the Whole Regiment)
| |
Box 38, Folder 48 | Maidens Fair
| |
Box 38, Folder 49 | Mairzy Doats
| |
Box 38, Folder 50 | Manana
| |
Box 38, Folder 51 | The Man On The Flying Trapeze
| |
Box 38, Folder 52 | The Man Who Broke The Bank At Monte Carlo
| |
Box 38, Folder 53 | Manola Waltz
| |
Box 39 | ||
Box 39, Folder 1 | The Mansion Of Aching Hearts
| |
Box 39, Folder 2 | Manzanillo (Mexican Dance)
| |
Box 39, Folder 3 | Marching Along Together
| |
Box 39, Folder 4 | March Militaire
| |
Box 39, Folder 5 | March Montello
| |
Box 39, Folder 6 | The Masquerade
| |
Box 39, Folder 7 | MayFlower Schottische
| |
Box 39, Folder 8 | May I Sleep In Your Barn Tonight Mister?
| |
Box 39, Folder 9 | Me And My Burro
| |
Box 39, Folder 10 | Mellow Mountain Moon
| |
Box 39, Folder 11 | Memories
| |
Box 39, Folder 12 | Mendelssohn's Wedding March
| |
Box 39, Folder 13 | Merry-Go-Round Waltz
| |
Box 39, Folder 14 | Merry War Lancers
| |
Box 39, Folder 15 | The Merry Widow Waltz
| |
Box 39, Folder 16 | Mexicali Rose
| |
Box 39, Folder 17 | Midnight Fire-Alarm
| |
Box 39, Folder 18 | The Mikado
| |
Box 39, Folder 19 | Millicent Valse (Hesitation or Boston Pause)
| |
Box 39, Folder 20 | The Mississippi Valley Blues
| |
Box 39, Folder 21 | M'lle Modiste
| |
Box 39, Folder 22 | Molly Malone
| |
Box 39, Folder 23 | Moonlight Bay
| |
Box 39, Folder 24 | Moonlight Becomes You
| |
Box 39, Folder 25 | Moonlight On The Colorado
| |
Box 39, Folder 26 | The Moon Maiden March and Two-Step
| |
Box 39, Folder 27 | Morning Cy! (photocopy)
| |
Box 39, Folder 28 | Mother Pin A Rose On Me
| |
Box 39, Folder 29 | Mountain Belle Schottisch
| |
Box 39, Folder 30 | My Adobe Hacienda
| |
Box 39, Folder 31 | My Blue Heaven
| |
Box 39, Folder 32 | My Bonnie
| |
Box 39, Folder 33 | My Buddy
| |
Box 39, Folder 34 | My Cross Eyed Gal
| |
Box 39, Folder 35 | My Dear Old Arizona Home
| |
Box 39, Folder 36 | My Faith Looks Up To Thee
| |
Box 39, Folder 37 | My Gal Is A High Born Lady
| |
Box 39, Folder 38 | My Jane, Jane, Jane
| |
Box 39, Folder 39 | My Little Girl
| |
Box 39, Folder 40 | My Nelly's Blue Eyes
| |
Box 39, Folder 41 | My Old Kentucky Home
| |
Box 39, Folder 42 | My Pony Boy
| |
Box 39, Folder 43 | My Sweetheart's The Man In The Moon
| |
Box 39, Folder 44 | My Wild Irish Rose
| |
Box 39, Folder 45 | Myosotis Valse
| |
Box 39, Folder 46 | Nadjy Lancers
| |
Box 39, Folder 47 | Nanon Lancers
| |
Box 39, Folder 48 | Narcissus
| |
Box 39, Folder 49 | Neapolitan Nights
| |
Box 39, Folder 50 | Nearer My God To Thee
| |
Box 39, Folder 51 | The New Port
| |
Box 40 | ||
Box 40, Folder 1 | Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen
| |
Box 40, Folder 2 | No Can Do
| |
Box 40, Folder 3 | No Love, No Nothin'
| |
Box 40, Folder 4 | None But The Lonely Heart
| |
Box 40, Folder 5 | Nora, My Own
| |
Box 40, Folder 6 | Now The Day Is Over
| |
Box 40, Folder 7 | O Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fidelis)
| |
Box 40, Folder 8 | O'Dear What Can The Matter Be
| |
Box 40, Folder 9 | O Sole Mio (My Sunshine)
| |
Box 40, Folder 10 | Oh Dem Golden Slippers
| |
Box 40, Folder 11 | Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny Oh
| |
Box 40, Folder 12 | Old Black Joe
| |
Box 40, Folder 13 | An Old Connecticut Tune
| |
Box 40, Folder 14 | The Old Gray Mare Is Back Where She Used To Be
| |
Box 40, Folder 15 | Old Mac Donald Had A Farm
| |
Box 40, Folder 16 | The Old Oaken Bucket
| |
Box 40, Folder 17 | The Old Square Dance Is Back Again
| |
Box 40, Folder 18 | Ole (Jota Espanola)
| |
Box 40, Folder 19 | On The Old Fall River Line
| |
Box 40, Folder 20 | One Dozen Roses
| |
Box 40, Folder 21 | One Sweetly Solemn Thought
| |
Box 40, Folder 22 | Onward Christian Soldiers
| |
Box 40, Folder 23 | Open Up That Door (And Let Me In)
| |
Box 40, Folder 24 | Open Up Your Heart (And Let Me In)
| |
Box 40, Folder 25 | The Ostende
| |
Box 40, Folder 26 | Over The Hill To The Poor House
| |
Box 40, Folder 27 | Over The Waves (Sobre Las Olas)
| |
Box 40, Folder 28 | Over The Waves
| |
Box 40, Folder 29 | Over There
| |
Box 40, Folder 30 | Palais Polka
| |
Box 40, Folder 31 | The Palms (Les Rameaux)
| |
Box 40, Folder 32 | La Paloma (The Dove)
| |
Box 40, Folder 33 | Pantomime Quadrille
| |
Box 40, Folder 34 | Papa, won't You Dance With Me?
| |
Box 40, Folder 35 | Paper Doll
| |
Box 40, Folder 36 | Pass Around The Bottle
| |
Box 40, Folder 37 | Paul Jones
| |
Box 40, Folder 38 | Peggy O'Neil
| |
Box 40, Folder 39 | Pennsylvania Polka
| |
Box 40, Folder 40 | A Penny A Kiss - A Penny A Hug
| |
Box 40, Folder 41 | Pistol Packin' Mama
| |
Box 40, Folder 42 | Polly Wolly Doodle
| |
Box 40, Folder 43 | Pop Goes De Weasel
| |
Box 40, Folder 44 | Pound Your Table Polka
| |
Box 40, Folder 45 | Powder Your Face With Sunshine (Smile! Smile! Smile!)
| |
Box 40, Folder 46 | The Preacher & The Bear
| |
Box 40, Folder 47 | President Garfield's Funeral March
| |
Box 40, Folder 48 | The Pretty Girl Milking The Cow
| |
Box 40, Folder 49 | Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes
| |
Box 40, Folder 50 | Rae! Rae! Rae!
| |
Box 40, Folder 51 | Rambling Rose
| |
Box 40, Folder 52 | Red Fez March and Two Step
| |
Box 40, Folder 53 | Red River Valley
| |
Box 40, Folder 54 | Red Sails In The Sunset
| |
Box 40, Folder 55 | Red Wing (An Indian Fable)
| |
Box 41 | ||
Box 41, Folder 1 | Reilly and the 400 Lancers
| |
Box 41, Folder 2 | Remember Pearl Harbor
| |
Box 41, Folder 3 | Repasz Band March and Two-Step
| |
Box 41, Folder 4 | Riders In The Sky
| |
Box 41, Folder 5 | Rippling Waves
| |
Box 41, Folder 6 | Rock Of Ages
| |
Box 41, Folder 7 | Rock Me To Sleep In MY Rocky Mountain Home
| |
Box 41, Folder 8 | Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep
| |
Box 41, Folder 9 | Roll On Silver Moon
| |
Box 41, Folder 10 | Rose Ann Of Charing Cross
| |
Box 41, Folder 11 | Rose Of Tralee
| |
Box 41, Folder 12 | A Rose With A Broken Stem
| |
Box 41, Folder 13 | Ruddygore Lancers
| |
Box 41, Folder 14 | Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
| |
Box 41, Folder 15 | Rum And Coca-Cola
| |
Box 41, Folder 16 | Rumors Are Flying
| |
Box 41, Folder 17 | Sailboat in the Sky
| |
Box 41, Folder 18 | Sally In Our Alley
| |
Box 41, Folder 19 | San Fernando Valley
| |
Box 41, Folder 20 | Say Something Sweet To Your Sweetheart
| |
Box 41, Folder 21 | School Mates
| |
Box 41, Folder 22 | She Is More To Be Pitied, Than Censured
| |
Box 41, Folder 23 | She May Have Seen Better Days
| |
Box 41, Folder 24 | She Was Happy 'Till She Met You
| |
Box 41, Folder 25 | The Shepherd's Evening Song
| |
Box 41, Folder 26 | Short'nin' Bread
| |
Box 41, Folder 27 | Sierra Sue
| |
Box 41, Folder 28 | Silent Night, Holy Night
| |
Box 41, Folder 29 | Silver Bell
| |
Box 41, Folder 30 | Silver Threads Among The Gold
| |
Box 41, Folder 31 | Singin' In The Rain
| |
Box 41, Folder 32 | The Singing Sands Of Alamosa
| |
Box 41, Folder 33 | Sioux City Sue
| |
Box 41, Folder 34 | Skater's Waltz (Les Patineurs)
| |
Box 41, Folder 35 | Sleepy Lagoon
| |
Box 41, Folder 36 | Some Little Bird
| |
Box 41, Folder 37 | Some Sunday Morning
| |
Box 41, Folder 38 | Somebody Else Is Taking My Place
| |
Box 41, Folder 39 | A Song Of India
| |
Box 41, Folder 40 | Song Of the Volga Boatman
| |
Box 41, Folder 41 | Songs My Mother Taught Me
| |
Box 41, Folder 42 | The Spanish Cavalier
| |
Box 41, Folder 43 | Spinning Song
| |
Box 41, Folder 44 | Squatter Sovereignty
| |
Box 41, Folder 45 | Stein Song (University of Maine)
| |
Box 41, Folder 46 | Strip Polka
| |
Box 41, Folder 47 | The Stroll Along Saunter
| |
Box 41, Folder 48 | Strolling With Your Summer Girl
| |
Box 41, Folder 49 | Stumbling
| |
Box 41, Folder 50 | The Sun, the Moon and I
| |
Box 41, Folder 51 | The Sunshine Of Paradise Alley
| |
Box 41, Folder 52 | The Surrey With The Fringe On Top
| |
Box 41, Folder 53 | Sweet By And By
| |
Box 41, Folder 54 | Sweet Dreams, Sweetheart
| |
Box 41, Folder 55 | Sweet Genevieve
| |
Box 41, Folder 56 | Sweet Sue - Just You
| |
Box 41, Folder 57 | Sweet Violets
| |
Box 42 | ||
Box 42, Folder 1 | Sweethearts On Parade
| |
Box 42, Folder 2 | Sweethearts of Boyhood Days
| |
Box 42, Folder 3 | Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
| |
Box 42, Folder 4 | Swinging On A Star
| |
Box 42, Folder 5 | Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-Der-E
| |
Box 42, Folder 6 | Take It Easy
| |
Box 42, Folder 7 | Take Me Out To The Ball Game
| |
Box 42, Folder 8 | Tales From The Vienna Woods
| |
Box 42, Folder 9 | Tangerine
| |
Box 42, Folder 10 | Tango At Twilight
| |
Box 42, Folder 11 | Tanz-Jubal Polka
| |
Box 42, Folder 12 | Tea Leaves
| |
Box 42, Folder 13 | Ten Days With Baby
| |
Box 42, Folder 14 | Tennessee Waltz
| |
Box 42, Folder 15 | That Little Church Around The Corner
| |
Box 42, Folder 16 | That's Where My Money Goes
| |
Box 42, Folder 17 | There's A Dark Man Comin' With A Bundle
| |
Box 42, Folder 18 | There's A Long, Long Trail
| |
Box 42, Folder 19 | There's A Lot Of Moonlight Being Wasted
| |
Box 42, Folder 20 | Three Little Maids From School
| |
Box 42, Folder 21 | Three Little Sisters
| |
Box 42, Folder 22 | Three O'Clock In The Morning
| |
Box 42, Folder 23 | Three-Step Redowa
| |
Box 42, Folder 24 | Till The End O' The World With You
| |
Box 42, Folder 25 | Till We Meet Again
| |
Box 42, Folder 26 | Tit Willow
| |
Box 42, Folder 27 | Too Fat Polka (She's Too Fat For Me)
| |
Box 42, Folder 28 | Too Old To Cut The Mustard
| |
Box 42, Folder 29 | Toreador Song
| |
Box 42, Folder 30 | The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine
| |
Box 42, Folder 31 | The Train That Never Returned
| |
Box 42, Folder 32 | A Trip To Chinatown (Lanciers)
| |
Box 42, Folder 33 | Those Oldies But Goodies (Remind Me Of You)
| |
Box 42, Folder 34 | Together
| |
Box 42, Folder 35 | Truly I Love You
| |
Box 42, Folder 36 | Turkey In The Straw
| |
Box 42, Folder 37 | Two Guitars (Gipsy Song)
| |
Box 42, Folder 38 | Two Hearts (Zwei Herzen)
| |
Box 42, Folder 39 | Two-Step Quadrille
| |
Box 42, Folder 40 | Uncle Henry's Vacation
| |
Box 42, Folder 41 | Uncle Noah's Ark
| |
Box 42, Folder 42 | Under A Texas Moon
| |
Box 42, Folder 43 | Under The Anheuser Bush
| |
Box 42, Folder 44 | Under The Double Eagle
| |
Box 42, Folder 45 | Valse June - Hesitation, or Boston
| |
Box 42, Folder 46 | Victory Polka
| |
Box 42, Folder 47 | Wabash Cannon Ball
| |
Box 42, Folder 48 | Wabash Moon
| |
Box 42, Folder 49 | Wait For Me Mary
| |
Box 42, Folder 50 | Waiting, Waiting For The day That Ne'er Will Come
| |
Box 42, Folder 51 | Wal, I Swan! Gid-Dap Napoleon
| |
Box 42, Folder 52 | Waltz Me Around Again, Willie
| |
Box 42, Folder 53 | Waltz Quadrille
| |
Box 42, Folder 54 | The Waltz You Saved For Me
| |
Box 43 | ||
Box 43, Folder 1 | A Wand'ring Minstrel
| |
Box 43, Folder 2 | Wang Lanciers
| |
Box 43, Folder 3 | Way Down Upon The Swanee River
| |
Box 43, Folder 4 | Way Down Yonder In The Cornfield
| |
Box 43, Folder 5 | We Could Make Such Beautiful Music
| |
Box 43, Folder 6 | Wedding March
| |
Box 43, Folder 7 | We Sail The Ocean Blue
| |
Box 43, Folder 8 | We Sat Beneath The Maple On The Hill
| |
Box 43, Folder 9 | What Do You Do In The Infantry
| |
Box 43, Folder 10 | What A Friend We Have In Jesus
| |
Box 43, Folder 11 | What's The Good Word, Mr. Bluebird
| |
Box 43, Folder 12 | When Christmas Comes
| |
