Relieve Restless Limbs with a Massage Chair (2025)

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) and Restless Arm Syndrome (RAS) are disorders that provoke uncontrollable movements and uncomfortable sensations in the arms or legs. These urges can potentially cause a lack of sleep or increased anxiety and pain. Awareness of RLS dates back to the 17th century, with more focused research in the last 50 years concerning sleep science and quality of life related to our health.

Relieve Restless Limbs with a Massage Chair (1)Approximately 10% of Americans currently suffer from the discomforts of RLS or RAS symptoms that can take a mental and physical toll on the body. This disorder also strongly affects the ability to sleep and function efficiently. In the United States, a staggering 50 to 70 million people are troubled with sleep disorders, including RLS, based on statistics from the American Sleep Apnea Association.Restless Leg Syndrome and Arm Syndrome were first known as nervous system conditions. They have more recently been considered critical sleep disorders. Massage therapy can help you sleep better by easing the symptoms of restless limbs, reducing stress, and boosting circulation.

How Massage Chairs can Ease Restless Legs and Arms

Massage therapy will help you unwind while managing symptoms of restless legs. Especially when used on a routine basis, massage chairs can help ease the physical and mental fatigue that goes hand-in-hand with restless limbs. Applying pressure by rolling or kneading the muscles and tendons will help alleviate muscle tension, combat pain, and alleviate stress caused by lack of relaxation and sleep.

Massages Promote Circulation

Relieve Restless Limbs with a Massage Chair (2)Rolling, kneading, tapping, and compressing the arms and legs with a massage will help decongest stagnant blood and boost healthy circulation throughout the body. Circulation improvement will allow for renewed endorphins helping to soothe stress, restore oxygen and nutrient distribution, and heal tired or painful muscle tissue from restless legs and restless arms.

Massages Encourage Healthy Lymphatic Flow

The lymphatic system is part of our circulatory function that is crucial to keeping our bodies thriving with health and immunity. Our lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes, vessels, tissues, and organs that serve as a filtering system. They help the body regulate fluid retention in our muscle tissue. Our lymph system also helps the body flush out toxins that collect, sometimes causing swelling or edema in the extremities. Correcting circulation issues within the upper and lower body by stimulating the lymph system through a massage will help treat restless legs.

Massage Inspires Mind and Body Relaxation

If you have restless limbs, you are probably familiar with the anxiety of trying to rest or sleep at night. According to the Centers for Disease Control, about 70 million Americans suffer from a chronic sleep disorder. The uncomfortable and uncontrollable urge to move inherently hinders your ability to sleep, showing why Restless Leg or Arm Syndrome is a nervous system and sleep disorder. Massages, especially in the evening, will induce a calm feeling of mindfulness and relaxation by releasing endorphins, the body's natural pain killers. Endorphin release and renewed circulation will help you relax, reduce blood pressure, and can help decrease symptoms and discomforts of restless legs and arms.

What are Sleeping or Restless Limbs?

About 10% of Americans suffer from Restless limbs and experience symptoms that can negatively affect daily life and disrupt proper sleep patterns.

The ongoing suffering of restless arms or legs can also harm the long-term quality of your health. Restless limbs will subject a person to experiencing involuntary movements of the legs or arms from feeling pain or discomfort when the body attempts to rest.

Restless Limb Causes

Relieve Restless Limbs with a Massage Chair (3)No scientist or doctor knows the direct cause of restless limbs. Some studies show the disorder involves a disruption in low dopamine within the brain and pathways linked to muscle movements. The onset of RLS and RAS occurs more often in middle-aged to older adults, and women are much more likely to have restless limbs than men. This disorder is commonly passed down hereditarily from generation to generation, in which symptoms will begin at a younger age. Restless limbs are often related to other health issues like:

  • Diabetes
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Magnesium, Folic Acid deficiency
  • Iron deficiency (Anemia)
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Pregnancy