Box 43, Folder 13 | When I Get Too Old To Dream
| |
Box 43, Folder 14 | When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
| |
Box 43, Folder 15 | When It's Lamp Lightin' Time In The Valley
| |
Box 43, Folder 16 | When It's Springtime In The Rockies
| |
Box 43, Folder 17 | When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again
| |
Box 43, Folder 18 | When The Bloom Is On The Sage
| |
Box 43, Folder 19 | When The Dew Is On The Rose
| |
Box 43, Folder 20 | When The Leaves Begin To Fade
| |
Box 43, Folder 21 | When The Lights Go On Again (All Over The World)
| |
Box 43, Folder 22 | When The Sunset Turns The Ocean's Blue To Gold
| |
Box 43, Folder 23 | When The White Azaleas Start Blooming
| |
Box 43, Folder 24 | When The Works All Done This Fall
| |
Box 43, Folder 25 | When You And I Were Young, Maggie
| |
Box 43, Folder 26 | When You Wore A Tulip And I Wore A Big Red Rose
| |
Box 43, Folder 27 | Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight
| |
Box 43, Folder 28 | Where The Morning Glories Twine Around The Door
| |
Box 43, Folder 29 | Where The Silvery Colorado Wends Its Way
| |
Box 43, Folder 30 | While Strolling In The Park One Day
| |
Box 43, Folder 31 | Whistling Rufus
| |
Box 43, Folder 32 | Who Threw The Overalls In Mistress Murphy's Chowder
| |
Box 43, Folder 33 | Wien Bleibt Wein
| |
Box 43, Folder 34 | Wine, Women And Song
| |
Box 43, Folder 35 | With A Hey And A Hi And A Ho Ho Ho
| |
Box 43, Folder 36 | Woodman, Spare That Tree
| |
Box 43, Folder 37 | The Wreck Of The Old 97
| |
Box 43, Folder 38 | Yankee Doodle
| |
Box 43, Folder 39 | The Yankee Doodle Boy
| |
Box 43, Folder 40 | Yankee Doodle Dandy
| |
Box 43, Folder 41 | The Yellow Rose Of Texas
| |
Box 43, Folder 42 | You And I Waltz
| |
Box 43, Folder 43 | You Can't Be True, Dear
| |
Box 43, Folder 44 | You Can't See The Sun When You're Cryin'
| |
Box 43, Folder 45 | You Never Say Yes, You Never Say No
| |
Box 43, Folder 46 | You'll Never Miss Your Mother 'Till She's Gone
| |
Box 43, Folder 47 | You Tell Me Your Dream, I'll Tell You Mine
| |
Box 43, Folder 48 | [Title is in Greek alphabet]
Subseries B: Books and Collections
Box 44 | ||
Box 44, Folder 1 | Album of Selected Waltzes - 1939 | |
Box 44, Folder 2 | Alexander Quadrilles - n.d. | |
Box 44, Folder 3 | Allan, Mozart. Allan's Ballroom Companion - n.d. | |
Box 44, Folder 4 | Allan, Mozart. Allan's Irish Fiddler. | |
Box 44, Folder 5 | Allan, Mozart. Allan's Reels, Strathspeys, and General Dance Music. Country Dances. | |
Box 44, Folder 6 | Andrews Sisters. Army, Navy, Marines Song Folio, 1942. | |
Box 44, Folder 7 | Arkansas (Arkie) Woodchopper Square Dance Calls, 1940. | |
Box 44, Folder 8 | Mel-Bay. Folk Fiddle by Burton Isaac, 1964. | |
Box 44, Folder 9 | Berlin, Irving. Waltzes, no. 1 & 2, 1940. | |
Box 44, Folder 10 | Berlin, Irving. Waltzes, no. 2, 1940. | |
Box 44, Folder 11 | Blair, J.T. Saltemus: Book of Irish Dances. | |
Box 44, Folder 12 | Bowman, A.S. Thirty Overtures Standard & Popular...for Solo Violin, 1903. | |
Box 44, Folder 13 | Bowman, A.S. The Young Violinist's Favorite, n.d. | |
Box 44, Folder 14 | Carhart, ?. Melodeon Instructor. | |
Box 44, Folder 15 | Cazden, Norman. Reels, Jigs and Squares. 200 Dance Tunes for Violin & Piano. | |
Box 45 | ||
Box 45, Folder 1 | Cazden, Norman. Dances from Woodland, 1955. | |
Box 45, Folder 2 | Christmas Music | |
Box 45, Folder 3 | Cowboy Songs, 1929 | |
Box 45, Folder 4 | Crumit, Frank. Frank Crumit's Book of Favorite Songs, 1932. | |
Box 45, Folder 5 | Cundy-Bettoney. The Violinist's Pastime, 1893. | |
Box 45, Folder 6 | Dance Music (assortment of music bound in one volume) | |
Box 45, Folder 7 | Deiro, Pietro. Scandinavian Songs & Dances. | |
Box 45, Folder 8 | Diack, J. Michael. The Scottish Dance Album. | |
Box 45, Folder 9 | Dodworth, Allen. Quadrilles les Lanciers. | |
Box 45, Folder 10 | Dominion Round & Square Dances, 1951. | |
Box 45, Folder 11 | Dunham, Mellie. Mellie Dunham's Fiddlin' Dance Tunes. | |
Box 45, Folder 12 | Durlacher, Ed. Square Dances, 1946. | |
Box 45, Folder 13 | Favorite Polkas, 1942. | |
Box 45, Folder 14 | Favorite Reels, Jigs, and Hornpipes, 1907. | |
Box 45, Folder 15 | Flye, Frances L. and Smart, Phyllis M. The Christmas Story in Music. | |
Box 45, Folder 16 | The Gem Dance Folio for 1910. | |
Box 45, Folder 17 | Glover, Charles W. Polka-mania Quadrilles. | |
Box 45, Folder 18 | Glynn, William C. Bay State Quadrilles, 1844. | |
Box 45, Folder 19 | Gotcher, Les. Square Dancin', 1950. | |
Box 45, Folder 20 | Gott, George C. Old Familiar Dances with Figures, 1890. | |
Box 45, Folder 21 | Ibid, 1918. | |
Box 46 | ||
Box 46, Folder 1 | Gung'l, Joseph. Marie-Polka-Mazourka, (for piano). | |
Box 46, Folder 2 | Harding's Collection of 200 Jigs & Reels for Violin or Pianoforte | |
Box 46, Folder 3 | Haywood, Ernest and Newton, Ernest. Country Dances, Jigs, Reels & Strathspeys, 1929. | |
Box 46, Folder 4 | Howe, Elias. Howe's Diamond School for the Flageolet..., 1863. | |
Box 46, Folder 5 | Howe, Elias. Howe's New Flute Without a Master..., 1879. | |
Box 46, Folder 6 | Howe, Elias. Howe's 65 Contra Dances. Hornpipes, Jigs, Reels, etc. | |
Box 46, Folder 7 | Hughes, Edwin. Haydn: Master Series for the Young, 1919. | |
Box 46, Folder 8 | Jarman, Harry E. The Cornhuskers Book of Old Time Fiddlin' Tunes, no. 4, 1938 (2 copies). | |
Box 46, Folder 9 | Jarman, Harry E. The Cornhuskers Book of Old Time Fiddlin' Tunes, no. e, 1937. | |
Box 46, Folder 10 | Jigs and Reels, Vol I, 1908. | |
Box 46, Folder 11 | Jigs and Reels, Vol II, 1908 (2 copies). | |
Box 46, Folder 12 | Kerr, James S. Kerr's First Collection of Merry Melodies for the Violin, (2 copies). | |
Box 46, Folder 13 | Kerr, James S. Kerr's Second Collection of Merry Melodies for the Violin, (2 copies). | |
Box 46, Folder 14 | Kerr, James S. Kerr's Third Collection of Merry Melodies for the Violin, (2 copies). | |
Box 46, Folder 15 | Kerr, James S. Kerr's Fourth Collection of Merry Melodies for the Violin, (2 copies). | |
Box 47 | ||
Box 47, Folder 1 | Kerr, James S. Collection of Reels and Strathspeys (2 copies). | |
Box 47, Folder 2 | Kerr, James S. Kerr's Modern Dance Album for the Pianoforte. | |
Box 47, Folder 3 | King, Wayne. Collection of Feist Waltzes, 1922. | |
Box 47, Folder 4 | Lancers - various music, 1874-1881. | |
Box 47, Folder 5 | Lazarz, Joe. A Folio of Joe Lazarz'z Polkas, 1943. | |
Box 47, Folder 6 | Lees, J. Kenyon. The Balmoral Reel Book. | |
Box 47, Folder 7 | Let Us Have Music for Violin, Vol. 1, 1943. | |
Box 47, Folder 8 | Let Us Have Music for Violin, Vol. 2, 1944. | |
Box 47, Folder 9 | Lullabies from Every Land, 1947. | |
Box 47, Folder 10 | Magill, Jim. Jim Magill's Square Dance Tunes, 1952. | |
Box 47, Folder 11 | Manners, Zeke. American Square Dance, 1948. | |
Box 47, Folder 12 | A Merry Christmas in Song, Verse & Story, 1940. | |
Box 47, Folder 13 | Messer, Don. Backwoods Melodies, 1949. | |
Box 47, Folder 14 | Messer, Don. Barn Dance Breakdowns, 1954. | |
Box 47, Folder 15 | Messer, Don. Canadian Hoedowns, 1957. | |
Box 47, Folder 16 | Messer, Don. Don Messer's Favorite Melodies, 1950. | |
Box 47, Folder 17 | Messer, Don. Don Messer's Square Dance Tunes, 1952. | |
Box 47, Folder 18 | Messer, Don. Original Old Tyme Music. | |
Box 47, Folder 19 | Messer, Don. Way Down East Fiddlin' Tunes. | |
Box 48 | ||
Box 48, Folder 1 | Middleton, C. Middleton's Selection of Strathspeys, Reels, etc. For The Violin. | |
Box 48, Folder 2 | Miskoe, Sylvia & Graetz, J.M. The Bb Book, 1981. | |
Box 48, Folder 3 | O'Brien, Jerry. Irish Folk Dance Music, 1952. | |
Box 48, Folder 4 | O'Brien, Jerry. Jerry O'Brien's Accordion Instructor, 1949. | |
Box 48, Folder 5 | Old Favorites Album of Pieces for the Pianoforte, 1915. | |
Box 48, Folder 6 | Old Time Dance Tunes for Piano & Violin, 1951. | |
Box 48, Folder 7 | One Thousand Fiddle Tunes, 1940 (2 copies). | |
Box 48, Folder 8 | Parlor Dance Folio, 1899. | |
Box 48, Folder 9 | Pepper, J.W. - missing title, 1896. | |
Box 48, Folder 10 | Piano - miscellaneous pieces | |
Box 48, Folder 11 | Player's Pastime Folio (2 copies) | |
Box 48, Folder 12 | Przybylski, Fr. Przybylski's Polish Dance Album, 1937. | |
Box 48, Folder 13 | Quintette Quadrille Band (1st Violin part) | |
Box 48, Folder 14 | Reels et Jigs de chez-nous, 1945. | |
Box 49 | ||
Box 49, Folder 1 | Robbins Collection of 200 Jigs, Reels & Country Dances, 1933. | |
Box 49, Folder 2 | Robison, Carson. Square Dances, 1947. | |
Box 49, Folder 3 | Roche, F. Collection of Irish Airs, Marches & Dance Tunes, Vol. I, 1911. | |
Box 49, Folder 4 | Roche, F. Collection of Irish Airs, Marches & Dance Tunes, Vol. II, 1911. | |
Box 49, Folder 5 | Roche, F. Collection of Irish Airs, Marches & Dance Tunes, vol. III, 1911. | |
Box 49, Folder 6 | Rollinson, T.H. Favorite Reels, Jigs & Hornpipes for the Violin, 1907. | |
Box 49, Folder 7 | Ruth, Viola Mom. Pioneer Western Folk Tunes, 1948. | |
Box 49, Folder 8 | Scandinavian Tunes for Piano or Piano-Accordion, Vol. I, 1943. | |
Box 49, Folder 9 | School for the Reed-Organ & Melodeon | |
Box 49, Folder 10 | Scott, Bob. Bob Scott's Canadian Fiddle Tunes, 1955. | |
Box 49, Folder 11 | Semb, Klara. Norske Folkedansar, 1924. | |
Box 49, Folder 12 | Shaeffer, Arling. Arling Schaeffer's Barn Dance, 1933 (2 copies). | |
Box 49, Folder 13 | Shand, Annie. Old Scottish Music, 1932. | |
Box 49, Folder 14 | Shand, Jimmy. Scottish Dance Album, Book I, 1953. | |
Box 49, Folder 15 | Shand, Jimmy. Scottish Dance Album, Book II, 1953. | |
Box 49, Folder 16 | Sharp, Cecil. The English Country Dance, Vol. I. | |
Box 49, Folder 17 | Sharp, Cecil. The English Country Dance, Vol. II. | |
Box 50 | ||
Box 50, Folder 1 | Sterling's Camp Song Album, 1941. | |
Box 50, Folder 2 | Strauss, Johan. Strauss-Waltz Album, 1934. | |
Box 50, Folder 3 | 10 Celebrated Polkas for Piano & Piano-Accordion, 1940. | |
Box 50, Folder 4 | Tietzel, C. Albert. The Social Dance Album, 1896. | |
Box 50, Folder 5 | Trifet's Acme of Dances, 1886. | |
Box 50, Folder 6 | Twenty Little Pieces for the Violin, 1900. | |
Box 50, Folder 7 | Ville, Paul de & Gould, Maurice. Universal Album of 200 Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes, etc., 1912. | |
Box 50, Folder 8 | Violinist's Popular Repertoire, 1918. | |
Box 50, Folder 9 | Vitak, Louis. Polish Dance Collection No. 4, 1929. | |
Box 50, Folder 10 | Waters, Smilin' Bill. Smilin' Bill Waters Folio, 1943. | |
Box 50, Folder 11 | Weber, Henri. Grandpa's Dance Album. | |
Box 50, Folder 12 | Wellington, Bill. Belknap's March & Other Dance Melodies..., 1983. | |
Box 50, Folder 13 | White, Edward L. Melodeon without a Master..., 1851. | |
Box 50, Folder 14 | Will Glahe Polkas, 1944. | |
Box 50, Folder 15 | Williams, Vivian T. 151 Brand New Old Time Fiddle Tunes, Vol. I, 1983. | |
Box 50, Folder 16 | Wiseman, Herbert & Wright, Tim. 16 Popular Scottish Country Dances, 1952. | |
Box 50, Folder 17 | Unidentified | |
Box 50, Folder 18 | Miscellaneous pieces | |
Box 50, Folder 19 | Miscellaneous, 1904 |
Series 13: Printed Musical Arrangements
(4 Boxes)
Box 51 | ||
Box 51, Folder 1 | “Another Candle On Your Birthday Cake” | |
Box 51, Folder 2 | “Badger Gavotte” | |
Box 51, Folder 3 | “Be Careful With Those Eyes”; “The Butterfly” [see Box 4] | |
Box 51, Folder 4 | “Candlelight and Wine” | |
Box 51, Folder 5 | “Caught in the Net” – three step | |
Box 51, Folder 6 | “El Choclo” | |
Box 51, Folder 7 | “La Cumparsita” | |
Box 51, Folder 8 | “Day Break Waltz” | |
Box 51, Folder 9 | “Eleanor Waltzes” | |
Box 51, Folder 10 | “Enchantment” – Waltzes | |
Box 51, Folder 11 | “Ev’rything I Love” – foxtrot | |
Box 51, Folder 12 | “A Faded Summer Love” – fox-trot | |
Box 51, Folder 13 | “Fair Confidantes” – waltz | |
Box 51, Folder 14 | “Four Little Blackberries” – schottische; “Golden Slippers” – holograph manuscript [see Box 4] | |
Box 51, Folder 15 | “Golden Sunset Waltzes”; “The Grand Mogul” [see Box 4] | |
Box 51, Folder 16 | “Gypsiana” – Gypsy waltz medley | |
Box 51, Folder 17 | “Heel & Toe Polka” | |
Box 51, Folder 18 | “Holka-Polka” – polka fox-trot | |
Box 51, Folder 19 | “How Am I To Know?” | |
Box 51, Folder 20 | “Indian Songs” | |
Box 51, Folder 21 | “I’ll Be Blue Just Thinking of You (From Now On)” (fox-trot) | |
Box 51, Folder 22 | “I’m In the Market for You” – fox-trot | |
Box 51, Folder 23 | “I’m Wrapped Up In You” – fox-trot | |
Box 51, Folder 24 | “In My Arms” | |
Box 51, Folder 25 | “Jingle Jangle Jingle” – fox-trot | |
Box 51, Folder 26 | “Johnny Zero” | |
Box 51, Folder 27 | “Jolly Coppersmith March” | |
Box 51, Folder 28 | “Just a Prayer Away” – fox-trot; “The Lady in Ermine” [see Box 4] | |
Box 51, Folder 29 | “Leigh Valley Polka” | |
Box 51, Folder 30 | “Luxemburg” – schottische | |
Box 51, Folder 31 | “Ma Chere, Valse Parisienne” | |
Box 51, Folder 32 | “Madame Sherry” – barn dance or schottische | |
Box 51, Folder 33 | “The Marines’ Hymn” – fox-trot | |
Box 52 | ||
Box 52, Folder 1 | “Medley Waltz” | |
Box 52, Folder 2 | “Medley Waltz, No. 2” | |
Box 52, Folder 3 | “The Merry Midnighters” – quadrille | |
Box 52, Folder 4 | “Mi Amanda (My Beloved)” | |
Box 52, Folder 5 | “Millicent (Valse Hesitation or Boston Pause)” | |
Box 52, Folder 6 | “Money Musk” | |
Box 52, Folder 7 | “My Mother’s Waltz” | |
Box 52, Folder 8 | “My Queen” | |
Box 52, Folder 9 | “Neome Waltzes” | |
Box 52, Folder 10 | “Northern Lights Waltz” | |
Box 52, Folder 11 | “Old Southern Schottische” | |
Box 52, Folder 12 | “One-Two-Three-Kick” – conga | |
Box 52, Folder 13 | “Oriental Lancers” | |
Box 52, Folder 14 | “Our Director” – march | |
Box 52, Folder 15 | “Our Waltz” | |
Box 52, Folder 16 | “Paper Doll” – fox-trot | |
Box 52, Folder 17 | “Ping Pong” – medley lancers | |
Box 52, Folder 18 | “Put-Put-Put (Your Arms Around Me)” | |
Box 52, Folder 19 | “Queen of Hearts” – waltzes | |
Box 52, Folder 20 | “Queen City” – march | |
Box 52, Folder 21 | “The Rag Bag Man” – medley march and two-step | |
Box 52, Folder 22 | “The Ripple Mazurka” | |
Box 52, Folder 23 | “Rye Waltz” | |
Box 52, Folder 24 | “Scarf Dance and Air de Ballet” – from “Callirhoe” | |
Box 52, Folder 25 | “Seaside Polka” | |
Box 52, Folder 26 | “Semper Paratus (Always Ready)” – Coast Guard march | |
Box 52, Folder 27 | “Shannon Waltzes” | |
Box 52, Folder 28 | “Siboney” – rhumba | |
Box 52, Folder 29 | “Sicilian Circle” | |
Box 52, Folder 30 | “Skater’s Waltz” | |
Box 52, Folder 31 | “Sleepy Hollow – A Dream in the Mountains”- idyll; “Smiles and Caresses” [see Box 4] | |
Box 52, Folder 32 | “The Social Set” – lancers | |
Box 52, Folder 33 | “Somebody Else is Taking My Place” – fox-trot | |
Box 52, Folder 34 | “The Story of a Starry Night”; “Swanee River” [see Box 4] | |
Box 53 | ||
Box 53, Folder 1 | “Sweet Nothings of Love” – fox-trot | |
Box 53, Folder 2 | “Sweetheart of Sigma Chi” – waltz. “Treasure-trove”- waltzes | |
Box 53, Folder 3 | “Tendre Amour” – serenade | |
Box 53, Folder 4 | “That’s How I Need You” – medley waltz | |
Box 53, Folder 5 | “Then I’ll Be Happy (I Wanna Go Where You Go – Do What You Do)” – fox-trot | |
Box 53, Folder 6 | “There’s A Star Spangled Banner Waving Somewhere” – fox-trot | |
Box 53, Folder 7 | “Through! (How Can You Say We’re Through?)” – foxtrot | |
Box 53, Folder 8 | “My Queen” | |
Box 53, Folder 9 | “Two Step Medley” | |
Box 53, Folder 10 | “Varsouvienne” | |
Box 53, Folder 11 | “Virginia Reel” | |
Box 53, Folder 12 | “We’re the Couple in the Castle” – foxtrot | |
Box 53, Folder 13 | “Whisper That You Love Me” | |
Box 53, Folder 14 | “Whispering” | |
Box 53, Folder 15 | “The Wishing Waltz” | |
Box 53, Folder 16 | “X Rays” – medley quadrille | |
Box 53, Folder 17 | “You Don’t Need Glasses (To See I’m in Love)” – foxtrot; “Ziegfeld Follies 1915″ [see Box 4] | |
Box 53, Folder 18 | Various arrangements, 1st cornet | |
Box 53, Folder 19 | Various arrangements, B-flat cornet | |
Box 53, Folder 20 | Various arrangements, drums | |
Box 53, Folder 21 | Various arrangements, flute | |
Box 53, Folder 22 | Various arrangements, guitar | |
Box 53, Folder 23 | Various arrangements, piano | |
Box 53, Folder 24 | Various arrangements, trombone | |
Box 53, Folder 25 | Various arrangements, 1st violin | |
Box 53, Folder 26 | Various arrangements with 2-4 parts, A-D | |
Box 53, Folder 27 | Various arrangements with 2-4 parts, E-H | |
Box 53, Folder 28 | Various arrangements with 2-4 parts, L-N | |
Box 53, Folder 29 | Various arrangements with 2-4 parts, O-W | |
Box 54 | ||
Box 54, Folder 1 | “The Butterfly” (Morceau Characteristic) | |
Box 54, Folder 2 | “Golden Slippers” – holograph manuscript | |
Box 54, Folder 3 | “The Grand Mogul”- selections | |
Box 54, Folder 4 | “The Lady in Ermine” – selection | |
Box 54, Folder 5 | “Smiles and Caresses” – idyll | |
Box 54, Folder 6 | “Swanee River” – medley overture | |
Box 54, Folder 7 | “Ziegfeld Follies 1915″ – selections |
Series 14: Dance Music and Instructions (Leslie Hunt Notebooks)
(16 Boxes)
Box 55 | ||
Box 55, Folder 1 | Index of Round Dances | |
Box 55, Folder 2 | Root's Ball Room Album Fall In Line (Grand March); Grand Republic (Waltz); Storm King (March & Two-Step); Flagship (Quadrille); Janice (Schottische); Favorite Chicago (Lancers); Reflection (Waltz); Artillery (March & Two-Step); University (Quadrille) | |
Box 55, Folder 3 | Folk Dances Music & Steps: Mexican Waltz; Road To The Isles; Boston Two-Step; La Raspa; Chimes of Dunkirk; Crested Hen; Weaving Dance; Patty Cake Polka; Badger Gavotte; Rye Waltz; Russian Troika; Ukranian Hopak; Spanish Waltz; Herr Schmidt | |
Box 55, Folder 4 | Folk Dances Le Carillon De Dunkerque; The Original Gorlitza; La Boulangere; The Gitana Waltz; The Haymakers; Kiss Me Early; Kitty Fisher; May Day; Country Gardens; How D'Ye Do?;Will O' The Wisp; Up and Down; Morris Dance; Princess Royal; Shepherds Hey; Morris Off; Spanish Dance; Shawl Dance; La Belle Canadian; Ben Lomond; Hungarian Dance; Russian Troika; Bearfort Indian Dance; Butter Scotch; Ukranian Hopak; Apache Dance; English Country Dance; Castanet Dance; Mexican Hat Dance; Oriental Dance; Japanese Dance; Celebrated Minuet; El Tango De Reve; A Media Luz; Tarantella Napoletana | |
Box 55, Folder 5 | Fox Trots Apple Blossoms; Peaches and Cream; The Village Clown | |
Box 55, Folder 6 | Misc. Dance Step Instructions and a book titled "Old English and American Games" | |
Box 56 | ||
Box 56, Folder 1 | Galops Contra Dances Music and Steps: Goodbye, My Lover, Good Bye; Marching Through Georgia (Eight Hands Around The Other Way); Golden Slippers (Duck For The Oyster); Solomon Levi; To The Corner With A Right Hand Around; We Won't Go Home Until Morning; She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain; Red Wing (Dip and Dive); Golden Slippers (Butterfly Whirl); Jingle Bells (Turn The Basket Wrong Side Out) | |
Box 56, Folder 2 | Galops Whip and Spur; Big White Top; On The Mill Dam; A High Stepper | |
Box 56, Folder 3 | Galops Saddle Back; The Ringmaster; Sawdust and Spangles; At Nod | |
Box 56, Folder 4 | Galops The Vixen; The Plunger; Round The Ring; With The Wind | |
Box 56, Folder 5 | Galops Fireman's Galop; Across The Rockies; Fast Life; Home Run | |
Box 57 | ||
Box 57, Folder 1 | Galops Slap Bang Galop; Wild West Galop; Vim Galop; Get Busy Galop | |
Box 57, Folder 2 | Galops Keep Going; Fast and Furious; National; Sky Rocket | |
Box 57, Folder 3 | Marches Jacobs' Loose Leaf collection of Marches No.1: Our Director; Second Connecticut; There'll Be A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight | |
Box 57, Folder 4 | Marches Stein Song; Jingles Bells; Under Our Windows; At The Mill | |
Box 57, Folder 5 | Marches Down Main Street; Up The Street; The Game Keeper | |
Box 58 | ||
Box 58, Folder 1 | Polkas Beer Barrel Polka; Rock and Rye Polka; Our Katy Polka; Jenny Lind Polka; Morning Star | |
Box 58, Folder 2 | Polkas Nas Matej Polka; Springtime (Na Jare); Grasshopper Polka; Martha Polka; Aunt Ella's Polka | |
Box 58, Folder 3 | Polkas Memories Polka (V Upominka); Barbara Polka; Hell & Toe Polka | |
Box 58, Folder 4 | Polkas Farewell Polka (Na Rozloucenou); Muziky, Muziky; Cherry Pickers Polka; Radio Polka | |
Box 58, Folder 5 | Polkas Helena Polka; Under the Bridge Polka; Arise My Darling Polka (Vst'avej M'a Mil'a) | |
Box 59 | ||
Box 59, Folder 1 | Schottisches Four Little Blackberries; Buy the Watermelon Vine, Lindy Lou; Good-bye Mister Greenback; Four Little Pipers; Any Rags?; The Darkey's Dream | |
Box 59, Folder 2 | Schottisches On The Old Plantation; Ellen Snow; The Darkies' Holiday; Dancing in the Barn | |
Box 59, Folder 3 | Quadrille Music Queen Bee; Circus Quadrille; Queen of the Ball; Virginia Reel | |
Box 59, Folder 4 | Quadrille Music Real Reels (Five Old Favorites); Golden Slippers Medley (Golden Slippers/O Susanna/Little Brown Jug/ Buffalo Gals); The Smart Set (Lancers) | |
Box 60 | ||
Box 60, Folder 1 | Quadrille Music Root's Quadrille Album #1: On The Lawn; Jane Oaker; Crokinole Club; Lancers, Model March; Silver Crescent; Gypsy Queen | |
Box 60, Folder 2 | Round Dances Chicken Reel; Quicksilver Sue; Hielan' Lassie | |
Box 60, Folder 3 | Round Dances Rosemary; Yvonne; Venetian Beauty; Among The Flowers; Drifting Clouds; The Spider Web; Pickaninny Pranks | |
Box 60, Folder 4 | Two-Steps Out On A Frolic; Behind The Hounds; Hand-In-Hand; Down The Pike; The Horse Marines | |
Box 60, Folder 5 | Two-Steps The Dashing Trooper; The Breakers; With Fife and Drum; Come Out Of The Kitchen, Mary Ann; The Jolly New Yorker | |
Box 61 | ||
Box 61, Folder 1 | Waltzes Home, Sweet Home; Lonesome; Home Coming; Come Over On My Veranda; 'Neath The Stars; Les Patineurs (The Skaters) | |
Box 61, Folder 2 | Waltzes A Night In June; Lady Of The Lake; Beauty's Dream; Over the Waves Waltzes; Cuckoo Waltz | |
Box 61, Folder 3 | Waltzes Love's Caresses; Call Of The Woods; Magic Night; Forever; The Merry Widow | |
Box 61, Folder 4 | Waltzes Blue Danube; Dream Thoughts; Arrival Of The Robbins; Dream Memories | |
Box 61, Folder 5 | Play Party Dances Skip To My Lou; Pig In The Parlor; Shoo Fly; Captain Sinks; Loobie Loo; Oh! Susanna; Brown Eyed Mary; The Jolly Miller; Bingo | |
Box 62 | ||
Box 62, Folder 1 | Quadrille Spirit of the Times (Grand March); The Pioneer & Fiddlin' Silas (Virginia Reel); Quadrilles: The Lancers; The Boulevard; Aunt Liza's Favorite; Johnny Mind Your Mammy; Happy Days To Come; My Love For The Emerald Isle Reel; Uncle Sams; Hunkydory; Schaeffer's Celebrated; Turkey In The Straw; Arkansas Traveler; My Love Is But A Lassie 'O; Honey Comb Reel; When Clover's In Bloom; The Humming Bird Reel; California Hornpipe; At Sunrise; Rocky Mountain Hornpipe; Huntsman's Hornpipe; Spinning Wheel Reel; Over The Range; Jolly Mountaineer Hornpipe; Joy Of Dance; Silver Slipper Hornpipe; Jolly Good Times Hornpipe; New Century; Honey Suckle Vine Hornpipe; Arlington Hornpipe; On The Roundup; Ricket's Reel; Louisiana Hornpipe; Imperial Waltz; Silver Wedding; Lancer's Quadrille | |