Restless Limb Symptoms

People with restless limbs can experience various symptoms, but any signs of restless legs or arms can be severely disruptive to everyday life and cause added anxiety or stress because of the relentless symptoms and a lack of sleep. Symptoms of uncontrollable urges and uncomfortable sensations or pain commonly worsen in the evening when the body is trying to relax. Many find temporary relief by voluntary motion like walking or fidgeting, but the pain or discomfort returns after a short time of little or no movement. It's no wonder why this condition causes sleeplessness and is now considered a severe sleep disorder. Massage therapy provides holistic and natural tension relief for the mind and body and helps to treat restless limbs. Common sensations connected to the disorders include:

  • Involuntary movement or the need to move often
  • Numbness feeling in legs or arms
  • Creepy or crawly feelings
  • Bubbling or pulling feelings
  • Burning sensations
  • Aches or pain
  • Throbbing
  • Itching
  • Tingling (pins and needles)
  • Twitching

Risks Factors of Untreated Restless Limbs

  • Neuropathy (nerve damage)
  • Spinal cord disorders
  • Parkinsons
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis

Massage Techniques Useful for Sleeping Limbs

Massage is helpful to relieve or lessen the severity of the symptoms of sleeping limbs by coaxing away stagnant blood, boosting the lymphatic system, and decreasing muscle tension.

Popular massage techniques like compression, recovery and deep tissue massage can assist in alleviating the pain and stress associated with sleeping limbs.

Compression Therapy

Compression therapy from a massage chair is one of the best to help encourage optimal blood circulation by squeezing the forearms, shoulders, calves, or feet using air bags. Many with restless limbs will benefit from compression therapy in the arms and legs to relax and calm sore, weak, or injured areas. Today’s advanced massage chairs are impressive enough to have the capability for full-body air massage. This massage style is ideal for those who desire a customized massage with minimum intensity and no kneading, tapping or rolling. Compression therapy with the OHCO M8 massage chair will also help stimulate the body's natural healing processes and provide treatment for pain or discomfort related to Restless Leg Syndrome or Restless Arm Syndrome.

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Recovery Massage

The Recovery massage technique focuses on enhancing flexibility and strength to heal muscles and allow them to become less and less prone to injury. Massage chairs like the Brio Sport Massage chair offer warm-up and cool-down routines that focus on where tendons and muscles bind together within the body. Recovery style massage will help improve flexibility and relaxation to help alleviate pain or discomfort from consistent or intense movement.

Deep Tissue Massage

Applying customized intense pressure with the Panasonic MAJ7 with deep tissue kneading will loosen knots and scar tissue and help break up the fascia surrounding our muscles. Frequently muscle pain stems from restricted fascia from a lack of flexibility or dehydration that can cause stiffened or inflexible fascia, sometimes even knotted. Knots will cause more pain and tension and make it harder and harder for your body to remain calm and relaxed. Deep tissue muscle kneading, tapping, or rolling will also boost circulation and dispersal healthy nutrients, hormones, and endorphins.

Overall Health Benefits from Massage Chairs

Therapy in a massage chair is a safe, natural, and effective way to harmonize the mind and body while addressing and helping treat pain or discomfort associated with many ailments like restless limbs. A fabulous selection of state-of-the-art massage chairs is available to try at Mattress World Northwest Locations around the Portland Metro area and further south in Salem, Albany, Lebanon, and Corvallis. Massage chairs in our showrooms come standard with advanced features, industry-leading warranties, and a low-price guarantee. Massage chairs can help treat uncomfortable symptoms of medical issues like RLS and RAS by taking some of the edge off and helping your body relax and decrease pain. Massage therapy will serve the body by increasing circulation and loosening fascia while boosting endorphins and the lymphatic system.Massage chairs are an effective tool to help alleviate discomfort by providing relaxation, muscle fiber pliability, and tension relief. A promising benefit from massage is finally feeling relaxed again, along with circulation and flexibility improvement. You can be hopeful to expect a decrease in chronic pain over time with consistent use of a massage chair.You're invited in to relax, let some stress melt away, and find out what massage chair features feel the best for you. Massage ultimately can help enhance your quality of life with better sleep. Undisturbed nights will lead to more productive days that leave you feeling revived and refreshed after therapeutic massage and restful nights.

Relieve Restless Limbs with a Massage Chair (2025)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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