Box 62, Folder 2 | Quadrilles The Pepper Collection of Square Dances: Lancers: Jockey Club; Fairmount Park; The Debutante; Savoy Lancers; Ball Room Whispers; Criterion; Social Set; Colonial; The Belmont; Belle Of Frisco; Sweet Simplicity Lancers; Waldorf-Astoria | |
Box 62, Folder 3 | Reels, Jigs & Hornpipes-Jigs Irish Washer Woman; Paddy Whack; Larry O'Gaff; Come Under My Pladdie; Garry Owen; Swimming In The Gutter; Kitty O'Neil; Rory O'Moore; Joys Of Wedlock; Charlie Mack; Swallow Tail; Come, Haste To The Wedding; St. Patrick's Day In The Morning; Billy Paterson; Catholic Boys; Maggie Brown Favorite Reels: Reilly's; Single; Pig Town Fling; Miss McLeod; McDonald; Fairy Dance; The Wind That Shakes The Barley; The Ivy Leaf; Limber Up; Old Zip Coon; The Devil's Dream; Miller's; Mary Rose's; Soldiers' Joy; Speed The Plough; The Campbells Are Comin'; Rosebud; Arkansas Traveler Hornpipes: Fisher's; Durang's; College; Constitution; MacGregor's; Vinton's; Cinninnati; Ricket's; Good For The Tongue; High Level; Delaware Contra: Hull's Victory; Money Musk; Ladies Triumph; Opera Reel; Lady Walpole; The Tempest Miscellaneous: Highland Fling; Essance Of Old Virginny; Esmeralda; Sicilian Circle; The White Cockade; Four Hand Reel; Neal Gow's Wife; Belles of Edinboro'; The Girl I Left Behind Me; Pop Goes The Weasel; The Rakes Of Mallow; Wilder's; Liverpool; Rustic Reel; Limber Up Reel; Flowers Of Edinburgh; Jordan Is A Hard Road; Camptown Hormpipe; Petronella; Over The Water To Charlie; Tullochgorum; Johnny's Made A Wedding O'It; The Kerry Girls; Buck And Wing Dance; That Marble Dream; The Irish Lasses; The Cascade Reel; Uncle Jim; Rock Valley; Why Should I Care; The Witches Reel; Plum Pudding Reel Square Dances: Irish Washerwomen; Old Zip Coon; Turkey In the Straw; Soldier's Joy; Portland Fancy; Darling Nellie Gray; Little Brown Jug; Girl I Left Behind; Golden Slippers; De Camptown Races; Jingle Bells; Pop Goes The Weasel; Buffalo Girls; She'll Be Comin' Round The Mountain; Devil's Dream; Come Haste To The Wedding; The Campbells Are Comin'; Arkansas Traveler; The White Cockade; Larry O'Gafe; Money Musk; Chorus Jig; Old Dan Tucker; Hull's Victory; Fisher's Hornpipe; Miss McCloud's Reel; St. Paterick's Day In The Morning; Life On The Ocean Wave; Good-bye, My Lover, Good-bye; We Won't Go Home Till Morning; Yankee Doodle; Sailor's Hornpipe; Rakes of Mallon; Speed The Plow; Lady Walpole's Reel; The Circassian Circle; Siclian Circle; Lamplighter's Hornpipe; Durang's Hornpipe; The Tempest; The Black Cat | |
Box 62, Folder 4 | Old Familiar Dances with Figures Lancer's Quadrilles (La Dorset, Lodoiska,La Native, Les Graces; Les Lanciers); Sicilian Circle; Light Artillery; New Caledonian Quadrille (Bonnie Breast Knot, Annie Laurie, Comin' Thro' The Rye, Logie O'Buchan, All The Blue Bonnets); Portland Fancy (Not Much, Dream Faces, Smiles, Nanon; Sailing Sailing, Baby's Learning To Walk; Fantine); Basket Cotillion (Campbells are Comin', the Girl I Left Behind, White Cockade, Kinloch of Kinloch); Vinton's Hornpipe; Rickett's Hornpipe; Gipsy Polka Quadrille; Jenny Linds Favorite Waltz; Empress Anne's Polka; Princess Maude Polka; Baden Baden Polks; Virginia Reel; Aurora Waltz Quadrille; Sophie Waltz; Philomel Waltz, The Joy Waltz; La Colotta Polka; Party Cotillion (Wait For the Wagon, Be Watchful, Boatmen Dance, Few Days, Prima Donna, Dearest Mae, Jordan); Flowers of Edinburgh; Miss McLeod's Reel; Cincinnati Hornpipe; Land of Sweet Erin; Larry O'Gaff; Rory O'More; Ladies Triumph; Favorite Dance; College Hornpipe; Durangs Hornpipe; Fred Wilson's Clog Dance; Vinton's Hornpipe; Camptown Hornpipe; Jordan Is A Hard Road; Pop Goes The Weasel; Over The Water To Charlie; Lamplighter's Hornpipe; Thunder Hornpipe; Soldier's Joy; White Cockade; Chorus Jig; The Tempest; Fisher's Hornpipe; Speed The Plough; Campbells Are Coming; Rustic Reel; Hull's Victory; Money Musk; Devil's Dream; Zulma; Washington Quickstep; Swiss Boy; The Celebrated Varsoviana; Wilder's Hornpipe; Arkansas Traveler; The Esmeralda; Eight Hand Reel; Danish Dance; Go To The Devil and Shake Yourself; Buy A Broom; The Coquette; La Belle Canadian; Gavot De Vestris; Kitty O'Neil; Fairy Dance; Newport Waltz; Petronella; The Danish Dance; Six Hand Reel; The Sicilienne; The Rout; The Land Of Sweet Erin; La Cracovienne; Come, Haste To The Wedding; Ben Lomond; Spanish Dance; Five Step Waltz; Irish Washerwoman; Highland Fling; La Tempete; The German Redowa; Le Carillon De Dunkerque; The Original Gorlitza; La Boulangere; The Gitana Waltz; The Tarantella; Gavotte Favorite De Marie Antoinette; Shawl Dance; Minuet | |
Box 62, Folder 5 | Round Dances Bib and Tucker; Turkey in the Straw; Pigeon Wing; A Hen on the Nest; Chicken Walk; Fiddlesticks; The Black Hawk Waltz; Parade of the Doodle Bugs; Over The Waves; The Harvest moon; Imperial Polka; Imperial Waltz; Minuet in G; Meet me Tonight in Dreamland; Ford's Schottische; Other Days; Irish Waltz Medley; Love Waltzes Medley; Whistling Rufus; Old Memories; Jenny Linds Favorites Polka; Badger Gavotte; Fords Varsovienne; ' Round the Hall; Martha Polka; Helena Polka; Barbara Polka; Laughing Polka; Little Fairy-March; St. Paul Waltz; The Oxen Dance; Cuckoo Waltz; Mazurka; The Newport; Mountain Belle Schottische; Varsoviana; Rye Waltzes; Polish Dance; Nya Fiskar-Vals; Kosatzki; Heel and Toe; O Susanna; Lauterbach; Ach Du Lieber Augustin; Old Time Waltz Medley; Pizzicato Polka; Heel and Toe Polka; Varsoviana; Gavotte; A Frangesa; Katy Polka; Forest Polka | |
Box 63 | ||
Box 63, Folder 1 | Square Dances Sidewalks of New York; Nellie Bly ; De Camp Town Races; Little Brown Jug; Sioux City Sue; Because, Just Because; Ocean Waves, Life On The Ocean Wave; Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-Der-E; Mac Namara's Band; When the Bloom is On The Sage; Silver Bell, When You Wore A Tulip, Red Wing | |
Box 63, Folder 2 | Fox Trots The Village Clown; Peaches and Cream; Apple Blossoms | |
Box 63, Folder 3 | Galops Whip and Spur; Big White Top; On The Mill Dam; A High Stepper; Saddle Back; The Ringmaster; Sawdust and Spangles; At Nod; The Vixen; 'Round The Ring; With The Wind | |
Box 63, Folder 4 | Galops Firemen's Galop; Across The Rockies; Fast Life; Home Run; Slap Bang; Wild West; Vim; Get Busy; Keep Going; Fast and Furious; National; Sky Rocket | |
Box 63, Folder 5 | Marches Our Director; Second Connecticut; Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight; Maine Stein Song; Jingle Bells Medley; Under Our Windows; At The Mill; Down Main Street; Up The Street; The Game Keeper; Clayton's Grand March; Gen. Grant's Grand March; Wedding March | |
Box 64 | ||
Box 64, Folder 1 | Misc. Round Dances (piano & violin) Jenny Lind's Favorite Polka; Hell and Toe Polka; Ford's Schottische; Hielan' Lassie; Chicken Reel; Quicksilver Sue; Kerry Mills Barn Dance; The Hay Loft; The Huskin' Bee; Red Wing; Merry Widow; Home On The Range; Jenny Lind Schottische; Heather Bells; Selma Schottische; Weel Me The Keel Row; Krakowiak Polka; Varsoniana; Ford's Varsovienne | |
Box 64, Folder 2 | Misc. Quadrille Music (piano & violin) Queen of the Ball; Golden Slippers; Jiggy Jigs; Real Reels; Irish Washerwoman; Soldiers' Joy; Old Zip Coon; Virginia Reel; Lancers-Oriental; Blackberry Quadrille; Loomis Lancers-Abonnement; Prince of Good Fellows; The Black Cat Quadrille | |
Box 64, Folder 3 | Square Dance Music (piano) Old Zip Coon; Money Musk; Rakes of Mallon; Buffalo Girls; Golden Slippers; Canadian Breakdown; Hull's Victory; Fisher's Hornpipe; Chorus Jig; White Cockade; The Tempest; St. Patrick's Day in the Morning; Opera Reel; The Black Cat; London Bridge; The Crooked Stovepipe; Jingle Bells; St Anne's Reel; Irish Washerwoman; The Wind That Shakes The Barley; Larry O'Gafe; Pop Goes The Weasel; Miss McLeod's Reel; Pig Town Fling; The Campbells Are Comin'; Miller's Reel; Durang's Hornpipe; Lamplighter's Hornpipe; Captain Sinks; Dixie; Life on the Ocean Wave; Girl I Left Behind; Little Brown Jug; Uncle Jim; Smash The Window; Haste to the Wedding; Speed the Plow; To The Ladies; Fiddlers Three; De Camptown Races; Portland Fancy; Grand March; Home, Sweet Home; Listen To The Mocking Bird; Circassion Circle; Rig-A-Jig-Jig; Honest John; There is a Tavern in the Town; The Old Gray Mare; Fireman's Dance; Rickett's Hornpipe; Rory O'Moore; Raggedy Ann; Vive L'Amour; Ten Little Indians; Road to the Isles; Mulberry Bush Operator's Reel; Patronella; The Swamplake Breakdown; Old Red Barn; Year of Jubilo; Lucy Long; Climbing the Golden Stairs; Old Dan Tucker; General Grant's Grand March; Clayton's Grand March; Wedding March; The Merry Dance; Flop Eared Mule; On the Road to Boston; Silver and Gold; Reel of Stumpie; Hand Organ Hornpipe; Blackberry Quadrille; Wait for the Wagon; Rustic Reel; Spitfire Reel; Limber up Reel; New Century Hornpipe; Peter Street; Over The Water to Charlie; Dominion Reel; Top of Cork Road; Paddy Whack; Cincinnati Hornpipe; Vinton's Hornpipe; Grey Eagle Hornpipe; Sweet Ellen; Drunken Sailor; Sally Gooden; Leather Breeches; Garfield's Hornpipe; Cackling Hen; Marching to Pretoria; Eleven More Months and Ten More Days; Reilly's Own; Casey Jones; Chicken Reel; Big John McNeil; Up Country; Allie Crocker's Reel; The piper's Lass; Steamboat Quickstep; Montreal; Pincushion Polka; British Grenadiers; Washington Quickstep; Old Joe Clark; All The Way To Galway; Ladies Triumph; Garry Owen; Paddy on the Turnpike; Nellie Bly; Glise A Sherbrooke; The Hundred Pipers; The Cock O' The North; Ragtime Annie; Chinese Breakdown; A and E Rag; Rosebud Reel; High Level Hornpipe; Reel A Pitou; Bricklayer's Hornpipe; Maple Leaf Jig; Gypsy Hornpipe | |
Box 64, Folder 4 | Polkas (piano & violin) Beer Barrel Polka; Rock and Rye; Our Kay; Jenny Lind; Morning Star; Nas Matej; Na Jare; Grasshopper Polka; Martha; Aunt Ella's Polka; Barbara Polka; Heel and Toe Polka | |
Box 65 | ||
Box 65, Folder 1 | Polkas (piano & violin) Memories; Farewell; Muziky Muziky; Cherry Pickers; Radio; Helena; Under the Bridge; Arise My Darling | |
Box 65, Folder 2 | Old Quadrilles (piano & violin) Long Live the Army; Harvest Moon; Social Event; Silver Wedding; Queen Bee; Old Homestead; Buffalo Girls; Queen of the Ball | |
Box 65, Folder 3 | Old Quadrilles (piano & violin) Virginia Reel; Fiddlin' Silas; Jiggy Jigs; Real Reels; Lancers Quadrille; The Boulevard; The Smart Set; Original Waltz Quadrille | |
Box 65, Folder 4 | Round Dances (piano & violin) Rosemary; Yvonne; The Ripple; Sorita; Badger Gavotte; Minuet in G; Venetian Beauty; Among the Flowers; Drifting Clouds; The Spider Web; Pickaninny Pranks | |
Box 66 | ||
Box 66, Folder 1 | Schottisches (piano & violin) By the Watermelon Vine; Four Little Blackberries; Four Little Pipers; Any Rag?; The Darkey's Dream; Good-bye Mister Greenback; On the Old Plantation; Ellen Snow; Dancing in the Barn; The Darkies' Holiday; The Hay-loft; Military Schottische, Barn Dance | |
Box 66, Folder 2 | Two Steps (piano & violin) Out on a Frolic; Behind the Hounds; Hand-in-Hand; Down the Pike; The Horse Marines; The Dashing Trooper; The Breakers; With Fife and Drum; Come Out of the Kitchen; The Jolly New Yorker | |
Box 66, Folder 3 | Square Dance (violin) Hull's Victory; Chorus Jig; Fisher's Hornpipe; Money Musk; Miller's Reel; Lamplighter's Hornpipe; White Cockade; Lady Walpole's Reel; Sicilian Circle; Durang's Hornpipe; Larry O'Gaff; Uncle Jim; Golden Slippers; Captain Jinks; Little Brown Jug; Girl I Left Behind; Rakes of Mallow; Ten Little Indians; Life on the Ocean Wave; St Patrick's Day in the Morning; Opera Reel; Irish Washerwoman; London Bridge; The Crooked Stovepipe; Buffalo Girls; Pop Goes The Weasel; To the Ladies; Fiddlers Three; The Black Cat; Jingle Bells; The Wind That Shakes The Barley; Pig Town Fling; Arkansas Traveler; Haste to the Wedding; Smash the Window; St. Anne's Reel; Canadian Breakdown; De Camptown Races; Portland Fancy; Grand March; Home, Sweet Home; Listen to the Mocking Bird; Circassian Circle; Rig-A-Jig-Jig; Honest John; There is a Tavern in the Town; Dixie; Old Gray Mare; Rory O'Moore; Rickett's Hornpipe; Raggedy Ann; Vive L'Amour; Road to the Isles; Mulberry Bush; Patronella; Operator's Reel; Swamplake Breakdown; The Old Red Barn; Year of Jubilo; Lucy Long; Fireman's Dance; Old Dan Tucker; Climbing up the Golden Stairs; Herr Schmidt; General Grant's Grand March; Wedding March Lohengrin; On the Road to Boston; Silver and Gold; Hand Organ Hornpipe; Reel of Stumpey; Merry Dance; Flop Eared Mule; Wait for the Wagon; Blackberry Quadrille; Rustic Reel; Limber Up Reel; Marching to Pretoria; Cackling Hen; Leather Breeches; Eleven More Months and Ten More Days; Reilly's Own Reel; Cincinnati Hornpipe; Vinton's Hornpipe; Paddy Whack; Spitfire Reel; New Century Hornpipe; Peter Street; Dominion Reel; Top of Cork Road; Over the Water to Charlie; Sweet Ellen; Drunken Sailor; Grey Eagle Hornpipe; Garfield's Hornpipe; Sally Gooden; Chicken Reel; Casey Jones; Ladies Triumph; Up Country; Pincushion Polka; Montreal; British Grenadiers; Allie Crocker's Reel; Piper's Lass; Steamboat Quickstep; Big John McNeil; Washington Quickstep; Old Joe Clark; Garry Owen; Cock o'the North; Paddy on the Turnpike; Glise A Sherbrooke; Ragtime Annie; Nellie Bly; Chinese Breakdown; A and E Rag; All the Way to Galway; Hundred Pipers; Rosebud Reel; High Level Hornpipe; Reel A Pitou; Bricklayer's Hornpipe; Maple Leaf Rag; Gypsy Hornpipe | |
Box 66, Folder 4 | Waltzes (piano & violin) Old Timers Waltz; Home, Sweet Home; Lonesome Waltz; Irish Waltz Medley; Golden Stars Waltz; Home Coming Waltz; Come Over on My Veranda; Other Days Medley | |
Box 67 | ||
Box 67, Folder 1 | Waltzes (piano & violin) 'Neath the Stars; Skaters Waltz; A Night in June; Lady of the Lake; Beauty's Dream; Over the Waves; Love's Caresses; Cuckoo Waltz; Call of the Woods; Magic Night | |
Box 67, Folder 2 | Waltzes (piano & violin) Forever; The Merry Widow; Blue Danube; Dream Thoughts; Arrival of the Robbins; Dream Memories | |
Box 67, Folder 3 | Old Time Fiddlin Tunes Succotash Quadrille; Billy Boy; Oh! Susanna; Red River Valley; Sugar Bowl; It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo'; Pistol Packin' Mama; Honest John; Golden Slippers | |
Box 67, Folder 4 | Old Time Dances Mellie Dunham's Fiddlin' Dance Tunes: Rippling Waves; Happy Hours; Norway Schottische; Haywood Schottische; Little Stack of Barley; Old Zip Coon; Arkansas Traveler; Turkey in the Straw; The Ripple; Irish Washerwoman; The Tempest; Fisher's Hornpipe; Chorus Jig; Portland Fancy; Boston Fancy; Durang's Hornpipe; Lamp Lighters; Hull's Victory; Liverpool; McDonald's Reel; Rustic Reel; Pop goes the Weasel; Jingle Bells; Old Times; Rory O'More; Larry O'Gaff; St. Patrick's Day in the Mornin'; Money Musk; Rakes of Mallow; White Cockade; Soldier's Joy; The Devil's Dream; Fred Wilson's Clog Dance; Ned Kendall's Hornpipe; Miss McLeod's Reel; Girl I Left Behind; Forest de Bondi; Lannigan's Ball; Haste to the Wedding; Speed the Plough; Over the Waves; Mountain Hornpipe; Buy a Broom; Seaside Polka; Steamboat Waltz; Old Southern Waltz; Eliot's Schottische; Varsovienne; Heel and Toe Polka; Do You See My New Shoes? | |
Box 68 | ||
Box 68, Folder 1 | White's Excelsior Collection of Jigs, Reels and Hornpipes for Violin Jigs: Bully for You; Kitty O'Neil; One More Bottle; Billy the Barber; Irish Show Boy; Trip to the Cottage; Old Dutch Churn; Market Girl's; The Boss; The Jolly Pedler's; The Dublin Boys; The Devil's Own; Fagin Holiday; Leather the Wig; The Bridal Jig; Gallagher's Jag; Bundle and Go; Honeymoon Jig; Strop the Razor; Kennedy's Jig; The Tipsy Sailor; Morning Lark; Widow Machree; Legacy Jig; Pausteen Fawn; The Blooming Meadows; Tatter Jack Welch; Ride A Mile; Exile's Lament; Shake the Bag; Tam O'Shanter; Pea Patch; Tim The Piper; Little Bog Trotter; Rush The Cruiskeen; Judy McFadden's; Dusty Bob's; The Bottle of Brandy Frazier's; Lannegan's Ball; Barney Brallagan's; Roaring Willie's; Geese in the Bog; Billy O'Rourke's' Kitty of Oulart; Looney McTwolter; The Broken Lantern; Smash the Windows; Come Under My Pladdie; Terry Heigh; Morgan Rattler; Spirits of Whiskey; Pothouge; Rakes of Westmeath; Jackson's Fancy; Maid on the Green; Root, Hog or Die; Crabs in the Skillet; Skiver the Quilt; Trip to Galway; Moll Roe in the Morning; Maggie Brown's Favorite; The Munster Lass; Sir Roger de Coverly; Hop Jig; Old Mother Goose; Bannock's O'Barley Meal Jig; The Boys of Bockhill; Pretty Maid; Katy's Rambles; Paddy Whack; Butcher Boy; Old National Theatre; Hoop0De-Doo-Den-Doo; Grape Vine Twist; Dar's Sugar in de Gourd; King Pin; Kilkenny Rover's; Moll Roe's; Bag of Meal; The Peeler; Cat in the Hopper; Barney's Goat; Belle of the Kitchen; Praties in the Bag; No You Don't; Swallow Tail; Mrs. Monroe's; Limerick Lass Reels: Walker Street; Shuffle; Picnic; Fife Hunt; Clyde Side Lassies; Masons' Cap; My Love is in America; Congress Park; The First of May; Jenny Danged the Weaver; Emigrants'; Wake Up, Susan; The Keel Row; Money Musk; McDonald's; Echoes from Forest Garden; The Maid of Argyle's; Yellow Hair'd Laddie; Muldoon's Favorite; Donegal Dimple's; Bonnie Jennie; The Little Major; Winnie Green's Favorite; New Policeman's; Steeple Chase; Reunion; Jack Smith's Favorite; Flirtation; New York; Sukey Bids me; Old Dominion; The wedding; Racketty Jack's; Lady Harriet's; Around the World; Twin Katys; Jimmey Fadden's; Paddy Miles; Mountain; Donegall Boys; Rustic Reel; Miss Kelly's; Old Sport; Queen of Clubs; Flowers of Limerick; All Aboard; Leap Year; Kelton's; Flowers of Edinburg; Green Grow the Rushes O; Maid of Athens; Miss Gay's; Arkansas Traveller; Parnell's; Miss McDonald's; Turnpike; Belles of Tipperary; Half Penny; Highland Skip; The Jolly Seven; Molly Dawn's; Let Her Go; Riley's Favorite; Lileegaloo; Moonshiner's; Salamander; Pride of Kildare; Forty-Niner; Corkonian Reel; Rattle Snake; Pull Down Your Vest; Paddy on the Railroad; Come, Till the Bottle-House; Spindle Shanks; Queen's Shilling; Pretty Jane's; Dandy Mike's; Calico Coat; Penny Candle; Lucy Campbell's; Charming Molloe's; Lady Edmonton's; Limerick Lasses; Sweetheart; Lord Gordon's; Irish-American Reel; Paddy Handly's Goose; Judy's; Rattle the Brogans; Whirlpool; The Devil Among the Tailors; Charming Katy's; All the Way to Galway; Liverpool Jack's; Speed the Plough; Ladies' Delight; Den Thompson's; Water Witch; Pop Corn Reel; Grangers'; Josh Whitcomb's; Banks of Enverness; Neil Gow's; Temperance; Terence's Ramble; Dark Haired Lass; Honey Moon; Three of a Kind; Buckley's Favorite; Miss Brown's; Pewter Mug; Mother Carey's; Silver Spoons; 'Round the Corner; Butterfly; The Piper's Lass; Rocks of Cashel; Peeler's Jacket Hornpipes: Durang's; Fisher's; Rickett's; College; Hand Organ; Red Lion; Venetian; Scotch; St. Clair's; Niagara; Christmas; Douglass' Favorite; Bricklayer's; Sailors on Shore; Lamplighter's; Village; Vinton's; Hull's Victory; New Century (20th); Smith's Favorite; Fred Wilson's; Thunder; London; Ariel; Golden Eagle; Price Albert's; Caledonian Laddies'; Chandler's; American; Holmes; Cuckoo; Devine's; Village; Belle of Claremont; Atlanta; Eureka; Sumner's; Violetta; Key- West; Ypsilanti; Locker's; Jinrikisha; Passaic; Coquette; Derby; Jim Clark's; Liverpool; Huntsman's; Oyster River; Mountain Ranger; Nelson's Victory; Whipple's; Ostinelli's; Almack's; Buckley's; Souvenir de Venice; Frog Club; The Admiral's; Deer-Foot; Ivy Tower; Over the Wall; Harvest Home; Ole Bull; Salem; Quindaro; Corinthian; Cincinnati; Favorite; Camptown; Ned Kendell's Maid in the Pump Room; Democratic; Good for the Tongue; Constitution; Dundee; Sentinel; Highland; Portsmouth; Delaware; Blanchard's; Boston Belles; Humphrey's; Leviathan; Short Six; Hopkins'; Snow Flake; Irish; Napoleon; Tin Wedding; News Boys' Saratoga; Lampson'; Silver Star; Fantastic; Dick Sand's; Boston; Red Cross; Occidental; On Deck; Lord Moira's; Flying Yankee; Growler; Peerless; Erie; Eclipse; Maid Marian; Jock Tamson's; Myopia Clogs: Comet; White Star; Fly by Night; Johnnie Queen's; Daisy; Great Western; Starlight; Empress; Pioneer; Alhambra; Manhatten; Northern Star; Old Timer; Silver Heels; Straight Tip; Rialto; Larry O'Niel's; Crescent City; Don Cameron's Favorite; Dandelion; Lancashire Lass; Trilby's; Opera House; Lady Templeton's; Empire State Highland Flings: Belles of Edinboro's; Handy Andy's; Bonnie Laddie; Chieftain's Pride; Marquis of Huntley's; Blue Bonnets; Lord Moira's; Mac Gregor's Strathspeys: Lady Elgin's; The Lass with the Yellow Coatee; Jamie McNicol's; Duchess of Athol's; Alistair Mac Calistair; Caledonian Hunt; Look Before You; Strathearn; Bonnie Lassie; Loch-Na- Ga; Roy's Wife; Lord John Campbell's; Lady Mary Ramsay's; Carmichael's; Up and Waur Them A'Willie Miscellaneous: Come Haste to the Wedding; The Girl I Left Behind; Soldier's Joy; Forest of Bondi; White Cockade; Rory O'More; Katy's Rambles; The Good Girl; Irish Washerwoman; Wake of Teddy The Tiler; Morella's Lesson; Shoo Fly; Star Spangled Banner; Chinese March; The Carnival of Venice; Mollie Put the Kettle On; Ben Lomond; Beaus of Albany; Tom and Jerry; Swiss Waltz; Old Zip Coon; Yankee Doodle; St. Patrick's Day in the Morning; Kinlock; Hail Columbia; Hail to the Chief; The Devil's Dream; Highland Fling; Over the Mountain; Kathleen Mavourneen; Hither, O You; Flee as a Bird; The Campbells are Coming; Steamboat Quickstep; The Monkey's Wedding; Pop Goes the Weasel; Larry O'Gaff; Land of Sweet Rain; Chorus Jig; Tempest; Merry Dance; The Gobby O; Roy's Wife of Aldivalloch; Rogue's March; Boulanger's March; Draw the Sword Scotland; Red, White and Blue; Easter Lilies Waltz; Golden Robin Polka; America; Marseillaise Hymn; Wood Up Quickstep; Washington Society Quadrille; Silver Bells of Memory; Waves of the Ocean Galop; Golden Rain Polka Redowa; After'em Galop; After Dinner Quadrille; Centennial March; Little Fishermaiden; Marguerite; Bright Star of Hope; He Is Irish; I Met Her at the Ball Waltz; Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Stars; Chummy and I March; Swing Song; Clayton's Grand March; Spanish Dance; Angels' Serenade; White Roses Polka; My Snowy Breasted Pearl; Home Sweet Home; Umbrella Dance; Annie Lawrie; Maypole Dance; Skirt Dance; Mermaid's Song; Daffney, Do You Love Me; Arab March; The Shamrock Band; Intermezzo; Largo; Queen of the Arena Waltz; The Nightingale; Whip Snap Quadrille | |
Box 68, Folder 2 | Square Dance Life on the Ocean Wave (Head 2 Gents Cross Over); De Camptown Races (Doodah); Spanish Cavalier (Honolulu Baby); The Spanish Cavlier; The Girl I Left Behind Me; Wabash Cannonball; The Waltz Quadrille; Yankee Doodle; Darling Nellie Gray; Little Brown Jug | |
Box 68, Folder 3 | American Country Dance Polly Wolly Doodle (the Basket); Macnamara's Band (Promenade around the Lady); Good Night Ladies; San Antonio Rose (Rose of San Antone); Blue Eyes; Golden Slippers (Three's A Crowd); Battle Hymn of the Republic (Glory, Glory, Hallelujah); It's A Nice Time To Get Up In The Morning; On the Old Fall River Line; You Call Everybody Darling; The Spanish Cavalier (Four Leaf Clover); Solomon Levi (Hook & a Whirl) | |
Box 68, Folder 4 | One Thousand Fiddle Tunes by M.M. Cole Publishing Co., 1940, 128 pages. | |
Box 68, Folder 5 | Chicago Park District (piano & violin) Quadrilles: Arkansas Traveler; Buffalo Gals; Cackling Hen; Climbing the Golden Stairs; Devil's Dream; Durang's Hornpipe; Fisher's Hornpipe; Girl I Left Behind; Golden Slippers; Herr Schmidt; Irish Washerwoman; Lamplighter's Hornpipe; Little Brown Jug; Lucy Long; Miller Boy; Miss McLeod's Reel; Old Dan Tucker; She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain; Soldier's Joy; Speed the Plow; Turkey in the Straw; White Cockade Two-Steps: Bill Bailey, Won't You Come Home?; Irish Washerwoman Specialties: Finger Tanz; German Clap Dance; Girl I Left Behind Me; Heather Bells; Hell and Toe Polka; Rye Waltz; Varsoviana; Vengierka Singing Calls: Darling Nellie Gray; Girl I Left Behind Me; Irish Washerwoman; Life on the Ocean Wave Schottisches: Bummel; Haywood; Highland; Holzauction; Honeysuckle; Jenny Lind; Mountain Belle; Norway; Old Southern; Pearly Dew Drop; Rochester; Rustic Dance; Selma; Weel Me The Keel Row Waltzes: Home on the Range; Merry Widow; My Pretty Quadroon; Over the Waves | |
Box 68, Folder 6 | Square Dance (piano & violin) A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight; Hinky Dinky Parley Vous; Pop Goes the Weasel; Lady Go 'Round The Lady; Buffalo Gals; Little Brown Jug; Jingle Bells; Golden Slippers; Turkey in the Straw; Irish Washerwoman | |
Box 69 | ||
Box 69, Folder 1 | Square Dance 3 books on Square Dancing:
| |
Box 69, Folder 2 | Contra Dance instructions from various callers, Ed Larkin of Vermont; Dick Caster from Maine and the State Board of Recreation, Montpelier, Vermont | |
Box 69, Folder 3 | Music and Dance instruction (piano & violin) Polly Wolly Doodle; Wearing of the Green; When the Work's All Done this Fall; Captain Jinks; Little Log Cabin in the Lane; Macnamara's Band; Bell Bottom Trousers; Little Brown Jug; My Little Girl; Listen to the Mocking Bird; Put On Your Old Gray Bonnet | |
Box 69, Folder 4 | Music and Dance instruction (piano & violin) Macnamara's Band (Wearing of the Green); Macnamara's Band (the Zig Zag Trail); I Only Want A Buddy; Wabash Cannon Ball (the Wagon Wheel); Bye Bye Blackbird; Rambling Wreck; Bully of the Town; Climbing Up The Golden Stairs; Yellow Rose of Texas; Wreck of the Old 97; Wait For The Wagon | |
Box 69, Folder 5 | Music and Dance instruction (piano & violin) Golden Slippers (Catch All Eight); Too Old To Cut The Mustard; I Want A Girl (Old Fashioned Girl); Oh! Johnny Oh!; Turkey in the Straw (the Corner Nest); Bill Bailey; Loch Lomond; Pack Up Your Troubles | |
Box 69, Folder 6 | Old Songs: Words and Music A grouping of old songs assembled by Leslie M. Hunt, 1935 Titles included are: My Gal Irene (1908); Susie, My Susie-Ue (1903); Display Song (1909); My Wild Irish Rose of Killarney (1907); Cheating (1908); Johnnie Was A Drummer Boy (1909); In The Springtime When The Roses Bloom Around The cottage Door (1908); When A Fellow Is Twenty- One (1906); My Toreador (1910); I Will Always Love You, Sweetheart (1908); Topeka (1908); He Was A Cowboy (1909); You'll Never Miss The Water Till The Well Runs Dry (1908); The Same Old Silv'ry Moon Is Shining (1909); The Shamrock and the Starry Flag (1908); Too Long from Long Acre Square (1908); When The Evening Twilight Bids The Day Goodbye (1906); Follette (1910); I Wonder If They Are All True To Me (1908); The Diff'rence of a Drink or Two (1910); The Song of the Foam (1907); Goo-Goo Land (1908); Romping in the Clover (1900); Wish Daddy Good Luck Today (1897); Old Glory Is Waving (1908); White Light Alley (1911); The Little Bridge Over The Stream (?); The Best Thing In Life (1907); Where The Bright Lights Shine (1910) | |
Box 70 | ||
Box 70, Folder 1 | Saxophone arrangements for many (at least 30) different tunes, with most tunes from the 1930s and 1940s | |
Box 70, Folder 2 | Trumpet arrangements of many (at least 30) different tunes, with most tunes from the 1930s and 1940s | |
Box 70, Folder 3 | Piano arrangements for many (at least 30) different tunes, with most tunes from the 1930s and 1940s | |
Box 70, Folder 4 | Violin arrangements for many (at least 30) different tunes, with most tunes from the 1930s and 1940s | |
Box 70, Folder 5 | Copies of the New Hampshire Folk Federation Service Bulletin: Apr 1951-Nov 1953 | |
Box 71 | ||
Box 71, Folder 1 | Alto Saxophone arrangements for many (at least 30) different tunes, with most tunes from the 1930s and 1940s | |
Box 71, Folder 2 | Sets in Order, The Workshop for Callers and Teachers of Square & Round Dancing from Dec 1952 to Nov 1954 | |
Box 71, Folder 3 | Miscellaneous: copy of the article "Square Dance Timing and Rhythm" by Charlie Thomas; a copy of a Round Table Discussions from the 1st annual Square Dance Callers', Leaders', Teachers Conference of 1954 and handwritten notes by Leslie M. Hunt about Methods of obtaining participation at a dance. | |
Box 71, Folder 4 | Call Book: Hand written pages of Calls for Square & Contra Dances | |
Box 71, Folder 5 | Several pages with a List of Contents of the Leslie M. Hunt Notebooks |
Series 15: Dance Camp Syllabi
(8 Boxes)
Box 72 | ||
Box 72, Folder 1 | Bibliography for Folk Dance | |
Box 72, Folder 2 | 2nd Annual Christmas Festival Review, 1949 | |
Box 72, Folder 3 | 3rd Annual Christmas Festival Review, 1950 | |
Box 72, Folder 4 | Contra Institute, 1954 | |
Box 72, Folder 5 | Contra Institute, 1959 | |
Box 72, Folder 6 | Contra Weekend, Columbus Ohio, 1962, April 28-29 | |
Box 72, Folder 7 | Contras and Squares for Ontario, 1959 | |
Box 72, Folder 8 | Contra Syllabus, Seattle, 1981 | |
Box 72, Folder 9 | Cornell University Folk Dancer’s Workshop, 1958 | |
Box 72, Folder 10 | Dance, A Folk Art, School of Community Arts, 1959 | |
Box 72, Folder 11 | Dance, A Folk Art, School of Community Arts, 1960 | |
Box 72, Folder 12 | Dance, A Folk Art, School of Community Arts | |
Box 72, Folder 13 | Dance Bibliography: Methods and Materials in Physical Education, 1948 | |
Box 72, Folder 14 | Dance Camp, n.p., n.d. | |
Box 72, Folder 15 | Dances Presented in Folk Dance Ballroom, 1956 | |
Box 72, Folder 16 | Dixie Folk and Square Dance Institute, 1950 | |
Box 72, Folder 17 | Dixie Folk and Square Dance Institute, 1951 | |
Box 72, Folder 18 | Dixie Folk and Square Dance Institute, Advancing in Dancing | |
Box 72, Folder 19 | Dixie Folk and Square Dance Institute, Advancing in Dancing, 1953 | |
Box 72, Folder 20 | Dixie Folk and Square Dance Institute, Advancing in Dancing, 1954 | |
Box 73 | ||
Box 73, Folder 1 | Don Armstrong’s Square Dance Workbook | |
Box 73, Folder 2 | Don Armstrong’s Square Dance Workbook | |
Box 73, Folder 3 | Down East Recreation Lab, 1953 | |
Box 73, Folder 4 | Eastern District Association AAHPER at Convention, 1947 | |
Box 73, Folder 5 | Fall Folk dance Camp, Pittsburgh, 1972 | |
Box 73, Folder 6 | Jane Farwell Recreation Workshop, No.2, 1954 | |
Box 73, Folder 7 | Florida Dance Fellowship Camp, Labor Day, 1955 | |
Box 73, Folder 8 | Florida Dance Fellowship Camp, Labor Day, 1956 | |
Box 73, Folder 9 | Folk and Square Dance Workshop | |
Box 73, Folder 10 | Folk Dance Camps, Majatolla, 1949 | |
Box 73, Folder 11 | Folk Dance Camp, Spring, 1956 | |
Box 73, Folder 12 | Folk Dance Guide, No.1, Fontant, Watsonville Eve. School | |
Box 73, Folder 13 | Folk Dances of Japan | |
Box 73, Folder 14 | Dance periodicals from Japan | |
Box 73, Folder 15 | Folk Dance Syllabus, No.1, edited by Michael Herman | |
Box 73, Folder 16 | Institute of Contra, New England Squares and International Folk Dances, 1959 | |
Box 73, Folder 17 | Jodels-Two and Three Part, Stowe Folk Festival, 1961 | |
Box 73, Folder 18 | Jodels-Two and Three Part, Stowe Folk Festival, 1961 | |
Box 73, Folder 19 | Maine Folk Dance Camp, 1950 (2 copies) | |
Box 73, Folder 20 | Maine Folk Dance Camp, June 1951 | |
Box 73, Folder 21 | Maine Folk Dance Camp, Sept 1951 | |
Box 73, Folder 22 | Maine Folk Dance Camp, Teaching Techniques Session, 1959 | |
Box 73, Folder 23 | Maine Folk Dance Camp, Labor Day, 1981 | |
Box 73, Folder 24 | Maine Folk Dance Camp, Session B, 1984 | |
Box 74 | ||
Box 74, Folder 1 | May Folk Camp Review, 1948 | |
Box 74, Folder 2 | Miami Valley Folk Dancers, 1960 | |
Box 74, Folder 3 | Miami Valley Folk Dancers, Nov 1964 | |
Box 74, Folder 4 | New England Squares and Contra Dances | |
Box 74, Folder 5 | New England Square and Folk Dance Camp | |
Box 74, Folder 6 | NH Dance Camp Fare | |
Box 74, Folder 7 | NH Dance Camp Notebook | |
Box 74, Folder 8 | NH Dance Camp Notebook, 1956 | |
Box 74, Folder 9 | NH Dance Camp Notebook, 1956 (copy 2) | |
Box 74, Folder 10 | NH Dance Camp Notebook, Year-end Camp, 1957 | |
Box 74, Folder 11 | NHFF Workshop Dance Notes, 1954 | |
Box 74, Folder 12 | NHFF Workshop Notes, 1960 | |
Box 74, Folder 13 | NH Folk Dance Camp, 1952 | |
Box 74, Folder 14 | NH Folk Dance Camp, 1952 (copy 2) | |
Box 74, Folder 15 | NH Folk Dance Camp, 1956 | |
Box 74, Folder 16 | Northeastern Square and Folk Dance Conference, Sept 1958 | |
Box 74, Folder 17 | Northeastern Square and Folk Dance Conference, Leominster, MA | |
Box 74, Folder 18 | NE Square Dance Callers’, Leaders’, and Teachers’ Conference, 1954 | |
Box 74, Folder 19 | Notes from Contra Workshop, 1954 | |
Box 75 | ||
Box 75, Folder 1 | Northwest Folkdance Camp, 1966 | |
Box 75, Folder 2 | Nova Scotia Dance Camp, Crystal Cliffs | |
Box 75, Folder 3 | Nova Scotia Dance Camp, Ked-ge Lodge, 1961 | |
Box 75, Folder 4 | Ontario Folk Dance Camp, 1983 | |
Box 75, Folder 5 | Outline of the Theories, Techniques [and] Demonstrated Materials Presented by Ted Sannella, 1954 | |
Box 75, Folder 6 | RCA Victor Records of Folk Dances, Singing Games and Old-fashioned Dances | |
Box 75, Folder 7 | Syllabus for a Square Dance Institute by Rickey Holden, January 12-14, 1950 | |
Box 75, Folder 8 | Rickey Holden Institute, Texas Squares, May 12-13, 1950 | |
Box 75, Folder 9 | Syllabus for a Square Dance Institute by Rickey Holden, May 15-16, 1950 | |
Box 75, Folder 10 | Rhythm and Dance Record Bibliography | |
Box 75, Folder 11 | Selected Folk Dances for Jr. and Sr. High Schools, 1948 | |
Box 75, Folder 12 | Song and Dance Festival Handbook, University of Connecticut, 1946 | |
Box 75, Folder 13 | Song and Dance Festival Handbook, University of Connecticut, 1947 | |
Box 75, Folder 14 | Song and Dance Festival Handbook, University of Connecticut, 1948 | |
Box 75, Folder 15 | Song and Dance Festival Handbook, University of Connecticut, 1948 (copy 2) | |
Box 75, Folder 16 | Square Dance Institute, January 11-12, 1952 | |
Box 75, Folder 17 | Square Acres Dance’n Camp, 1955 | |
Box 75, Folder 18 | Square Dance Festival Handbook, University of Connecticut, 1949 | |
Box 75, Folder 19 | Square Dance Jamboree, Torrington, Connecticut, 1949 | |
Box 75, Folder 20 | Square Facts, Chicago Area Callers Association | |
Box 75, Folder 21 | Texas Folk Dance Camp, 1954 | |
Box 75, Folder 22 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1950 (pp.1-60) | |
Box 75, Folder 23 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1950 (pp.61-132) | |
Box 75, Folder 23 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1951 | |
Box 75, Folder 23 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1952 | |
Box 75, Folder 23 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1952 (miscellaneous) | |
Box 76 | ||
Box 76, Folder 1 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1952 (syllabus) | |
Box 76, Folder 2 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1953 | |
Box 76, Folder 3 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1954 (miscellaneous) | |
Box 76, Folder 4 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1954 (Syllabus, pp.1-60) | |
Box 76, Folder 5 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1954 (Syllabus, pp.61-118) | |
Box 76, Folder 6 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1955 (Miscellaneous) | |
Box 76, Folder 7 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1955 (Syllabus) | |
Box 76, Folder 8 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1956 (Syllabus) | |
Box 76, Folder 9 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1956 (Syllabus, copy 2) | |
Box 76, Folder 10 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1956 (Miscellaneous) | |
Box 76, Folder 11 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1957 (Miscellaneous) | |
Box 76, Folder 12 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1957 (Syllabus, pp.1-70) | |
Box 76, Folder 13 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1957 (Syllabus, pp. 71-141) | |
Box 76, Folder 14 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1958 (Miscellaneous) | |
Box 77 | ||
Box 77, Folder 1 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1958 (Syllabus, pp.1-40) | |
Box 77, Folder 2 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1958 (Syllabus, pp.41-108) | |
Box 77, Folder 3 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1959 (miscellaneous) | |
Box 77, Folder 4 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1959 (Syllabus, pp.1-40) | |
Box 77, Folder 5 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1959 (Syllabus, pp.41-111) | |
Box 77, Folder 6 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1960 (Miscellaneous) | |
Box 77, Folder 7 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1960 (Syllabus) | |
Box 77, Folder 8 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1961 (Miscellaneous) | |
Box 77, Folder 9 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1961 (Syllabus) | |
Box 77, Folder 10 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1962 (Miscellaneous) | |
Box 77, Folder 11 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1962 (Syllabus) | |
Box 77, Folder 12 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1965 | |
Box 78 | ||
Box 78, Folder 1 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1966 | |
Box 78, Folder 2 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1980 (Miscellaneous) | |
Box 78, Folder 3 | University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp, 1980 (Syllabus) | |
Box 78, Folder 4 | White Elephant Dance Camp | |
Box 78, Folder 5 | Windsor Dance Camp, 1960 | |
Box 79 | ||
Box 79, Folder 1 | Dixie Folk and Square Dance Institute, Don Armstrong Supplement | |
Box 79, Folder 2 | Northeastern Square and Folk Dance Callers’, Leaders’ and Teachers’ Conference, 1955 (Miscellaneous) | |
Box 79, Folder 3 | Northeastern Square and Folk Dance Callers’, Leaders’ and Teachers’ Conference, 1955 (Syllabus) | |
Box 79, Folder 4 | Northeastern Square and Folk Dance Callers’, Leaders’ and Teachers’ Conference, 1956 |
Series 16: Photographs
(1 Box)
Subseries A: Including Ralph Page
Box 80 | ||
Box 80, Folder 1 | 1940: Ralph Page at mike, Albert Quigley on fiddle. 2 copies and a negative | |
Box 80, Folder 2 | 1943: Ralph Page dancing with Jackie Waldron, YWCA, Boston [negative available] | |
Box 80, Folder 3 | 1946: Ralph Page at mike at YMCA, Boston | |
Box 80, Folder 4 | 1947: Ralph Page, Arthur Tufts, and Gene Gowing in conversation (with negative) | |
Box 80, Folder 5 | 1949: Morris Dancing in the barn at the Bell Estate in Peterboro, NH; includes Ralph Page and Gene Gowing; Musicians: Russ Allen, John Twombly, Tony Selenski | |
Box 80, Folder 6 | 1949: Morris Dancing in the barn at the Bell Estate in Peterboro, NH; includes Ralph Page and Gene Gowing; Musicians: Russ Allen, John Twombly, Tony Selenski (different shot) | |
Box 80, Folder 7 | 1949: Morris Dancing in the barn at the Bell Estate in Peterboro, NH; includes Ralph Page and Gene Gowing; Musicians: Russ Allen, John Twombly, Tony Selenski (different shot) | |
Box 80, Folder 8 | July 1950: Ralph Page, Fred Collette, and Mary Collette at the Georgia Military Academy | |
Box 80, Folder 9 | May 11, 1952: Photos from the Ralph Page Institute at Cleveland College, Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio, Sunday
| |
Box 80, Folder 10 | Spring 1956: Japan. Reception including Ralph Page, Nelda Drury, Jane Farwell, Mary Ann Herman, and Michael Herman | |
Box 80, Folder 11 | Aug 12, 1956: New Hampshire Folk Federation party at Pleasant Lake, NH, Ralph Page at mike | |
Box 80, Folder 12 | June 1959: Maine Folk Dance Camp
| |
Box 80, Folder 13 | 1968: Year End Camp, Ralph Page with Maxine Karsner and Marge Hunter | |
Box 80, Folder 14 | 1973: Aug - Maine Folk Dance Camp, Ralph Page with Kevin O’Donnell; Thanksgiving weekend - At Glenn Bannerman’s in Virginia | |
Box 80, Folder 15 | Aug 1974: Maine Folk Dance Camp
| |
Box 80, Folder 16 | 1975: Nov 30 - Ralph Page dancing with Claire Belyea; Dec - Ralph Page and unidentified family | |
Box 80, Folder 17 | 1975: Maine Folk Dance Camp, “Uncle Ralph’s Culture Corner,” Ralph Page with Vera O’Donnell; Nov - Fall Square Dance Weekend, East Hill Farm, Troy, N.H. Ralph Page with Duke Miller and Charlie Baldwin | |
Box 80, Folder 18 | 1976: Maine Folk Dance Camp, Ralph Page at smorgasbord | |
Box 80, Folder 19 | Mar 1978: NEFFA Dance, Concord, MA
| |
Box 80, Folder 20 | Apr 12-13, 1978: New England Square and Round Dance Convention. Ralph Page receiving gift presented by Charlie Baldwin | |
Box 80, Folder 21 | Aug 1978: Maine Folk Dance Camp
| |
Box 80, Folder 22 | 1980: Charlie Baldwin, Don Armstrong, Caroline and Jack Lasry, and Ralph Page receiving the Milestone Award from Callerlab in Miami, Florida | |
Box 80, Folder 23 | July 1981: Maine Folk Dance Camp
| |
Box 80, Folder 24 | Apr 24, 1983: NEFFA, Natick High School, Natick, MA. Ralph Page and Bob McQuillen | |
Box 80, Folder 25 | Apr 1984: Page outside NEFFA at Natick High School, Natick, MA (2 copies) | |
Box 80, Folder 26 | Apr 14, 1984: 40th NEFFA, Natick, MA
| |
Box 80, Folder 27 | Apr 1984: NEFFA, Natick High School, Natick, MA
| |
Box 80, Folder 28 | Undated: Page at mike | |
Box 80, Folder 29 | Undated: Group photo including Ralph Page, Don Armstrong, Ed Durlacher. 2 copies | |
Box 80, Folder 30 | Undated: Detail of previous photograph: Ralph Page and Don Armstrong sharing a joke (obviously a gift to Page, it has numerous signatures) | |
Box 80, Folder 31 | Undated: Group photo including Page, Al Brundage, Ed Durlacher, and Orville “Pop” Smith | |
Box 80, Folder 32 | Undated: Group photo of Page and his Orchestra (?) | |
Box 80, Folder 33 | Undated: Group photo taken in California [University of the Pacific in Stockton?] including Ace Smith, Madelaine Greene, Page, WTS (“Vyts”) Beliajus, and Jack McKay | |
Box 80, Folder 34 | Undated: Colorized photograph of the Ralph Page Orchestra: Bob McQuillen (accordion), Halton J. Richardson, Jnr. (better known as “Dick Junior”) (double bass), Ralph Page (caller), Russ Allen, Halton J. Richardson (better known as “Dick”) (fiddles), and John Trombley (piano) | |
Box 80, Folder 35-42 | 32 black and white photographs of the Ralph Page Orchestra: Bob McQuillen (accordion), Halton J. Richardson, Jnr. (better known as “Dick Junior”) (double bass), Ralph Page (caller), Russ Allen, Halton J. Richardson (better known as “Dick”) (fiddles), and John Trombley (piano) | |
Box 80, Folder 43 | Undated: Page at mike at Thanksgiving dance | |
Box 80, Folder 44 | Undated: Group photo in Stockton, CA. Page and unidentified square dance band members | |
Box 80, Folder 45 | Undated: Page with flash camera in Washington, D.C. in front of the Capitol | |
Box 80, Folder 46 | Undated: Group “orchestra” photo including Ralph Page, Beth Best, Dick Best, Bob McQuillen, Walter Lob, Arthur Quinlan, John Ward, Ed Koenig, Hayden Swett, Cy Kano, Robin Bowditch, A.C.(“Wilkie”) Wilkinson, and Angela Taylor. Taken at YWCA, 140 Clarendon St., Boston MA | |
Box 80, Folder 47 | Undated: Page, June Hunter and unidentified man in Canada | |
Box 80, Folder 48 | Undated: Page at mike, Andre Arsenault in background, Canada | |
Box 80, Folder 49 | Undated: Fun and games at Maine Folk Dance Camp
| |
Box 80, Folder 50 | Undated: Page with flash camera | |
Box 80, Folder 51 | Undated (1984?): Page at mike, young musicians in background |
Subseries B: Others
Box 80, Folder 52 | July 1932: Edward G. Rand, Warner, N.H. at Mt. Tom. Photo postcard. | |
Box 80, Folder 53 | Early 1940s: YWCA, Boston
| |
Box 80, Folder 54 | 1945: YMCA, Boston. Musicians include Walter Lob, Dick Best, and Will Ayer. | |
Box 80, Folder 55 | Mid-1940s: Portrait of Will Ayer (with vita in ink on facing page) | |
Box 80, Folder 56 | 1946: NEFFA at YMCA, Boston, various musicians (including Will Ayer) | |
Box 80, Folder 57 | Mar 1, 1948: Boston and Maine Railroad YMCA, Phenix Hall, Concord, N.H. | |
Box 80, Folder 58 | 1954: Country Dance Society, Boston, MA, Morris Dance – “Leapfrog”. 2 copies and a negative. | |
Box 80, Folder 59 | 1954: Tufts University, Boston
| |
Box 80, Folder 60 | 1954: Roderick and Charlotte Thomson of Dedham, MA. playing the Highland bagpipes | |
Box 80, Folder 61 | 1959: Full orchestra, includes Beth McCullough, Ed Koenig, Arthur Quinlin, John Ward, Walter Lob, Sylvia Sawyer Miskoe, Joe Ryan, Bob McQuillen, Bob Gulyassis, Jack Sloanaker, George Fogg, Angela Taylor, and Irwin Davis | |
Box 80, Folder 62 | Aug 1960: Jean and Nibs [Matthews?] at Sidmouth Folk Festival, Sidmouth, England. “Just before a performance” | |
Box 80, Folder 63 | 1965: Masonic Hall in Keene, NH | |
Box 80, Folder 64 | 1983: The Orketts Old-Time Dance Orchestra, Community Hall, Brainbridge Township, Ohio on Sat. evening, July 23, 1983. Last dance after 42 years in the business. | |
Box 80, Folder 65 | Undated: Contra dancing on Saturday afternoon, photo includes Dick Osgood, Jim West, Fred Newcomb, and Janet Masse | |
Box 80, Folder 66 | Undated: New England Folk Festival at the YWCA building on November 15th. General dancing with the audience taking part [negative available] | |
Box 80, Folder 67 | Undated: Unidentified exhibition dance (Connecticut?)
| |
Box 80, Folder 68 | Undated: Unidentified exhibition square dancers (Connecticut?), 3 photos | |
Box 80, Folder 69 | Undated: Unidentified exhibition square dancers (Connecticut?), 3 photos | |
Box 80, Folder 70 | Undated: Unidentified square dancers at a Polish club dance, 3 photos | |
Box 80, Folder 71 | Undated: Group at Isle aux Coudres, a few miles from Quebec wearing summer costumes ca. 1850, Sunday best | |
Box 80, Folder 72 | Undated: 5 photos
| |
Box 80, Folder 73 | Undated: Fresno Frolickers | |
Box 80, Folder 74 | Undated: Unidentified group of men (one of whom is Bob Brundage – white shirt in center) at a dance, possibly dance callers | |
Box 80, Folder 75 | Undated: Unidentified couple in costume | |
Box 80, Folder 76 | Undated. Blackie Homan and his H-Bar-H Ranch Boys | |
Box 80, Folder 77 | Undated: Unidentified Kurdish(?) dancers (Postcard) | |
Box 80, Folder 78 | Sept 1930: Marlboro Hotel | |
Box 80, Folder 79 | May 11, 1952 (Sunday): “‘Mite(y)’ Foster on his way to the ring to meet “P(a)unchy” Page in a boxing skit at the Party Night during the Ralph Page Institute at Cleveland College, Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio.” | |
Box 80, Folder 80 | 1958: Miss Niskoko Fruruta, principal of Fruruta dancing institute demonstrating “spring dance.” | |
Box 80, Folder 81 | 1960: The Olsons
| |
Box 80, Folder 82 | 1960: Portrait of Greta Erin Helt | |
Box 80, Folder 83 | 1964: Season’s greetings from the Nunnemachers | |
Box 80, Folder 84 | 1964: Season’s greetings from Walter and Vera Meier | |
Box 80, Folder 85 | July 1965: Jean and Nibs -? at home | |
Box 80, Folder 86 | 1967: Portrait of “Aggie” | |
Box 80, Folder 87 | 1968: Ada Page and unidentified man, Year End Camp. Photo taken by Virginia Nill Jinks | |
Box 80, Folder 88 | 1969: Season’s greetings from the Nunnemachers | |
Box 80, Folder 89 | 1969: Season’s Greetings from the Philippinies from the Fajardos | |
Box 80, Folder 90 | Aug 1970: Bill and Lois Englhard, Folk Dance Picnic | |
Box 80, Folder 91 | 1973: Unidentified group at camp in Maine, photo by Sumiko Tanaka | |
Box 80, Folder 92 | 1975: Christmas Greetings from Harry and Eileen Cullum | |
Box 80, Folder 93 | Undated: Chief Big Smoke Page from Chief Wascurly Bob | |
Box 80, Folder 94 | Undated: Football team picture, includes Ralph’s son-in-law, Skip Wood-#27 | |
Box 80, Folder 95 | Undated:
| |
Box 80, Folder 96 | Undated: Slide of Rod Linnell | |
Box 80, Folder 97 | Undated: Unidentified whiskered man with a snifter | |
Box 80, Folder 98 | Undated: Holiday greetings from Stefany | |
Box 80, Folder 99 | Undated: Unidentified Japanese man pictured in rose garden in Mukoo ga Oya Park in Tokyo(?) | |
Box 80, Folder 100 | Undated: Marlboro Town Hall | |
Box 80, Folder 101 | Undated: “Toy Shop After Fire. Whitney Bros.” New Hampshire(?) |
Series 17: Super 8mm Films
(1 Box)
Box 81 | ||
Box 81, Item 1 | Fresno, CA: Outdoor market and park | |
Box 81, Item 2 | Fresno, CA: Irrigation dam; house and pool | |
Box 81, Item 3 | Ojai, CA: Dance performances | |
Box 81, Item 4 | Ojai, CA: Festival performances – Russian, Mexican, Ukrainian | |
Box 81, Item 5 | Stockton, CA: College of the Pacific. Various dances, including Austrian Landler, Irish hand reel, etc. | |
Box 81, Item 6 | Stockton, CA: College of the Pacific | |
Box 81, Item 7 | Stockton, CA: College of the Pacific. People; some dances (Too dark to see). Black and white | |
Box 81, Item 8 | Stockton, CA: Buildings and people | |
Box 81, Item 9 | Stockton, CA: Dance steps – Indian, Mexican, Scandinavian | |
Box 81, Item 10 | Stockton, CA: Lawn party, dance sequences | |
Box 81, Item 11 | Stockton, CA: Watermelon feed, includes Jack McKay and Ralph Page | |
Box 81, Item 12 | Folk Festival in California: Alexandrovska Kohanochka (California-style) | |
Box 81, Item 13 | California Redwoods (possibly Wilder’s home in Ben Lomond) | |
Box 81, Item 14 | Maine Folk Dance Camp, decorations, costumes | |
Box 81, Item 15 | Maine Folk Dance Camp, includes Mary Herman, Dick Crum, Henry Lash, Connie Taylor, Andrea Czompo | |
Box 81, Item 16 | Maine Folk Dance Camp, picnic lunch, shuffleboard, lummy sticks | |
Box 81, Item 17 | Maine Folk Dance Camp, Luau, “Campaign” | |
Box 81, Item 18 | Maine Folk dance camp, picnic, smorgasbord (around 1960) | |
Box 81, Item 19 | Camp Merriewoods, NH: Horseplay on the dock, grove of kids at play | |
Box 81, Item 20 | Atlanta, NJ: Dancers in gym (film is very dark) | |
Box 81, Item 21 | Atlanta, NJ: Watermelon feed – people, cabin, chapel, state buildings, university. Black and white. | |
Box 81, Item 22 | New Mexico, Arizona | |
Box 81, Item 23 | Astoria, Oregon: waterfront views, mountains, logs | |
Box 81, Item 24 | Tacoma, Washington | |
Box 81, Item 25 | Location unknown: Folk Dance Camp – includes Japanese dancer, Michael Herman, Bob Brundage | |
Box 81, Item 26 | Location unknown: Festival, Polish dance and more | |
Box 81, Item 27 | Location unknown: Sept 1952 – ferries, bridge, desert scenes, town | |
Box 81, Item 28 | Location unknown: Flowers, trees, scenic views | |
Box 81, Item 29 | Location unknown: River, paddle-steamer | |
Box 81, Item 30 | Location unknown: Streams, snow-covered mountains, palm trees, flowers, outside stage | |
Box 81, Item 31 | Location unknown: Cartoon, Tinytoons, “Little Olympics” |
Series 18: Miscellaneous Items
(1 Box)
Box 82 | ||
Contains 4 name tags, 1 pair of bloomers, and a block print of Page’s portrait |
Series 19: Oversize Items
(4 Oversize Boxes)
Oversize Box 1 primarily contains dance calls and music manuscripts. All items in Oversize Box 4 were made by Ed Moody and found in the Melrose CDS/NEFFA office, donated by NEFFA.
Oversize Box 1 | ||
Oversize Box 1, Folder 1 | “The Downfall of Paris” – 1st and 2nd violin | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 2 | “Duncan Galop” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 3 | “Ellen o’Summer (Ellen’s Reel)” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 4 | “‘G’ Waltz” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 5 | “Lancers Quadrille” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 6 | “Les Lancers Quadrille” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 7 | “Modern Squares” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 8 | “Old Quadrille” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 9 | Unidentified | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 10 | “C’est a grand tort”; “Romney Reel”; “Darling Nellie Gray”; “Old Southern Schottische”; “Irish Washerwoman”; “Buffalo Boy Go Round the Outside”; “Fairchance Frolic” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 11 | “Kincorra Jig”; “Caddam Wood” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 12 | “Santa’s Hornpipe” -oompah; “Hornpipe” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 13 | “Down By a Weeping Willow”; “Young Albion” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 14 | “Otda” – Russian polka; “Retchenko” – Russian; “Lezginka” – Russian | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 15 | “Shingle the Roof”; “The River Jig”; “Hannigan’s Hornpipe”; “Halifax Polka”; “The Shelburne Rotary Breakdown”; “The O.A.C. Breakdown”; “The Four Jacks”; “The BAIE (St. Anne’s Quadrille)”; “Snowflake Breakdown”; “Victor Roy’s Breakdown” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 16 | “Lady Walpole’s Reel (Bill’s Favorite)”; “Reel O’Stumpie” – Old Scotch; “Galloway Tam” – Old Scotch; “Hot Times in the Old Town” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 17 | “Fisher’s Hornpipe”; “College Hornpipe”; “Hull’s Victory”; “Money Musk”; “Star Spangled Banner”; “Hail Columbia”; “Columbia, Gem of the Ocean” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 18 | “Blackberry Quadrille”; “Vive L’Amour”; “St. Anne’s Reel”; “Honest John” – parts I & II | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 19 | “Fasten the Wig on Her” – jig; “The Priest in His Boots” – jig; “My Pretty Fair Maid” – jig; “Shee Na La Quira” – jig; “St. Pierre Hornpipe”; “President Garfield’s Hornpipe”; “Bob’s Double Clog” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 20 | “Up Jumped the Devil”; “Cricket on the Hearth”; “Chinese Breakdown” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 21 | “Pay Me Up Eleven Pence”; “Cheat River”; “Down Yonder” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 22 | Notebook: “New England Country Dance Tunes” | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 23 | Notebook: Various tunes | |
Oversize Box 1, Folder 24 | Seven drawn caricatures of Ralph Page | |
Oversize Box 2 | ||
Oversize Box 2, Folder 1 | Awards from Nova Scotia, 1952 | |
Oversize Box 2, Folder 2 | Poster: “The Squares That Ralph Built” | |
Oversize Box 2, Folder 3 | Poster: “Opening of the Cheshire Railroad” | |
Oversize Box 2, Folder 4 | Poster: “Northumbrian and Scotch Bagpipes” | |
Oversize Box 2, Folder 5 | Poster: Monadnock Fall Foliage Festival, 1964 | |
Oversize Box 2, Folder 6 | Program: National Folk Festival, 1943 | |
Oversize Box 2, Folder 7 | Program: National Folk Festival, 1947 | |
Oversize Box 2, Folder 8 | Poster: New England Folk Festival, 1953 (2 copies) | |
Oversize Box 2, Folder 9 | Poster: New England Folk Festival, 1965 | |
Oversize Box 2, Folder 10 | Poster: “Happy New Year” by Huig Hofman, 1965 | |
Oversize Box 2, Folder 11 | New Hampshire Fall Camp, Camp Merriewoode, Stoddard, N.H., Sept (1957 or 1958) | |
Oversize Box 2, Folder 12 | Group from YWCA Square Dance Class, Fall 1944 | |
Oversize Box 3 | ||
Oversize Box 3, Item 1 | Painting on wood of Ralph Page with halo, 16×14″ | |
Oversize Box 3, Item 2 | Envelope containing 5 books in Japanese | |
Oversize Box 3, Item 3 | Envelope containing 6 pamphlets in Japanese | |
Oversize Box 4 | ||
Oversize Box 4, Item 1 | Painted plate: “1966 / By Royal Command / The Rt. Hon. Ralph Page / calls a few in / Merrie Olde England” | |
Oversize Box 4, Item 2 | Painted platter: “To Pass Our / Traditions / and our / Rich Heritage / on to / Posterity” | |
Oversize Box 4, Item 3 | Framed drawing of Ralph Page in black ink on silver foil | |
Oversize Box 4, Item 4 | Shadow box illustration of Ralph Page, 11×15″ | |
Oversize Box 4, Item 5 | Scrimshaw- Yankee Clipper Award |
Finding Aid Image TEMP
- Special Collections

Ralph Page
Collection Content
- Series 1: Correspondence
- Subseries A: From Ralph Page
- Subseries B: To Ralph Page
- Subseries C: Others to Others
- Series 2: Manuscripts
- Subseries A: Ralph Page's Manuscripts
- Subseries B: Northern Junket
- Subseries C: Manuscripts by Others
- Series 3: Personal Notebooks
- Series 4: Daily Calendars
- Series 5: Scrapbooks
- Series 6: Personal and Subject Files
- Series 7: Dance Calls, Instructions, and Music Manuscripts
- Series 8: Typescripts of Early American and British Dance Books and Manuscripts
- Series 9: Festival Programs
- Series 10: Dance Programs
- Subseries A: With Ralph Page
- Subseries B: Without Ralph Page
- Series 11: Folk Dance Camp Programs
- Series 12: Sheet Music
- Subseries A: Individual Songs
- Subseries B: Books and Collections
- Series 13: Printed Musical Arrangements
- Series 14: Dance Music and Instructions (Leslie Hunt Notebooks)
- Series 15: Dance Camp Syllabi
- Series 16: Photographs
- Subseries A: Including Ralph Page
- Subseries B: Others
- Series 17: Super 8mm Films
- Series 18: Miscellaneous Items
- Series 19: Oversize Items
Sheet Music
Cheshire County, NH
Letters & Postcards
Manuscripts & Typescripts
Photographs, Slides & Negatives
Sheet Music
Video Recordings
Request Info